|| Don't Push Me to My Limit, Ice Prince

Rein's (POV)

Rein was inside his car, waiting for the gate to open. It's been 2 minutes since he arrived at their front gate and nobody opens it for him. He glanced at his watch and see that it's only 8:30 in the evening, but it seems everybody is already sleeping. He was about to get outside his car when his phone rang. It was her mother.

"Yes, Mother."

"Rein, we are not home. We are at your Grandma's place, even Miggy. She hosted the annual charity party in her place. We will be staying here and will leave early in the morning. Just take care of yourself first."

"Ok Mother. How about Mrs. Chan and the others?"

"They are also here. So technically, you are alone."

"Ok, I see. I'm fine being alone here. I can eat alone you know. Don't worry. Enjoy your stay there. Regards me to the others." Rein's monotonous reply.

"Or you could go here and join us. Miggy said your tomorrow's shift will be night." Mrs. Victoria insisted.

"No thank you, mother. Maybe I'll take some rest here. It would be a hassle for me to go there."

"Ohh! Why not stay with your girlfriend, so you could eat dinner together." then he heard giggles from the other line. "When can we meet her by the way?"

"I'm fine really. About that? I don't know when she can meet you. We're pretty busy. I'll let you know if we find the time."

"Did you really ask her?"

"Yeah. I already talk to her."


"Yeah." Rein is getting annoyed now. He rolled his eyes and slightly open his mouth because he cannot believe his mother. She is really excited about him getting into a romantic relationship.

"Ok honey. Take care. I have to go now. Good night! See you when I see you. I love you" The last sentence is a half meant joke. Because of his busy schedule, he rarely sees his family or even talks to them.

"Ok, mom. Me too. Good night. Bye." after ending the call. He let himself out of the car to open the gate. He sighed. Why is he suddenly felt that he regret going home?

After he parked the car. He immediately went to the kitchen to see what he could eat. He found nothing on the table. He opened the refrigerator hoping that he could find some decent food. Juice, water, apple, mayonnaise, miso paste, that's it. Nothing is in here. He rolled his eyes. Even the freezer is empty. He glanced at his watch, its quarter to 9:00 in the evening. His phone rang when he steps out of the kitchen, it was again his mother.

"Rein Honey, I forgot to tell you that there is no food in our house tonight. We decided to bring the food with us and donated all of it to this event. It would be best to eat out."

"Yeah. I thought you forgot to go to the grocery."

"Are you ok there honey? You want me to order food for you?"

"Nah. It's fine mom. I'll just eat outside."

"Call your girlfriend and eat out together."

"No. I think she's already sleeping."

"Alright. Please still eat dinner. Ok? Goodnight Rein."

"Ok mother. Enjoy. Thanks. Goodnight."

After ending the call, he remembered that he needs to call her since he said that he will give her a call. He looked for her number and pressed the call button.

"Hi. It's me."

"Yes. I know. Did you eat dinner yet?"

"Not yet. They went to my grandmother's place and they brought everything with them including eggs and frozen goods. I got apple and juice here, or maybe I'll just eat outside."

"Apple!? You could bring an apple here. In return, I will cook dinner for you."

"What? Seriously? Apple?"

"Yeah. Since you're eating outside. Why not just go here and bring that apple to me."

"Ok. Are you sure that's the only thing you want?"


"Ok. An apple it is."

"Anyway, what do you want to eat? I have pasta here."

"That's ok with me. I'll be there in 15 minutes."

"Ok. See you later!"

"You sound pretty excited. Miss me already?"

"You wish! I'm just excited about that apple."

"Yeah right. Be right there."

"Ok. Take care."

"I will." Rein secretly smiled. It's weird. He didn't use to feel happy talking to someone on the phone before. But awhile ago, he felt good about it. "It's really weird." He whispered to himself.

Rein open the refrigerator and get the apple before he headed out towards his car. He put the apple inside his sling bag and placed it on the passenger seat. Why is suddenly he felt now excited? Maybe it is because of the food. "Yeah, just because of the food," he said to himself.

Since there is no traffic, he arrived at her place after 10 minutes. He noticed the car. It is still there, but the man in the black suit already left. He pressed the doorbell, and in a minute, he saw the familiar face of his fellow doctor. She was wearing a hoddie gray jacket and a denim white shorts just 4 inches above her knee, he guessed.

"Hey, come inside. I already cooked our food."

Rein didn't respond. He followed the female doctor and when he got inside, he removed his shoes. He quickly runs his eyes throughout the house. This is the second time that he gets inside her house. But before, he didn't get a chance to see what's inside since he is holding Dr. Yoon; and his focus is to bring her inside her room without waking her up.

Based on the choice of furniture, girls definitely live here. Couches are white with lots of colorful squared pillows with different printed designs. The wall is white with lots of abstract paintings. On the side of the long couch, he saw a rattan sofa swing. Then a wood coffee table was placed in the center of a black and white carpet. Most of the things found in the room were in pastel colors and if not, are made of wood. Three wooden doors were seen on the left corner of the kitchen area. The leftmost is Dr. Michaelle's room. He knew that.

"We don't have extra indoor slippers for men. You could use your shoes inside." it was Michaelle who broke the silence.

"No, that would be unrespectful. I'll just walk in with my socks."

"Ok. You could put your shoes on the rack."

Rein did as he was told. He placed his shoes on the rack beside the white rubber shoes. He guessed it was Michaelle's.

"Where's Jin by the way?" He asked her.

"She still got an event. I guess she will not going home tonight. Maybe they were also preparing for the big event in Paris."

"Jin is a model?"

"Nope. She is a stylist. She owns a clothing shop and her friend Gerry who owns a modeling agency asked her to be his partner."

"Ahh... I see. You know I have a brother who's a model. He will also go to Paris, I think it will be next month. Maybe they are going to the same event."

"That's possible because Jin will be leaving for Paris next month," Michaelle replied without looking at him. She was walking towards the kitchen to prepare the table.

"I'll help you with that." He offered.

"No. You're my guest, so just sit and might as well enjoy the food."

"Ok. If that's what you wish little princess."

"I said forget about that. Or else I'll.."

"You what?"

"I'll bite you!"

"Maybe we could eat first. If I let you bite me at this time that you are hungry, I bet you could eat me alive."

Michaelle released a hard laugh. "Ok let's eat so afterward, I could bite you."

"Yeah right. If I will let you."


Michaelle's (POV)

After they ate dinner, the male doctor helps her wash the dishes. She was pretty amazed that this man is somehow domesticated like her father. She missed him. She wanted to visit him but she got no time. Maybe if she will learn how to drive, it would be easy for her to get there.

"You're quiet. Is there a problem?" Rein asked her.

"Nothing. I just remember my father. I wanted to see him but I have no time yet."

"Where is he?"

"He's in our province. It will take 4-5 hours in getting there. If I only know how to drive, travel time could only be 2 hours."

"You wanted me to teach you?"

Michaelle softly laugh. She placed all the dishes and utensils in their respective rack before she responds.

"You know you are good."

"Well, you're sending the signals. I just read it." Rein cooly replied.

"You want to watch TV?" Michaelle said, changing the topic. Then she walks towards the living room and sits on the couch. Dr. Rein followed her and sit beside her.

"Do you have any movies?" He said while he was getting something from his bag.

"Yeah. What do you want? Horror, romance, comedy, action, pick your choice."

"Comedy." Rein's short response. Then he grabbed Michaelle's hand and gave the apple that she had requested earlier.

"Ok. This one is my favorite."


"I'm pertaining to the movie, Dennis the Menace. Though this movie is really old."

"Yeah. But the apple?"

"I both equally love them. So I'll save it later." Then she put the apple on top of the coffee table.

Rein secretly smiled. "You're still a little princess inside." He said without looking at her.

"Pardon? You said I'm a what?"

"A little princess." He innocently said. Then in a few seconds, he felt Michaelle's arm around his shoulder."What?" he asked her. He looks at the fellow doctor, she was wearing a malicious grin. Then he remembered what she said a while ago 'Forget that or else..'

"Are you serious about that?" Rein replied, then he looked away from her. He focuses his eyes on the TV.

"Don't push me to my limit, ice prince."

"This is the second time that you called me, ice prince."

"Why not? You're cold as a block of ice," she replied.

"Fine, I'll let you call me Ice Prince if you let me call you little princess."


"Little princess, and I'll let you call me ice prince."

"Ok. Just let me do this." Michaelle pulls Dr. Rein's shoulder towards her face. She rolled up his sleeves and move her mouth to his upper arm. She was about to bite him when he felt his hand behind her neck. Then all of a sudden, she released a hard laughed and lie her body down the couch. Since she was still holding Dr. Rein's shoulder, his body was pulled on top of her. She stopped laughing when she noticed that his gaze is directly on her eyes. He looks serious. She could felt his breath because his mouth is just 2 inches above her face. She did not blink. She is holding her breath as if she was waiting for something to happen. She can feel her heart beating faster than usual. Then his face slowly moving down. 'Is he going to kiss me?' she said inside her mind. She slowly closed her eyes. She was very nervous. Then when she was ready to accept his lips, somebody opens the door.

"Sis? I'm home. I brought some food for us." It was Jin, her roommate.

In an instant, she pushed the male doctor away from her. Then she stands up to meet her best friend. But it's too late to hide what was almost about to happen. Jin already saw them. How she rose from the couch and pushed Dr. Rein who almost fell on the floor.

"I'm sorry. I will just go to my room and you may now continue what was interrupted." She said while wearing a malicious smile. "Goodluck to you two." she continued while closing the door of her bedroom.

There were about 2 minutes of silence and awkwardness felt in the living room. No one initiate to talk. They were looking away from each other, obviously, got both embarrassed about what had happened a while ago. Then suddenly, a beep from a clock was heard.

"It's already 10:00. Maybe I should go now so you could take a rest." it was the male doctor.

"Ok." she shortly replied. She stands up to escort her guest to their gate.

No one talks until they had reached the gate.

"Thank you for the food. I'll see you tomorrow." Dr. Rein's way of saying goodbye.

"No problem. Take care." Michaelle replied.

Dr. Rein turns his back around from Chaelle and slowly walks away as if he doesn't want to leave.

"Chaelle?" he softly said without looking back to the one he is talking to.


"Uhmmm." he paused for a while, "Nothing. Nevermind."

"Ok." Michaelle's short response. She doesn't want to talk either because she knows it will lead to what had happened earlier, and it is still awkward for her.

The male fellow doctor decided to go inside his car. He nodded to the female doctor who merely smiled back to him, and now he felt sad, disappointed about going back home.


The next day, Michaelle was in the common room where she reads MRI results of her patients when someone approached her.

"I heard the news." the woman said behind her back.

Without looking back, Michaelle replied, "About what?"

"About you and how you are related to Dr. Lee." the woman behind her replied.

"So? What's the point? You wanted to know if the gossip is true?" she coldly replied.

"Leave him alone. You cannot seduce him. He's not that type of man who will fall into your trap."

"Dr. Won, I believe you're just a fellow doctor to him? Why all of a sudden you're acting like his girlfriend?" Michaelle replied. She stands up to face the other female fellow doctor. "Jealous?"

"What? Me? Jealous of you? God! Will you stop on daydreaming!"

Michaelle released a short laugh. "So what's the point of telling me to stay away from Dr. Lee if you're not threatened or jealous of me? Do you like him? Oh, I think you like him. That fire in your eyes, I already saw that during our high school days. Then, something terrible happened to me and to Jeffrey Chen who you loved the most before." She smirked and then start walking away.

Dr. Janna Won grabbed her arm, still wearing that sharp-eye. Michaelle looks at her as if she pitied the other doctor, but that was full of sarcasm.

"I'm sorry if he doesn't love you back. But I cannot do anything about you being pathetic," she whispered, then she pulled her arm and walk outside the common room.

Dr. Won left in tears again. Clenching her fists on both sides. She was hurt and angry, but she couldn't do anything about this.


Michaelle was in the nurse station giving orders to the nurse staff when another person from her past approached her.

"Patient 1503, liver transplant from a living donor will start at 3:30 pm. The operation will take 10-12 hours depending on the complexity of the case. You will be assisting me, so prepare yourself." It was Dr. Jeffrey Chen. He left without hearing her response.

"Ok," she said to herself. The nurse looked at her. She just smiled and walk away without saying a word. "Yeah. I think I'll be staying at the hospital until 4 am."

"Why? Do you have an operation?"

"Yes. Liver transplant. I'll be assisting Dr. Chen."

"Why you?" the person in the other line was obviously annoyed.

"I don't know. That's what his instruction to me."

"Did it means he already chose you?"

"Maybe." she heard that he released a long sigh. "Why?"

"Nothing. I'll better talk to Dr. Kim and ask him myself."

"Ok. It is almost 3:00 I need to get ready."

"I'll see you later."

"Ok then. Bye." Michaelle also released a long sigh. If Dr. Lee is right, she will be working hand-in-hand with Dr. Jeffrey Chen, and that would be awkward for both of them. She remembers how he talked to her a while ago. He seems mad at her. She doesn't know. But she felt sad thinking that Dr. Chen will be supervising him and not Dr. Rein.

"What am I thinking? Of course, it would be at my advantage if Dr. Chen will be my mentor. He is more experienced than us." she took a deep breath before she headed towards the changing room.


She was now in the changing room but she's still thinking if Dr. Chen already chose her as his junior fellow. She really wanted to know, but she couldn't ask him. It could make a wrong impression. Clearing her mind, she went to the locker room to get her scrubs. The operation is not new to her, in fact, this would be her third case of a liver transplant. She already performed it before; twice in her former hospital, both were exhausting but at the same time fulfilling, especially both operations went great.

Dr. Chen was already sanitizing his arms and hands when she arrived inside the operating area. She nodded to the other doctor and started washing her hands. The other doctor weakly smiled at her before he left and went inside the operating room. In a few seconds, she followed him. It was 5 minutes before 3:30 pm, and the operation is about to start.


It was 12:00 o'clock in the morning, the deceased liver's blood supply was already been disconnected, ready to remove the connection with the bile ducts. A one-minute break was given to do some stretching. Michaelle raises her arms and bend her head to the side. That's the time that she noticed someone staring at her. The man is standing up on the observatory lounge, where you could see the ongoing operation. The wall is made of glass. The man smiled at her. He gestured a thumbs up as if asking her if she's ok. She smiled back. Although she is wearing a surgical mask, the smile was still obvious through her eyes. She nodded as a response to his question. When she turned her gaze down, she saw Dr. Jeffrey Chen looking at her. She cannot read what he was thinking of that time. Then she noticed that he glanced up.

"One-minute break is up. Let's continue." Dr. Jeffrey Chen said.

After the diseased liver was removed, the donor's liver was then placed in the body. Blood vessels and bile ducts are reattached.

"Dr. Yoon, please finish this." then the male doctor moves to give her way.

Michaelle used stitches and staples to close the surgical incision. When everything was in place, Dr. Chen instructed the team to take the patient to the intensive care unit to begin recovery.


The operation ended around 2:00 AM, one hour earlier than what they had expected. Dr. Chen left first, then followed by her.

Outside the OR, she saw Dr. Rein standing just 5 meters away from them, hands on his pocket. The male fellow doctor slightly bows when Dr. Chen passed by who quickly nods to him. When Michaelle reached his location, Dr. Rein grabbed her arms and pulled her away from Dr. Chen's direction.

"Hey." She called the male fellow doctor who is still holding her arms but didn't say a word to her. Dr. Rein looked at her without wearing any expression. "Would you just tell me-"

"In the garden." He replied without giving her the chance to finish her question. As if he could read her mind.

After a few minutes, she found herself seated on the bench, besides Dr. Rein. Her head is lying on his shoulder. She didn't know what happen. What she knew is she felt tired. Really tired, that she can't even lift her head from his shoulder.

"Sleepy?" He finally asked.

"Yeah. But I'm too tired to go home and sleep." She replied. She closed her eyes, but she's still awake.

"I already talked to Dr. Kim. I was right. He already chose you." there is a bit of disappointment in his tone.

"I see. By the way, why are you here with me? You're the night shift duty, you must be with the patients." she chuckled to release the tension.

"You look tired. So as your boyfriend, I should help you feel better."

Michaelle's heart beats faster than usual. She grabbed her chest to calm herself.

"Are you alright?" He worriedly asked her.

"Yeah, I'm fine. It's just the words you just said."

"What did I say? What's wrong with my words?" this time, she's aware that he is looking down at her.

"Bo-boy-" she was stuttering.

Rein released a hard laugh. Michaelle turns red. Then she felt hot when she felt his hands over her shoulder.

"Didn't we agreed to be in a relationship? I asked you to be my girlfriend. You said yes. So, I just fulfilling my duties to you." He explained. He smiled.

"I don't know what to say. Actually I don't know how to react. I don't even know how to be a girlfriend to someone."

"I don't know either. That's why we're here. We could learn from each other. I bet you're thinking that what we agreed on was just for show. But I think it wouldn't be successful if we were not comfortable with each other. It would be awkward to show some romantic gestures to my parents if we were not used to doing it." Dr. Rein replied.

'Yeah. That's right Chaelle. This is for his father.' she thought. "I think you have a point there."

"So first, we could hold hands, I think? Except if we are at work. I could drive you to your home, eat with you, go out with you. What else?"

"I think that's all for this month." She nervously said.

Dr. Rein released a hard laugh. "You're cute."

"What? I'm c-cute?!"

"You're unique, adorable and very innocent." He said without looking at her.

"Is that a compliment?"

"What do you think?"

"I don't know. Maybe it depends on how you use it."

"Yeah. By the way, when will I teach you?"

"Teach me? How to drive?" She innocently asked.

"Of course, what else should I teach you?" He maliciously responds.

"No-nothing. Of course, that's what I'm talking about."

"If that's what you said. I guessed I have to go back. You could sleep in my office. My shift will end in 3 hours. I'll bring you home."

"Ok." She shortly said. It was then followed by a yawn. She was so sleepy.

"Can you walk? Or I'll just lift you up and bring you to my office?"

"No!" she quickly stands up. "I'm fine. I could even run." when she was about to run, her legs suddenly become weak and she almost fell on the floor. Luckily, Dr. Rein was quick enough to catch her. With their position, her head was on his chest, while one of his arms was tightly wrapped on her waist while the other is right at her back, they seem like hugging each other.

"I guess we could do this." Dr. Rein whispered to her left ear which makes her froze.

"It couldn't harm anybody, so I guess we could." Then she drifted into a deep and peaceful sleep.


It was 9:00 am in the morning when they started the driving lesson. Chaelle is a very good student. She was able to do everything that he taught her. Maybe in terms of parking the car, she needs more practice. But overall, she just needs minimal supervision.

"Ok, you're done for today. We could do this again on Sunday." He said.

"Thank you Laoshi! (Teacher)"

"Anytime. By the way, there will be a celebration party for Kang Soo and Migs tomorrow night. Are you coming?"

"I think I'll come. How about you?"

Rein was wearing a disappointed look when he heard Michaelle's response. "I guess I need to come."

"I didn't force you to come."

"Yeah, I know. But the venue will be at the bar three blocks away from the hospital."


"I don't think I will let you go there alone."

"I will not be alone. I'm with the other doctors."

"That's why I want to go with you. They can't protect you when they were already wasted."

Michaelle softly chuckled. "I can protect myself."

"I know, but I think as your boyfriend, it is my duty to protect you."

Michaelle didn't know how to react. Everything is happening so fast. Before, the male doctor was so cold and aloof to her, but now, he's been nice and sweet. As if he is really in love with her. 'No! It can't be. This guy is a cold-hearted man. He can't love anyone.' she said to herself. She released a soft laugh which made the male doctor's eyebrow furrow.

"I bet you're thinking now that I'm going crazy." Michaelle finally speaks after a few minutes of contemplating.

"No, I didn't. Actually, I already knew it from the start."

"Very funny."

"Thanks. But I'm serious about it."

"You know you're the one who's crazy."

"I already knew that also." Dr. Rein's plain response.

"That's why we get along."

"I know."

Then they both laughed at their craziness.