|| She Looks Cute but I Think She's Pretty Strong

"So, Dr. Chen took my shift?" She almost shouts the question. They were now on the road near the ocean. Since Rein took down the roof of his car, they can easily feel the breeze of the cold ocean air.

"Yeah." He chuckled. "As his junior fellow, he's responsible in any of your work-related matters."

"Well, we must at least thank him for choosing me as his junior fellow."

"Maybe just for today. I would be gladder if he chose Dr. Won. Because if that's the case, that means you will be mine."

"Eh?" Michaelle's cheeks turned crimson red. The words "means you will be mine" makes her heart flutters.

"It's Dr. Chen's fault why we cannot work hand-in-hand." He said, then reached for her left hand.

"At least you could hold my hands." Michaelle jokingly response.

"Well, one of my perks as your boyfriend."

"Yeah. I think so."

"You think so huh?" He looked at her direction and smiled. "Are you happy?"

"Really happy." She smiled back. "Thank you, Ice Prince."

"For you princess. Anything. Anytime."


"Good afternoon Dr. Won. Did you eat already?" Dr. Kang Soo cheerfully greeted the female doctor.

"Did you see Dr. Rein?" She asked the resident doctor without giving an answer to his earlier question.

"He left the hospital early. Dr. Migs told us that he had an emergency. Why?"

"Nothing. Dr. Yoon is the mid-shift doctor right?"

"Yes. But Dr. Chen fills in her duty. She's not feeling well today."

"What a coincidence." She annoyingly uttered.

"Are you saying that they might be together?" Dr. Kang soo curiously asked Dr. Won.

Dr. Won didn't answer. She just rolls her eyes and stomped angrily out of the nurse station.

"What happened Dr. Kang soo? Why is Dr. Won fumingly left?" Nina asked Dr. Kang soo.

"I don't know. I just asked her if she was suggesting that maybe, Dr. Lee and Dr. Yoon are with each other at this moment."

"Ohhh. Love pyramid it is. She's jealous."

"If she will just look around her; she will never feel devastated by Dr. Lee being in love with Dr. Yoon." He casually uttered.

"Really? You think Dr. Lee is now in love with Dr. Yoon!?" Nina excitedly yelled, obviously didn't get the message of Dr. Kang soo's words.

The male resident doctor released a long sigh before he left the nurse who is currently daydreaming about Dr. Lee and Dr. Yoon's love story.


"Come here, Rein!" Chaelle shouted to the male doctor who is a few meters away from her. "Look at these baby hermit crab. They really look cute!"

Rein didn't respond. He smilingly observes the female doctor. The tough young doctor that he used to hate. He remembers the time that they first met. She was really different back then. From how he knew her, you will never think that Dr. Yoon has a soft spot in her heart. Actually, more than a soft spot. Now, you may actually compare her to a kid. An innocent kid that simple things could really make her happy.

"Ice prince hurry up! You may miss your chance to see them crawling. They already hiding from me." she smiles and then kneeled down.

"Stop yelling if you don't want them to be scared by you." he finally response when he reached her location.

"O-k. Hmph!" She jokingly muttered. She touched the shell of one of the hermit crabs, and instantly, it hides inside its shell.

"You want to get one?" He suddenly asked her.

Michaelle shook her head. "No. It will surely get sad if I'll separate it from his friends and from his home." She stands up and held Rein's hand. "Let's walk along the beach." She smiled genuinely to him.

They walk hand-in-hand by the beach. Rein holding his shoes with his left hand while holding Chaelle's left hand with his right. "I told you to leave your shoes in your car."

"I didn't think I'll be walking barefoot like you."

"What the sense of going to the beach, if you will not try to feel the sand by your feet."

"Well, I'm not fond of going here."

"Well then, the beach has a calming effect on me." She paused and look at the vast ocean. "I used to play in the beach near our home. Every time I get lonely and sad, the beach hear me out. I used to shout the pain and things that hurt me here." She weakly smiled at him. "How about you Ice prince? What's your comfort place?"

Rein didn't respond right away. Instead, he asked her the question that he's been holding on since he saw her on the end deck of the cruise ship.

"On that night, the night that we first kiss, I saw Dr. Jeffrey on the deck behind you." He paused to see how would she react. He's right. There's something going on between them because Michaelle's facial expression turned worried. "I will not force you to answer me. But I really wanted to ask you this." He released a long sigh. "Did you know him personally?"

"I guess you have the right to know." She paused to look again at the ocean before she continues. "Well, he is part of my dark past. Maybe that's the only thing that I could tell you for now."

She looked down to hide her emotion.

"It's ok. At least I'm aware." He tried to smile but it turned out to be an awkward laugh.

"Don't worry. What happened in the past will remain in the past."


"I didn't know that you're already here mom."

"I wanted to surprise you, Jeffrey."

"Well, you succeeded." He put the hot tea in front of her mother before he sits beside her.

"I talked to KC the other day. When are you planning to tell me about your plans for your wedding huh? Jeffrey, I'm your mother. I think I also have the right to know about this. It is a serious matter you know." There is a hint of disappointment and sadness in her tone.

"Mom." He leaned down to her shoulder. "Everything is not yet final. And besides, I wanted to surprise you. But since KC sold me out, maybe we could talk about this some other day. I'm currently working now a mom."

"Alright. Anyway, do you have news about her?"

"Nothing. Please don't make any move mother. Leave it to me." He seriously uttered.

"Alright. Just give me any lead, even if it's simple as she's alive."

"Yes, mother."

"Ok. I'll be leaving now. I have to attend the director's meeting."

"Good luck mother. I bet it would be boring."

"I bet too!" then they both laugh.


"You like going here?" She asked Dr. Rein. They were now back in the city. Strolling inside a mall.

"Sometimes. When I have to go to my comfort place." He casually answered back

"Really? So your comfort place is this mall?"

Rein released a hard laugh. "No. Of course not. Idiot."

"Idiot?! That's the second time that you called me an idiot." She pouted her lips as if she was offended and hurt.

Rein wrapped his arms around her shoulder while laughing really hard. "When was the first time that I called you idiot? You really good on counting huh?"

"I can't remember, but I know that this is not the first time!"

"You're really cute you know." He pinched her cheeks before he kissed the side of her forehead. "It's one way of showing my-" He paused. He was assessing his words.

"Of what?"

"Nothing. I don't know."

"What? You're calling me an idiot for no reason?"

"Of course I have a reason. But.."


"I just don't know how to put it into words."


"Forget it ok?" then he released Chaelle's shoulder and walk away from her.

"Now you are mad. What's happening to you? Do you have your monthly period today?"

"Stop that ok. That's not funny."

"Alright. Moody woody."

They end up entering an arcade center which is inside the mall. Rein get a gaming card from his wallet and reach it over the counter. When the personnel of the arcade center gave it back to him, he immediately goes to a gaming machine that tag as 'King of the hammer'. She followed Rein and stood behind him. He's still ignoring her presence when he grabbed the hammer and strongly hit the center button, his target. It pressed down and reflects a score of 917. The highest score.

"You see that?" He finally talked to her.

Michaelle smirked. She grabbed the card from him, swipe it and gave it back to Rein. Then the next moment, she was holding the hammer, ready to hit the button. With the blink of an eye, she strongly hit the target. Rein slowly look up to see that the registered score is way higher than his score.

"Wow! It's the new high score!" one of the kids yelled.

"She's really strong then." another kid muttered.

"Let's go." Rein grabbed her hand to move away from the crowd of people that is started to build up.

"I didn't see my score yet." Michaelle was hesitant about leaving the area.

"No need. The machine is broken. Luckily, we could play other games. Like this. Tekken."

"Is this your favorite?" Michaelle curiously asked him.

"Sort of."

"How do you play this?"

"Take a seat first and then I'll teach you."

"Alright. I'm excited to fight you. I bet I'll win again." She excitedly uttered.

"You wish." He paused to swipe the card twice. "This thing is the joystick," he said while demonstrating how it works. "This thing will help you control the direction of your character. You could move it up, down, left and right. Got it?"

Michaelle nodded. "Yep. Got it."

"These buttons will identify your moves. For example, this one, when you press it, your character will move his hand to hit his opponent. The second button is for his legs. Then other buttons could be used to do some combo attacks."

"Ohhh... That looks simple. But I think it's quite complicated."

"Let's try to find it out. Chose your character. Then push this button."

"Ok. I think I'll try this lady. Lili. She looks cute but I think she's pretty strong."

"Like you?" He chuckled because the female doctor blushed.

"Chose your character now." She uttered by changing the topic.

"Alright, Lili." Rein chose Jin Kazama.

"Pretty cool. Let the battle begins!"

At first battle, Jin Kazama won. Then when Michaelle learned the right blend of Lili's move, She finally won on the second round.

"Ok, we're tie. Want to bet?" Michaelle challenging Rein.


"If I won. You will do one favor for me."

"and if I won?"

"You could ask anything you want."

"Not a bad deal. Ok. Deal." Rein smirked. This is getting exciting.

At the start of the battle, Lili, the character of Michaelle was on lead. Almost haft of Jin's life was taken. It was just one final blow then the end will be in favor of Michaelle. But then a lady holding big stuffed penguin passed by. The stuffed toy caught her attention which leads to losing her focus on the game.

"I won!" Dr. Rein yelled.

Michaelle pouted. "Alright. Let's eat dinner then you could claim your prize later."

Rein grabbed her hand and pulled her over a claw machine. Without uttering a word, he swipes his card and started moving the joystick. He was aiming for the big stuffed Penguin.

Michaelle shockingly looked at him. She has no idea that he noticed what happened earlier. Still shocked, the man beside her pushed a big stuffed penguin on her chest.

"I know you want it."

"I don't know what to say." She looked down and smiled while hugging the big stuffed toy.

"At least thank me." He casually replies.

Michaelle grabs his arms and tightly hugged it. "Thank you, Ice prince!"

"I'm happy to make you smile. You're welcome, princess. Anything. Anytime."

"Thank you. I didn't imagine that I could enjoy a day with you."

Dr. Rein looked away to hide his embarrassment. He could feel that his face is turning red.

"That's ok Ice prince. You know it's normal to blush." She chuckled.

"Shut up. I'm not blushing."

"Yeah right. I'm hungry. Let's eat now!"


"Are you sure that's the only thing you wanted to eat?" Rein making sure of her decision.

"Yeah. I miss eating ramyun with beer. For me, they are the right combination."

"Alright. Where do you want to eat?"

"Uhmm. Anywhere you like." She casually replies. "Oh, plus I want bungeobbang! (a sweet red bean pastry prepared with a waffle mold shaped like a fish)" She excitedly added.

"Samanco ice cream?"



After buying their food, they headed back to Rein's car.

"Alright. All is settled. Let's think about where to eat." Rein finally gets back to himself. He's been quiet for a while.

"Do you have in your mind?" She asked him.

"Uhmm. Maybe it would not bad if we will go back there."

"Where? Beach?"

"No. Just sit back and relax. You want to put down the roof?"

"Hell yeah!"

"Maybe we should continue your driving lesson so you could also drive your own car. You know, it's cool but you only put her inside your garage. She will feel lonely."

"The car? What?"

Rein released a hard laugh. "I'm kinda weird you know. I have a habit of naming my gadgets and cars."

"So this car has a name?"


"Is this she or he?"


"So what's her name?" Michaelle curiously asked Rein.

"It's a secret."

"What? Her name is secret?"

"Yeah, no!" He chuckled. "Ok. Her name is Clara."

"Ohh. Clara seems a common name. You know I met a lady named Clara and she's really beautiful."

"So as she." He sadly said.

"Your car?" Michaelle innocently asked back.

"Yeah." there's a hint of sadness in his voice.

The next moment was filled with silence and awkwardness. Michaelle can felt that there's something bothering the male doctor but she was afraid to ask him.


"Do you mind if I join you?" He asked her.

Dr. Won didn't say a word. The intruder of her 'me time' put his tray on the table and seat across her.

"Why are you eating alone?" he paused. "After this, are you going home?" he continues after taking a bite

Still, no response from her.

"I guessed I am not welcome to seat with you." he was about to stand up when the female doctor holds his wrist as if preventing him from leaving.

"I'm sorry. I'm just not in the mood to talk." she finally said.

Dr. Kang soo again take the seat and looked at the female doctor.

"Dr. Won." he waits for her to look back before he continued, "You don't deserve to be treated like this. You don't deserve to feel devastated."

A tear was slowly fell from her right eye. She immediately wipes it out with her palm and then looked down.

Dr. Kang soo reached for her chin and lift it up "Try looking for other things that could make you happy. There's a lot of people who wish you happy. There's a lot of us who wanted you to stop being sad."

Dr. Won was shocked by what she heard. What does Dr. Kang Soo mean by his words?


"Hi, sis! I just wanted to tell you that I might be staying here until morning."

"Alright, Jin. Not a problem. I know you're busy with the upcoming Paris thing." Michaelle said over the phone.

"Thank you friend for understanding me. Are you home now?"

"Nope. I'll be eating dinner outside."

"With Dr. Lee?" She giggled. "Ms. Jin, please assist Ivan. I need to see Jenny first." Chaelle heard from the other line.

"I guess you need to go."

"Yeah. The brat needs my attention."

Michaelle chuckled. "Alright, Jinny. Enjoy and good luck!"

"Thanks, sissy! See you when I see you! Bye-bye!"

"Bye-bye Jinny!"

Jin smiled after ending the call. She's really happy having her best friend by her side. Since she also has a busy life, she understands her really well.

Right. A male model is waiting for her so she should stop being emotional now. She is working and no time should be wasted. She approached a tall man with hair dyed with gold looking directly at her. He is half smiling as if intentionally smirking to make himself look more attractive and cute. However, Jin never swayed by just physical appearance.

"You're Ivan right?"

"Yeah." He smiled at her. But he didn't get any response.

Jin gets a blue coat and started dressing him as a professional should do. She gets a bow tie and carefully ties it around his neck.

"Ok, you're done."

"Thanks. You're quick." He again smiled. A smile that could melt every girl's heart.

In return, Jin gave a quick smile and left. When the distance between him was enough, he gets his friend's attention. "Jorge, who is that lady?"

"Who?" his friend Jorge curiously asked back and quickly look to where Ivan is eyeing.

"The lady that dressed me up?" Ivan replied.

"Ohh. Miss Park. She is Boss' friend. She owns the clothes that we're wearing."

"Ohh. She's not as simple as I thought."

"Don't mess up with her. She's not the type of girl that you could play with"

"I don't have plans of messing up with her. But I can't deny that she's interesting." He smirked.

His friend shook his head in disbelief.


"Jin is not going home?"

"Yeah. She's pretty busy with work."

"I see. By the way, we're here now." Rein casually said then he alighted from the car.

Michaelle followed him. "The football field?"

"Let's see who will win this time. The winner gets a prize." then he immediately run towards the center.

"Hey! You didn't count!" then she followed the male doctor.

Dr. Rein expectedly reached the center first. He was still laughing while lying down like a kid.

"You!" She's irritated by the fact that she lost again.

He seated on the ground and started getting out their food from the paper bag. Still laughing, he digs in a fork of ramyun and reached for Michaelle's mouth. "You're being grumpy! I think you should eat now."

Without hesitation, Michaelle eats the noodle that Dr. Rein feeds her.

Then he opened a can of beer and offer it to Chaelle.

"You're being nice to me. Are you now guilty for being a cheater?" She pouted while taking the seat across the male doctor.

Dr. Rein was smiling while shaking his head.

In the next few minutes, both were quiet since they're busy eating their food.

It was Michaelle who break the silence. "Crap!"

"Why?" Rein asked her.

"I forgot to eat the ice cream first. Now I bet it's already melted." then she quickly opens the paper bag to get her Samanco. "Yeah. I'm right." but still took a bite.

Because it's already been melted, some were spread in the corner of her lip.

"You have ice cream in the corner of your lips." Rein pointed to the left corner of his lips.

"What? Where?"

Rein didn't reply. Instead, he gets his handkerchief from his pocket and wipes the mess from Michaelle's lips.

Michaelle shyly looked down. She didn't know how to react.

"Well, you are welcome, messy lady." He smiled.

"T-Thank you." she was stuttering because of the awkwardness between them. "I guess I'm done with this." Then she put down the ice cream inside the paper bag.

"You don't want to finish up your ice cream?" Dr. Rein surprisingly asked her.

"Well, it's too sweet for my teeth. By the way, does your family knew that you're with me?" Michaelle asked to change the topic and ease the tension.

"Yeah. I said I'm with my girlfriend." which she eventually regretted asking him because it didn't wash off the embarrassment, but instead make it worse.

When she didn't answer back. Dr. Rein stand up and offer his hand to her. "Maybe we should go now to your place. It's going late."

Michaelle accepts his hand and stands up. Because her knees were trembling from nervousness, she got out of balance. Luckily, Dr. Rein was quick to catch her.

"Ohh... Care-" He paused. "Ful." Their face was just an inch away and they're like hugging now.

"I'm sorry if-"

"You didn't mind if I'll get my prize now?" he said without letting her finish.

Michaelle nodded while still staring directly at the two brown orbs owned by the male doctor.

Slowly, the two orbs close as the gap between their lips decreases. Then in a few moments, she felt the softness of Dr. Rein's lips. She closed her eyes to enjoy the moment. She remembers the last night's. It was the same feeling. She was like floating in the air. It felt wonderful. It felt right.

Every brush of their lips sends an electric current down to her spine. Her body trembles; her knee needs support. It felt like jelly, without a frame. Without a bone. Then she felt his embrace tightens as if he knows what's happening to her body. Still, he didn't stop. He deepened the kiss. Asking for more. Michaelle eventually opens her mouth and welcomes his tongue. As if dancing inside her mouth, his tongue reaches out for her.

He bites her lower lip as ending their kiss. "I didn't imagine that I can enjoy spending a day with you." He smiled while giving her a quick kiss to her lips.

"Me too."

"I'll get my other prize some other day. For now, we should go now and take some rest."

"Ok. Thank you Ice prince."

"No problem Princess. Anytime. Anywhere."