|| Oh, You Remember My Name

"You look handsome on the stage Dr. Migs!" Nina said after they had seen the video of their presentation during the GS Scientific Assembly.

"Look at me in this." Dr. Kang Soo said while looking for the video clip of his own presentation. "I look smart in here. I perfectly answered back the question of one of the senior doctors there." He proudly said to his colleagues.

"How about the time that one of the best doctors in Australia commended us." Dr. Migs said. While scanning the other video clips. "Wait a minute. What is this? I don't remember this clip." He said. "Oh shit!" He shockingly yelled. He almost loses grip on his camera.

"What's that?" Nina curiously asked him.

"Nothing. Just-" But Nina already got the camera. "No! Wait! Give it back to me Nina!" His voice is panicking.

"Oh my God!" Nina yelled. Her mouth was still open when the other doctors and nurses came near her to see what was on the clip.

"So, Dr. Lee and Dr. Yoon. They are really together." it was the chief resident.

"They're cute together. I didn't know that the cold-hearted doctor is sweet inside. Ohh...I am officially part of Reinelle fans club!" Cherry, one of the staff nurses.

"Yeah! Happy to welcome you to the club!" Nina said while hugging the other nurse.

"I want to join the club!" it was the chief resident doctor.

"Are you serious about that chief?" Cherry asked him.

"Of course! I love their love team." Dr. Sue, the chief resident, almost cried.

"Hey. Give me back my video camera. Ahia will gonna kill me if he found out about this." Dr. Migs said. He was still in panic.

"You're a killjoy, Dr. Migs. Can't you see? We still want to review it. Let's start it over again when the time that Dr. Lee went near to Dr. Yoon. Then he covers her with the blanket. He stared at her as if he was madly in love and then kissed her at the forehead. Oh my god! I can't believe it!" Nina almost cried.

"I can't believe it also! You just told us what was in the video clip." The chief irritatedly said.

"Hey, guys. Go back to work. They were coming." it was Dr. Kang Soo.

While everybody was pretending to be busy with their work, Dr. Migs immediately retrieved his video camera and hide it. In their peripheral view, they could see the two couples furtively making sweet gestures to each other. When the two doctors finally reached the nurse station. Everybody secretly looking and giggling with each other.

"Patient of 1511. Can I have the chart please?" it was Dr. Yoon. Nina gives it right away.

"Here pretty Dr. Yoon." Nina smilingly said.

"Ohh. You don't have to say that. But thanks anyway." Michaelle smiled back. She obviously turned red.

"Chaelle. Maybe I'll go with you." Dr. Rein said to her. His chin was resting over his left hand.

"No. Do it yourself. I don't like you to come around me. Besides, you're not my immediate superior. Also, call me Dr. Yoon. We are in the hospital." Michaelle seriously said.

"Alright. I'll go ahead. Don't forget about the dinner." then he looked at his brother. "Dr. Migs, mom expected us to be early as 6:00 in the evening. Don't be late." Dr. Rein said he then left to do his ward rounds.

"Ok Dr. Lee!" Dr. Migs bubbly respond.

"See you at dinner, Miggy." Michaelle smilingly said before she left the nurse station.

People in the nurse station looked at each other.

"Omg! Meeting the parents?!" Cherry almost yelled while shaking Dr. Migs's shoulder.

"Dr. Migs you're so lucky to witness that!" Nina excitedly said.

"Will you all be quiet? We might get another disciplinary action if you don't stop yelling." it was Dr. Kang Soo.

"Alright. We're sorry." Nina and Cherry said in chorus.

"Alright. Alright, all. Go back to work." It was the chief resident doctor.


"Rein, I'm on my way to the supermarket."

"I'll be at your house at around 5:30 pm."

"Yeah. I need to buy something for your family. Any suggestions?"

"You don't have to do that princess. It would still fine if you couldn't bring anything."

" No. I insist. It's really ok."

"Alright. If that's what you really want."

"I'll see you at 5:30. Ok?"

"Alright. Bye, princess."

"Bye ice prince."

After she ended the call, she headed now to the supermarket to see what is the best thing to bring for Rein's family.

"I remember Rein told me that his father is sick. Maybe I'll bring a basket of fruits. That's right. Uhmm. How about the others?" she whispered to herself while pushing the pushcart. She is drowning in, thinking of what other food she may bring to them. "They were five siblings. So in total, they are 7."

"That was close." it was coming from a voice in front of her. The guy was holding the cart that she was pushing.

"Ohh. I'm sorry and thank-" She was surprised. Is it a work of God? They met again accidentally.

"You almost bump on these vegetable racks. You look like lost to something." Henry smiled at her. "By the way, this is the third."

Michaelle smiled at him. "Yeah, and thank you for saving the vegetable racks." she jokingly said.

"Are you alone?" Henry smilingly asked her.

"Yes. Just buying some fruits and.." while talking to him, he saw a poster of mooncake. "-and mooncake I think. That's right. I almost forgot it is almost, Mid-Autumn Festival." She weakly smiled at him. "How about you?"

"Me? I'm also alone. Mother got me some errands. We got a guest so they were pretty busy at home. I need to buy some of the forgotten ingredients." His long respond.

"Oh, I see."

"Yes. What do I need to buy?" Henry was looking at the long grocery list. "Ohh. Wine right. I hate to say goodbye but I need to buy lots of things. Maybe if God permitted me to see you again, let's grab some coffee or tea if you like?"

"Ohh. That would be fine with me. Ok. Good luck with buying lots of stuff. It was nice to see you again. Bye Henry."

"Oh, you remember my name." Henry chuckled. "It was nice to see you Michaelle. Bye!"

When they separated ways, Michaelle immediately went to the mooncake stand. She chose the most special and expensive mooncake which is placed in a classy red box tied with a golden ribbon. Then, she moved to the fruit stand and bought a basket of red apples. 'I think these would be ok.' she uttered in her mind.


Michaelle is waiting for her boyfriend outside their gate. She was holding the basket of red apples in her left hand while the box of special mooncake was in her right. She is wearing a flesh-colored flowy dress with short sleeves, which she chose to pair with 3-inches nude sandals.

"Hi." a voice from a metallic gray Audi A5 Sport Cabriolet. Michaelle was surprised that it came from his boyfriend. She was expecting a white Audi R6. Rein went out to help her with the basket of apples and mooncake which he placed in the backseat. He opened the door for her and when they got inside, he helps her with the seatbelt. She can't help herself not to smell his scent. The usual warm, sophisticated, inviting but yet hypermasculine.

"Enjoying my scent?" He asked after he fixed the seatbelts.

Michaelle shyly smiled.

"You're tempting too. I wanted to kiss you, but I might mess up your lipstick." He moves forward to her and instead, kissed her forehead. "There. I miss you already." He said while his gazed were fixed on her.

She holds his right hand and lightly pressed it. "I love you."

"I love you too." He smiled genuinely. "As much as I wanted to be with you alone, my parents and siblings are waiting for us."

"Me too." She smiled.

Michaelle was very nervous. She is not confident if his family will gonna like her. She gasped when her boyfriend grabs her hand.

"Don't worry too much. They will going to like you. Trust me." He smiled at her as if it was an assurance.

"Thank you, Ice prince."


They entered an exclusive village. Most of the houses were extravagant. 'Seriously? Is this where he lives?' she asked herself. Then after a few blocks, they entered another gate. The place is like another village except that this place is part of their home. The ground is almost covered with garden grasses. There were lots of plants that were bloomed with different flowers and trees that were symmetrically planted. A man-made river with a long bridge in the middle also caught her eye. Fountains were also present.

"Is this your house? Or your clan's village?" she jokingly asked him.

He chuckled. "This is their house. Not mine." He corrected her.

"Honestly, I don't like to live in a place like this. It looks so extravagant. I am not suitable for this kind of place. I rather live in a simple home near the ocean. I'll get a dog so I could play with him in the water. That would be a nice day-to-day experience." She said while daydreaming her ideal home.

"I'm not surprised to learn that."

"Yeah. Since you already know that ocean always calms me."

"Yeah. You really became calm to the point that you forget how to act like an adult." He released a soft laugh upon reminiscing how his girlfriend runs along the beach. "By the way, we're already here."

"Right." She replied nervously.

"I told you not to worry. Relax. I am with you." He hugged his girlfriend to calm her. "Tonight, I will be your Ocean."

"Ok. Ocean prince."

"I think, I'd rather be the Ice prince."

Then they both laughed.


"Good evening Young Master Rein. They were all waiting for you at the Main Dining Room." a young maid greeted them.

"Thanks." He smiled and guided Michaelle to an extremely exquisite Marmol staircase.

The second floor is like the duplicate floor on the ground floor. Same with the floor earlier, she noticed two sets of receiving areas and lots of small tables on the side of the walls. Paintings hanging on top. The only difference is that this floor has lots of doors.

"The main dining room is at the end of this hall." He said while still holding her left hand. The maid that greeted them on the ground floor is walking behind them. She is holding the basket of red apples and the box of mooncakes. Another female servant was standing in front of a two-door entrance of what they called the main dining room. She opened the door for them.

When they get inside, she was amazed by the modernized victorian dining room where a man in a wheelchair is seated in the middle of a long dining table. On his right side, an elegant woman dressed in red, his wife, is smilingly talking to the other boys. She recognized Dr. Migs who is on the end side of the table.

The maid made an excuse to inform Rein's family that they already here. All of them looked at their direction. Michaelle immediately takes a bow and greeted them.

"Good evening. It was a pleasure to be with you tonight." She said while bowing her head. Then after she lifts up her head, she saw Rein's mother walking towards them.

"Hi, Chaelle! I'm so happy to see you again. You look so stunning. Please take a seat. We prepared the best food for you." Mrs. Victoria Lee said while giving her a peck of a kiss on the cheek. She even lightly hugged her. "Rein, please guide your lovely girlfriend to her seat," she commanded her son.

"I think she already likes you." Rein whispered.

"We already met in the hospital. She personally gave me the invitation to her party." She explained.

"I see. You being a doctor is a plus point."

"Maybe," she whispered back.

Rein assisted her in her seat. She was seated next to Rein. On her left, a young man with golden hair is smilingly looking at her. He looks like an idol. Maybe he was the actor/model brother. In front of her is Dr. Migs who greeted her. "Achi!". Beside Dr. Migs is a serious but handsome guy. He was in between Dr. Migs and their mother. She believes he is the lawyer. He smiled weakly at her. On the left of their father, in front of her mother was a guy with shoulder-length hair that she couldn't see the face. He didn't talk or greeted her. Maybe he is the eldest sibling, the businessman. She heard that he is already engaged.

"Mom, maybe we should start eating now. Achi could talk to us while enjoying our food." it was Migs. He must be hungry.

"Alright, everybody, Miggy is in a hurry. Maybe we could start on the appetizer." after she said that, three female attendants enter the dining room. They brought plates of tuna dressed with foie gras terrine and green apple, together with a refreshing cold almond soup as their appetizer. It was like 'Whoa! Are they eating out in a 5-star hotel? The presentation is good, so as the taste. It was so delicious'. She uttered inside her mind.

"I hope mom, we can have a guest every day." it was the actor brother.

"Ivan, please." the lawyer restrained him.

"What's wrong with what I said?" Ivan, the guy with golden hair annoyingly asked his brother.

"Will you stop being like a child." it was the guy in front of their mother.

Michaelle was quite surprised. The voice of the eldest is familiar to her.

"Kids, maybe we should enjoy the food and refrain from talking nonsense." Mrs. Victoria calmly said. She was eating smilingly while feeding her husband beside her. Michaelle was very pleased with what she is seeing, she remembered her father. If, only that woman, her...she was stuck from saying the word. She can't even get the will to say the word that she'd been long buried from the past.

"Are you ok?" it was her boyfriend.

"Ye-yes I'm fine."

"Tell me if you're not comfortable with anything. Alright?"

Michaelle just nodded.

After finishing the appetizer, as their main Entreé, Braised Beef Oxtail in red wine, served with homemade pasta, lemon preserved olives, mushroom, heirloom tomato sauce. The beef oxtail is very tender. It was obvious that the meat was slow-cooked. As for their dessert, an apple mousse and sorbet was served, which gave her a refreshing feeling.

"Rein told me that you love apple. So I personally made it for you." Mrs. Victoria smilingly said.

"Ohh. Thank you, mam. I'm so flattered about that." Michaelle sincerely said.

"You can call me Auntie, or perhaps Mom." she chuckled. Everybody was in great shocked, including the couple. "I hope you enjoyed the food." Mrs. Victoria continued.

"Uhmm. The food. It was great. The quality is like those served at a five-star hotel." She smilingly said. She was releasing some tension. Rein grab her right hand and lightly press it.

"Mrs. Chan will be happy to hear that."

Michaelle just smiled. Miggy told her that Mrs. Chan was their main cook, the best in this country and she can't argue on that.


After eating dinner, they transferred to a modernized living room. A big piano was very noticeable. It was located near the door going to the balcony.

She was seated on a long couch, Rein is on her right side, reading a medical case study. While seating sideways on her left, Mrs. Victoria is very fond of talking to her. Miggy and Ivan are in front of them, while the two other sons, the eldest and Franco, the lawyer, were drinking wine in the balcony. She doesn't get a chance to see and talk to the eldest yet.

"Please understand that our Rein sometimes tends to overworked himself even if he was at home." Then she gave a sharp eye to his son.

"Mom." He smirked.

"That's fine with me Auntie. I understand him. He's lucky that I am also a doctor." She jokingly said.

"Yeah. You're right. Like my husband." then she smiled at him, seating in a wheelchair beside her.

"That's why we chose each other." Rein's cool reply.

"By the way Achi, how did you end up liking Rein." it was Ivan. He is teasing his brother.

"Well, about that. Actually, we were enemies. You know your brother tends to be competitive and a rule-abiding doctor. We kinda crushed with each other. You know pride, ego, and then there was this case that I need to prove-" she was cut by sudden words from her boyfriend.

"They don't need to know the details. We were enemies or rather competitors. We got a bet. I lose. Got attracted to her. I asked her for a date. And then everything follows." Rein plainly said.

"Wow! That's the most boring love story that I had ever heard!" it was again Ivan.

"Shut up Ivan." Rein cooly said to his brother.

"By the way Ivan, I heard you're going to Paris next week. My best friend Jin is also going to the same event." Michaelle said to Ivan.

"Oh, really Achi? Is she a model too?"

"Nope. But she dresses up models like you."

"Ohh. What's her name again?"

"Jin. Jinny Park." She smilingly said.

"Uhmm the name seems familiar. Alright. I'll find her to say I met you."

"Achi I have a question. The bet, is it about the case of Boss?" Migs asked her.

"Yeah. Why?" she curiously asked.

"Nothing. I just remembered that you fought his bodyguards like a professional fighter. How did you learn to fight like that?" Migs again asked her. His eyes are glowing with amazement.

"Really? You do?" Mrs. Victoria asked her.

Michaelle nodded.

"Cool! So Rein! Be careful with your actions." Ivan almost yelled.

"Shut up." Rein plainly replied. His eyes still on the paper he is busy reading with.

"So? How come you knew some fighting moves?" It was now Ivan. Curiosity was turned on at its maximum level.

"Ohh. About that, well, my father used to work as a personal driver and bodyguard to a businessman in our place. Since his work almost took 24/7, sometimes he brought me to the business man's house. The businessman got a son. I am 2 years older than him. He becomes my Shoti and the businessman treated me like her own daughter. Every day, I saw his bodyguards practicing their fighting moves. Then one day, Shoti and I decided to mimic what they were doing. Uncle, the businessman, saw us. Then he let us learn it. Besides, it will help me in the future. He said father can't protect me at all times. So I think you get it." Michaelle's long story.

"Ohh I see. You are a professional fighter then. I'm so lucky to have you as my Achi." Ivan smilingly said.

"And why is that?" Rein interrupted.

"It's none of your business," Ivan said to his brother.

"Will you two stop that?" it was Mrs. Victoria. "By the way Chaelle, how did your mother approve on that? Not that I don't like that, but you know, most of the mothers didn't want their little girl to be surrounded by that kind of environment." Mrs. Victoria continues. She was really concerned about what she had heard.

"I don't know. How will I suppose to know? She's not with us." She said while looking down at her palm.

"Ohh, mom. That was quite a sensitive topic." Ivan insensitively said.

"Ivan!" it was Rein. She was concerned with the two important women in his life. He is about to hold her hands when Migs break the tension.

"Why don't you play the piano for Achi? Ahai." Migs asking Rein.

"Ohh. Rein is really good." Mrs. Victoria added.

Michaelle shook her head. "Can I play instead?"

"Ohh. Another competition?" Ivan excitedly yelled.

"Why not?" Rein smiled. Then guided her girlfriend to where the piano is. They sit beside each other.

"You go first, I'll follow." Rein suggested.

Michaelle nodded. As if telling she agreed on what he said. She closed her eyes, focusing on the notes that were playing on her mind. Then, she placed her hand, ready to play the piano piece that she'd been playing since she was a kid.

(Playing: River Flow in you -Yiruma)

Still, eyes closed, Michaelle started to press the piano keys. Rein concentratedly looks in her facial expression. He saw pain, and then it turned into sadness. A tear was about to fall in her left eye. He held her shoulder, his eyes are fixated on her face, right hand on the piano keys. They were playing at the same time. Everybody was quietly listening to them. Including the eldest and the lawyer. When they heard them playing, they came in to see what's going on.

Mrs. Victoria was crying in silence. She was very happy that his son, Rein was now in love with someone. She knows that he can't express what he really felt about something or someone, even to his family, except now to this beautiful and kind lady. She saw love. Her heart is jumping with happiness.

When the song ends, everybody in the room clap. Then, a miracle happened. Their father who had a stroke, sitting in a wheelchair, who can't even talk, suddenly cried. A tear from his left eye fell.

"Mom, I think Dad is crying." Migs noticed the tear on his father's cheek.

The five boys quickly went to their father. Their mother is hugging his head. "Thank you, Lord." Mrs. Victoria said. She was crying.

Michaelle stood up and looked at them. She felt happy. Rein looked back to her and pulled her closer to him. "Thank you, Michaelle." He whispered.

"But I didn't do anything?" Michaelle was very puzzled.

"You did the best thing that I had ever think."

"Even though I did not understand anything. I'm so happy that I somehow help your family." She was also teary-eyed.

Rein releases her from his hug. She is now facing his other siblings. Her eyes were caught by a familiar face which eventually caught her gaze.

It was obvious from their widened eyes that they were both surprised. Henry, the Potterhead, the one that she bumped into several times, her client's fiancé, is surprisingly the eldest brother of her boyfriend, Rein. Since everybody was preoccupied with so much happiness about the recent improvement of their father, no one noticed what is currently happening. Even Rein.


Michaelle was waiting for her boyfriend downstairs. She was standing in front of the main door when someone approached her.

"So I met you again. This means you owe me a cup of tea or coffee." it was the eldest.

"Henry." she weakly smiled. She didn't know what to say. Especially that he is the brother of her boyfriend.

"I'll ask Rei if it is ok with him," Henry said. He noticed the uncomfortable smile of the lady.

"About what?" it was Rein. He is walking towards the two of them. No reflected emotion in his face.

"Actually, we both got surprised. I didn't know that she is your girlfriend. How can I say this? Ohh, we accidentally knew each other. But not totally knew everything. You know some stranger guy approached a Potterhead lady in a bookstore. Then in a few weeks later, bumped accidentally to each other three times I think? Then-"

"Proceed to what you want to ask for?" Rein cut his brother. It seems that he doesn't like to hear his story.

"Ok. I want to have coffee with your girlfriend. A little talk if you may?"

Henry awkwardly asked him.

"And why?" Rein seriously said. This time, his arm is wrapped around Michaelle's waist as if he was pointing out his territory.

"Ahh. We agreed last time that if we accidentally met again, we will talk over a cup of coffee." It was Michaelle. She smiled at her boyfriend. An assurance that their intention is pure and nothing more.

"Yeah. That's what I wanted to say." Henry added.

"Ok. That's fine with me." Rein said to his brother.

"Ok. That's great." Henry smilingly replied.

The car was now parked in front of them. One of their drivers gave the key to Rein and take a bow before he left them. He guided his girlfriend and open the passenger seat's door for her. When she got inside the car, Rein looked at his brother.

"I have no bad intentions on her and by the way, you got yourself lucky." Henry smiled at him.

"This time, I'll make sure that you can't snatch away what is already mine."

The smile on his brother's lips faded. It was replaced with confusion and pain. Rein turned away and went inside the car where his girlfriend is waiting for him.


Inside the car, Rein was very quiet. It was unusual to Michaelle since earlier, he is very vocal about everything until the Henry incident. Michaelle wanted to talk to him but she didn't know how to start. Then in a few seconds, her eyes were caught by several lights in the park. As if the whole ground was covered by different colors of Christmas lights.

"Please stop the car." Michelle suddenly said.

"What?" Rein said while stepping on the car's brake. Then move to his right to meet her gaze.

"I want to go there." She said then she looked outside, to the direction of the park.

"At the park?" Rein replied. His brows were furrowed.

Michaelle nodded. "Come on. Please?" She was pleading like a cute kid.

"Alright. If that is really what you want." Rein parked the car on the side of the road. His girlfriend excitedly alighted from his car.

When they both got out. He felt her arms around his waist. It was the first time that she became this clingy.

"What's with my Michaelle?" He smilingly said.

"Let's go to those lights." She replied. Ignoring his question.

They were walking down the stairs towards the garden of Christmas lights, holding each other's hand, both smiling at each other.



"I love you." She said and turned to face him.

"And I love you too. But seriously, what's happening to you? Why all of a sudden you are this sweet?"

"Why? I have always been like this. I always say I love you. I always hold your hand. So what's unusual about this?"

"Not really those things that you have said. I'm talking about your eyes. They seem happy, clingy, sweet, excited."

"I'm just happy about everything tonight. Especially the time that we both play the piano. So you like the song?"

"Actually that is my favorite." Rein smilingly replied.

"Me too. The song reminds me of happy moments with my family. The woman taught me how to play, with that song." She said. Her expression became predictably sad.

Rein pulled her closer to his chest. "I don't know the story about your mother and that song. But do not forget how happy we were when we played that song together." He kissed her forehead and hugged her tightly.

"I will."

They were hugging in the middle of the park and don't care if people were started to stare at them.