|| Hottie of The Doctor's World

"Dr. Chen, our team is done with the collection of necessary data. We will be out of the country until Tuesday. So, it would be hard for us to attend any work-related matters." Dr. Yoon said to her brother while scanning their final report.

"Alright. Do not worry so much Shobe. Just enjoy and relax. We could not tell, maybe this vacation, you could start building your next product." Jeffrey teasing his younger sister.

Michaelle's eyebrow furrowed. Obviously, she did not get his brother's joke. "What? What product?" she confusingly asked him.

"Your next baby project. Maybe this time around its little Chaelle."

"What? Are you serious about saying that? Baby Rein is just 1 year and 5 months. And yet, here you are, pressuring me to make another baby? You know brother. If you really want a baby, then start making one with KC. I don't want to wear a wedding gown while I-"

"So you said yes!?" Dr. Chen was so loud that everyone in the hallway turned their eyes on them.

"You're so loud. Anyway, I was about to say yes. But he insisted that I should think about it first before accepting his proposal."

"Ohhh. I guess he is being careful this time. He really doesn't want to get hurt again."

"Who does want that? And please. Don't ever open this topic in front of Rein. I want to start a new life with him. A clean slate."

"I understand. So, I'll be heading first. I have a lot of things to do."

"Ok, Ahia. Bye."

"Bye Shobe. Enjoy!" Jeffrey pats her shoulder before he walks away from Michaelle.

"Another baby huh." Michaelle smiled at such a silly idea.


"Is everything pack Mrs. Co?" Chaelle asked Baby Rein's nanny while they are heading to the front yard of her mother's house.

"Yes, Ms. Chaelle." Mrs. Co replied while getting the sleeping baby Rein from her.

"How about his favorite pillow and the penguin stuff toy that his daddy bought him?" still checking if everything is complete

"Yes, Ms. Chaelle. The pillow is inside the luggage bag while the penguin stuff toy is inside his personal bag.

"Alright then. Thank you, Mrs. Co. You may go inside the van to take some rest." then the nanny went inside the van to put Baby Rein on his car seat.

"Hey." It was Rein. He is already waiting outside the van.

"Hi." She smiled. "What's with the camera?"

"What? I bought this yesterday. What's wrong with this?"

"Well, nothing. It's just that you look pretty excited."

Rein smiled. He grabs Michaelle's arm and then pulls her to his embrace. "Last time I checked. We never had a picture together. So I am making sure this time, we'll make its memory card full with our own memories." Then he gave her a quick kiss in her lips.

"Ohh. Is that so? Well, maybe we could take a selfie first using this." She gets the camera from Dr. Rein. She flipped the screen and then get ready to take their first picture together.

"Selfie?" Rein innocently asked her.

"Yes. So you didn't do a selfie?"

"Nope. How's that?"

"Just look at the camera." She pressed the shutter. "Rein look at the camera and not on me. And also, smile."

"Ok." He chuckled.

"Alright. Our first picture together." She said while checking how it looks like. The first picture is good, though Rein is looking at her. It looks great because of Rein's serious expression that seems he is crazy in love with the beautiful woman beside him. "Not bad. Our first picture looks good. You look like an idiot who is crazy in love with me." She laughed.

"What?! Let me see." Rein smiled. "Nice. It captured how I felt about you."

"But the next one is the best. And my favorite. You are laughing in here. Look, you're so cute. This is rare. It could be a valuable treasure in the future."

"Valuable what?"

"Valuable treasure. I could sell this to your fans."

"No. You will not do that. That's only for your eyes. And besides, I'll lose my-"

"Your coolness and hostility?" Michaelle teasingly pinched his nose. "You are way cooler than you already think of Dr. Lee. So no need to worry about losing your reputation or messing up your cold-hearted image."

That is the scene that Nica Chen saw when she approaches the couple.

"Kids. Everything is inside the van. You have to get inside. You might get late. The airport is 30 minutes away from here." Nica held Michaelle to bide her farewell kiss.

"Bye Mom. I'll call you first thing after we get there."

"Don't just call, do video call. Take care. You two, please enjoy it. Don't think of work. I'll handle everything in here."

"Yes, mother. You're the best."

"Thanks, Ma'am Nica Chen." Rein slightly smiled.

"Call me Mom. Not Ma'am or Mrs. Chen. You will be my son-in-law soon. So it would be ok to start calling me mom."

"Alright, Mom. Thank you." Rein gives her his best smile.

"I hope our Baby Rein became this handsome like his father." Nica teasingly looked at Michaelle.

"Alright. Alright. Will be going now, mother. Rein get inside." Chaelle lightly pushed him inside the van. Then she turned around to give her mother another hug. "Thank you, mom. Please regards us to Ahia and KC."

"Yes. He said they are sorry that they can't see you off. They felt bad about it since they need to see the videographer first thing in the morning."

"That's ok. But I hope when we get back, he could fetch us at the airport. Tell it to him, mother. I'm expecting."

"Alright, Shobe. Take care. Please keep me updated." Then she gestures using her cellphone.

"Yes, mom. Bye!"

"Bye Shobe!"


"I heard Michaelle and Rein went to Hongkong this morning. This is their first vacation with Baby Rein." Frederick said to his family while having lunch together. Henry and Clara who are also there look at their father.

"Oh yes. And look at Baby Rein on his Mickey Mouse hat. Very cute." Victoria said while looking on her cellphone.

"Where did you see it? Don't tell me it was posted on Instagram." It was Ivan, the actor/model.

"Yes, son. I followed Baby Rein on IG yesterday." Victoria cheerfully said.

"What? That Baby has an IG account. And since when did you create your IG account mom? Did you already follow me?" It is still Ivan.

"Just yesterday. When Miggy told me that Michaelle created an IG account for Baby Rein, I asked him to make one for me."

"I heard Dr. Chen talking to Achi Chaelle the other day. He persuaded Achi to create an IG account of Baby Rein for Achi's father who is living in their province. In a way, she could update her father by uploading pictures of Baby Rein. Then, I got the idea and told mom about it."

"Good job Miggy! And now, I could see Baby Rein's almost everyday activities from time to time."

"Really mom? Well, let's see. What's Baby Rein's IG account?" Ivan asked Miggy who is sitting beside him.

"Baby YoonLee. Don't put space between Yoon and Lee. And make letter L capital." Miggy said while looking down on Ivan's phone.

"Ok. Got it. Oh. Here it is. Baby Yoon- What!? Is this for real? Did he get 500k followers in just 3 days? Who is he? A baby celebrity?" Ivan is very loud.

"Ivan, keep it low. We are still eating our meal." It is Henry.

"Are you kidding me? This little man has a future in show business. He has a lot of fans." Ivan was still amazed.

"I heard Dr. Chen bragging this IG account to the nurses in our department, and it spread like wildfire. Everyone in the hospital followed the IG account. Even the interns and some of our patients. Well, who wouldn't? When they heard that the baby is Dr. Yoon and brother Rein's son, everybody got excited to see how does he looks like." Miggy smilingly uttered.

"Well, with Rein's beautiful face and with my charisma. This child will be successful in showbiz like me, his uncle." Ivan proudly said.

"That's exactly what Dr. Chen had said to us yesterday. Just change showbiz to hottie of Doctor world. He said like, 'With Dr. Rein Lee's pretty face and with Uncle Jeffrey's charm, he will definitely become the Hottie of Doctor World'." Miggy even mimics Dr. Chen's voice.

This made Henry burst into a laugh. Everyone shockingly looked at him.

"What? It's funny to hear someone mimic my friend. And I can't help but laugh imagining Jeffrey saying that."

"You know son. Its good to see you laughing now. It felt great." Fred said to the eldest.

"Maybe you could follow Baby Rein so he could lighten up your mood and make you smile son," Victoria suggested. The idea seems absurd but her tone is serious.

"Mom? Are you serious about that!?" Ivan almost yelled.

Henry just smiled as his response.

"Of course. My grandson is like a happy pill. He looks like a cute little angel."

"Alright. But please, follow me also."

"Ok. What's your IG account?"

While everyone is busy talking about Baby Rein and Ivan's Instagram, there is one lady in the room who is not getting happy about what is going on. She kept herself quiet but inside her mind, there's a storm that is about to form.



"Claire, how do I suppose to make it big. I can only see the picture in its small size." Simon asking Claire about Baby Rein's picture on IG.

Claire removed her dishwashing gloves before she approached the poor old man trying to figure out how Instagram works.

"Poor thing. It's really hard to teach the old citizens of this country." She laughs in her own comments.

"You're mean. You know that I am not fond of this thing, this smartphone that young people are using. It's too complicated for me."

"Alright alright. I'll just take the screenshot so you could view it offline."

"Thank you, Claire. You know how much I love this kid."

"I know, and I really adore your grandson."

"Yes. I know. That's why I know you can't ignore my request. Even if I don't plead."

"Well better if you plead. It somehow makes me feel important." Then she chuckles.

"You are being too dramatic. Yes, you are still important to me even-"

"What?" She stops using Simon's cellphone to look directly at him.

"Nothing. Just continue on what you are doing." Simon dismissing the topic. He didn't know what kind of force had pushed him to said something like that.

"Alright. It's your call."

Claire felt nervous but she tries her best to maintain her composure. "There. Maybe I should finish washing dishes first." With that, she left Simon without any idea of how she gets affected by his words earlier.

"Alright, Claire. Thank you. Oh my little Rein, grandpa already misses you." Simon said while his smile almost touches his ears.


"Baby, are you sure you're not tired yet?" Rein complaining to Michaelle after a thrilling ride from Hyperspace Mountain.

"Not yet, we should take advantage of this moment while our son is still sleeping." Michaelle grabs Dr. Rein's left arm and literally dragged him to the next ride, the Big Grizzly Mountain Runaway mine cars.

"Seriously? Are you gone mad? I almost die in that Hyperspace thing, and now this?"

"Why not? I heard that this is a relatively new addition to the theme park and is a popular one for thrill-seekers."

"Exactly, thrill-seekers! And I'm not one of those." Rein is getting irritated.

"Baby, please." Michaelle pleaded. She is like turning into a cute little kid while doing that.

Rein sighed. He really doesn't want to ride another insane thing in this theme park, but he cannot refuse the begging of his one and only. "Alright. Just this one, and then after this, we will go back to where Mrs. Co and Baby Rein. I am also a little hungry."

"Thank you, ice prince!" She lightly pressed herself to his chest and wrapped her arm around his waist.

"Hmmm." He smiled and kiss her forehead. "If only did I know that you are madly crazy in this kind of heart-stopping rides, I will not suggest going in this theme park."

Michaelle released a soft laugh. "But Baby Rein would enjoy this place."

"Yeah. He is quite enjoying this theme park. He is currently enjoying his nap time." He rolled his eyes. "I only got a few shots of him and then he gets tired and slept after drinking his milk. What a lazy little angel."

"Like father like son."

"He's lucky he got my pretty face. If not. It would be a disaster for him."

"Disaster? Why?" Michaelle was confused about what Rein had said.

"If that kid is still lazy when he grows up, I don't think that he could get a decent job with his education. Luckily, he got a cute and pretty face."

"And what's your point?" Michaelle still doesn't get it.

"I thought you're also smart. Ohh, how unlucky if Baby Rein didn't inherit my brain."

"You're being mean. I am not being happy with your joke."

Rein chuckled. "Ok. Ok. I'm sorry. Well, my point is, he could enter show business like his Uncle Ivan." Rein held Michaelle's shoulder and lovingly embrace her from behind.

"You think he couldn't be like us?"

"I don't know. We'll never know until we are on that point. Anyway, he is just 1 year and 5 months. It is way early to tell and judge through his habits."

"Yeah. You're right." Michaelle softly moves away from her boyfriend's embrace to walk forward. "Finally, it's our turn. I'm so excited!"

"And I'm afraid for my life." Rein swallowed and nervously follows her girlfriend.


"Hi Baby Rein, how was your sleep?" Michaelle on her sweetest tone. She lifts up her son from his stroller, softly hug and kiss his crimson cheeks.

Baby Rein sweetly chuckled. He touched her mother's face as if saying he misses her.

"There you go. I got 2 pretty good shots of two people I love the most." Rein smilingly uttered after successfully captured the lovely moment of Baby Rein touching her mother's face while smiling beautifully to her.

"What a photoholic." Michaelle rolled her eyes.

"There's no wrong of being photoholic." He positions his camera to get another shot of Michaelle and Baby Rein. "Baby Rein. Please smile for Papa."

Baby Rein chuckled as if he understands what is going on. He smiles at the camera and waited for his papa to finish taking his picture.

"Thank you, Baby Rein. At least you understand Papa's feelings. You truly love Papa." He obviously teasing Michaelle.

"Papa." Baby Rein extends his arms toward Rein.

"There you go. You missed Papa Baby?" As usual, he leans his head to the base of Rein's neck. His favorite spot. Rein then plotted a small peck of a kiss on Baby Rein's left temple. Michaelle secretly takes some pictures of the scene. She sneakily captured it using her cellphone.

"You little devil. You betrayed Mama." She jokingly said while approaching the two. Then she tickles the little man. "You want this huh."

Baby Rein jumpily hugged his father while laughing really hard.

"Baby, where do you want to eat?" He wrapped his arms around Michaelle's waist. "Mrs. Co, what do you want to eat?" He turned his head and looked at Mrs. Co behind them. She is pushing the stroller while holding an umbrella.

"Uhmm Dr. Lee, anything. I am not a picky eater." She smiles.

"Mrs. Co likes eating Chinese food. I saw a Chinese Restaurant in that direction." Michaelle softly whispered.

"I think I saw that. Crystal Lotus I think."

"Yes. Let's eat there. Then after that, let's ride the Jungle River Cruise."

"That's a good suggestion. Our little man will surely enjoy that ride. Right Baby Rein?"

"Papa." He giggles then clap his hands.

"I think you're wrong about what you've said earlier. I think our baby is smart."

Rein released a soft laugh. "Now I am thinking the same thing."

They both smiled at each other before they continue walking to Crystal Lotus.


"Dad, I have an upcoming project. I'm one of the main cast in this noontime series, and my role is kinda cool. I am a pilot in here. You know, my rank is the first officer. So, there is a scene that I maybe inside an aircraft." Ivan takes a seat next to Frederick who is sipping coffee while reading today's newspaper.

He flipped the next page first before he responded without looking at his 4th son. "And what do you want me to do?"

"Ok. You know uncle Chris?"

"Of course. He is my brother. What kind of question is that?"

"Uhmm. Here is the thing, I wanted to see some of his private jets and learn the basics." Ivan paused for a while to see how his father is taking the information.

"And you wanted me to talk to him to let you do your stuff?" Frederick's eyes are still on the newspaper.

"I know its too much to ask. But I know it would help me a lot, and besides, he is your younger brother. He cannot refuse your request." Ivan awkwardly grinned.

"And what benefit could I gain from it?"

"Uhmm. I will mention your name last in the next Golden Globe Award. So the people will remember you." He is being confident since he already won twice as a supporting actor before.

"Alright. But don't tell about it to anybody. Even to your mom." He whispered so his wife who is currently stalking Baby Rein's account would not hear them.

"Deal." He offers his pinky finger to seal the deal.

"I don't want that kind of deal. Give me a black and white copy of the deal with your signature on it."

"Ok. No problem. Thanks, dad! Your the best!" With that, he left the room and cheerfully call someone on the phone.

Frederick just chuckled while turning his head right and left because of disbelief that he agreed on that kind of silly bargain.


"Yes, mom." Michaelle leaned the pillow into the headboard so she could sit comfortably on her side of the bed.

"How is your day? Did our Baby Rein enjoy the theme park?"

"Uhmm, I guess so. He gets tired and sleeps already. I uploaded the video of him while we were riding the Jungle River Cruise and a picture of Rein holding him up to see the Light Parade."

"Yes, I already saw that. He was really excited. He is being jumpy while clapping his hands. It really looks adorable. I already miss him." Nica's tone became quite sad.

"Don't worry Mom, in three days, you would be able to take good care of him. He will be all yours cause I know after this, a lot of work is waiting for us."

"So what're your plans for tomorrow?"

"We will go to Ocean Park. Rein wanted to see those adorable penguins."

While Michaelle is talking to her mother over the phone, Rein went out of the bathroom. He is drying his hair while walking towards her. "Who's that?" He asked her when he gets into the side of his bed.

"Mom" She mouths. She whispered as if no sound came out from her lips.

"Ok." He gets the camera from his bag and laid down beside her.

After almost half an hour, Michaelle is still talking to her mom. Rein is getting impatient because he wanted to sleep while cuddling with her. So, he snuggled to her side even though she is still on a phone call.

Michaelle was surprised. Rein doesn't do that. Usually, it was Michaelle who always initiates cuddling. "Ah, mom. I think I have to go now."

"Why? Are you already going to bed?"

"Uhmm-" Michaelle gasped.

"Why Honey? Are you ok?" Nica worriedly asked her daughter.

Michaelle tightly closed her eyes and bite her lower lip. She is trying her best to maintain her composure. "Rein."

"Hmmm." His short response. But he continues on kissing her neck.

"Rein? What happened to Rein?"

"No. Nothing Mom. I mean Baby Rein. I have to check on him. Sorry, mom. Talk to you tomorrow. Goodnight mother."

"Ok. Good night Shobe. I love you, daughter."

"I love you too Mom. Bye." Then she immediately turns off her phone.

Rein softly giggle. He stops and then moves back to his side.

"What did you do?" Michaelle was annoyed. She is now facing her boyfriend who is currently grinning.

"Nothing. I just wanted to get your attention."

"You are being too much. What if I-"

"Was unable to control yourself and moaned over the phone?"

"You are not funny." When she was about to stand and get away from him, he grabs her left arm and lightly pulls her. She then landed on top of him.

"Ok. Ok. I'm sorry. I know it's not funny. But I do really want your attention. That's why I did that joke."

"Alright. But next time, just tell me ok?"

Rein smiles and then nod while grinning. "Well, shall we continue?"

"Continue what?"

"This?" Rein started caressing her left thigh. His facial expression turned into something fierce.

Then that's the time that Michaelle became aware of her position. She was sitting on top of Rein's stomach, legs spread on the opposite side. She was wearing a white spaghetti strap dress. It is made of thin silk cloth with a v-shaped neckline. So it looks like she is inviting Rein to take advantage of her.

Rein touched her cheeks with the back of his fingers. Then he started tracing her lower lip with his thumb, slowly went down to her chin, and to her neck with his index finger. He stops right on top of the sternum.


"Hmmm. Yes, Baby? Do you want me to stop?"

When Michaelle didn't say a word, he pulled her and passionately take her lips. At first, the kiss is slow, feeling every stroke of his lips against Michaelle's. But when he felt that she is responding, the kiss became more aggressive.

Michaelle opens her mouth to welcome a deeper kiss. Rein immediately took the chance. He bites her upper lip and then let his tongue plays inside her mouth.

"Hmmmm.." Michaelle moaned which makes Rein to be more sexually hype.

Michaelle can't contain her emotion. She is about to explode because of so much pleasure that Rein is giving her. He felt his left hand behind her neck and the other one at her back as if guiding her body. When she curved her body towards him, she felt his mouth over her right breast. "Rein stop. I can't hold it anymore.."

"Hmmm.." his only response. He didn't stop but instead sucked it even harder.

"Please, we might wake Baby Rein up and Mrs. Co is just-"

"Baby. I want you now." With that, he immediately pinned her down. Holding both her hands above her head, he aggressively kisses her neck.

"Rein, please.."

"Papa." They both stop breathing upon hearing that cute little voice. "Mama." Then it was followed by clapping and giggling.

They shockingly look at each other and then slowly turned their gaze to their right.

There. Baby Rein is staring directly at them, smiling, giggling and clapping his hands against each other.

Because of so much surprise and agitation, Michaelle accidentally pushes Rein away from her. Then she fixes herself and rushedly went to Baby Rein's crib.

"Hi Baby Rein, did we wake you up?"

"Mama." He said while looking down at her chest. He touched her right breast. Then he looked at his mother. As if asking something.

"Why Baby Rein. What's the matter?"

Rein, at that moment, wanted to burst into a laugh. He has an idea why Baby Rein did that to her mother.

Baby Rein, like a cute curious boy, laid down to her left arm and then try to suck her left breast.

Rein can't hold it any longer. He burst into a hard laugh because of what Baby Rein did. "He definitely saw it. The time I did your breast." He is still laughing when he approached the two.

"Baby Rein, Mama doesn't have any milk now. Are you really that hungry?"

Michaelle is trying to stop Baby Rein from sucking.

"I think this little man is marking his territory or just imitating his Papa." Rein smilingly caress Baby Rein's forehead.

"So he saw us?"


Michaelle looked at Rein with her wide eyes open. "And you felt no alarm?"

"Nope. I think Baby Rein thought that you are just feeding me, and besides, he has no concept of that kind of thing yet. For him, this pair of beautiful breasts is merely a tool to feed him." Rein give him a quick kiss on the lips. "Next time, let's be careful and make sure that nobody is peeping."

Michaelle softly laugh. Rein was right. This little boy does not have that kind of idea. So, she doesn't have to think anything complicated. In the future, they must be extra careful. He might catch them again canoodling and might mimic the act if he sees them.

"Let's put him into bed. We need to wake up early tomorrow morning. I have to rest because I might need extra energy tomorrow for riding rides that may cause me cardiac arrest." Rein teasingly said to Michaelle.

"I will not force you to ride any heart-stopping rides tomorrow, and besides, I wanted to ride those where we could bond with Baby Rein. Like the Jungle River Cruise. I did enjoy that one because of this little angel." Michaelle said while slowly swaying Baby Rein from left to right.

"That's what I wanted to hear. I also like to spend more time with this little angel tomorrow."

"And take more pictures of us?"

"That is sort of a given. By the way, you didn't inform me that he has already 800k followers."

"Really? I did not also know that. I thought he has 500k this morning."

"He became really popular. How is that became possible?"

"I heard Ahia is promoting his IG account."

"Jeffrey Chen?"

"Yes. I don't know his exact reason. But he said that he will make this kid the next Hottie of Doctor's world."

"Ohh. Do I have to step down from my throne and give him my title now?"

Michaelle giggled. "No Baby. Not yet. You can still enjoy it until he turns 21."

"Alright. I must start dating other doctors now. Twenty-one is just a short span of time."

"That's a good idea. I have a better idea you know. Why don't you die now? So our baby could now inherit your title?" Michaelle is grinning. And you could tell that this smile is full of sarcasm.

"Ohh. I forgot that I am already dating the most beautiful, the prettiest and the smartest doctor in this country. Why not settle down and ignore those unworthy women around me?" Then he moves behind Michaelle to embrace her.

"Hmmm. Let's sleep now. I'll put Baby Rein in the middle of the bed. I wanted him to sleep next to both of us." Then She walks towards their bed and put the sleeping Baby Rein in the middle of it.

"Are you serious? How can I cuddle with you?"

"Cuddle with the other doctors. I am not in the mood right now."

"Baby. You're being too harsh with me. I'm just kidding earlier. Don't do this." He laid down on her side and hugged her.

"No. Move to your side."

"Ok. By the way, this is now my side. So I'll be sleeping here. Good night Princess. I love you." He hugged her from behind and did not let her push him away. Then after a few seconds, he fell asleep right away.

"Are you already asleep?"


She turned around to face her man. She lovingly observes his sleeping face. Then she moves closer to give him a quick kiss. "Good night Ice prince. I love you too."


"Baby Rein. Look at these two cute big stuffed animals that Papa bought you." Michaelle is playing with Baby Rein while she and Mrs. Co was waiting for Rein to come back from buying their snack.

"Le Le" Baby Rein muttered.

"Oh. You remembered one of the two giant pandas. That's right. This is Le Le. So, this must be Ying Ying."

"Le Le." Baby Rein hugged the stuffed animal.

"Baby Rein is so smart Ms. Chaelle. He is already aware of his surrounding given his age."

"Yes, Mrs. Co. I'm so happy that he is not dumb like what his father suspected him."

"Papa" Baby Rein looked at their right side while pointing his finger.

Michaelle noticed it and looks at the direction where Baby Rein is looking at.

"Papa?" His tone is confused this time.

Rein is standing, holding the bunch of snacks he bought while talking to someone. Talking and smiling to a woman.


Rein looked at the hand that almost hugging his left arm. The woman immediately gets the sign and removes her hand from his arm.

"I'm sorry Dr. Lee. I got a little excited when I saw a familiar face in this foreign place. Anyway, when did you come here? Did you already visited Macau?" Dr. Ellie Lim asked him.

"Not yet. But I heard that there are lots of delicious Chinese food there." Dr. Rein's response.

"Yes yes. You must try their Peking duck. It's one of the best."

"Alright. I'll remember that when we get there. Anyway, I have to go, Michaelle and our son are waiting for me." Dr. Rein's way to avoid talking to her.

"I see. It's alright. I need to go also. It was nice to see you here. Bye, Dr. Lee." She waved her hands.

He nodded before he walks away toward the direction where Michaelle and Baby Rein are currently resting. He was a meter away from them when he realized that they were looking at him, including Baby Rein. He was not feeling good about their gaze, especially his girlfriend. Then he remembered his encounter with his colleague.

'Did she see Dr. Lim? Why does she look like she is ready to kill me?' He was so confused right now. Then a flashback of Dr. Lim's hand almost hugging his arm came inside his mind. "Crap." He finally realized that he's going to die.


It has been 2 hours now that Michaelle is ignoring him. She did not say a word when he gave them the snacks that he bought. It was Mrs. Co who became her voice. Whenever she wanted to say something, it was Mrs. Co who is giving him the words of Michaelle. He is becoming more agitated as time passes by. They are currently inside the Grand Aquarium and he wanted to spend this amazing moment with her and Baby Rein. But she keeps on ignoring him, exploring the area while holding Baby Rein, and leaving him behind.

"Penwin." Baby Rein softly uttered.

"Penguin? No baby, that is not a penguin. That is a dolphin." Michaelle whispered.

"Penwin." Baby Rein repeated.

"I believe he wanted to see the penguin." It was Dr. Rein who is currently standing behind Michaelle.

"Mrs. Co? Where is the Polar Adventure located?" Michaelle asking Baby Rein's Nanny who is standing beside her.

Mrs. Co checked the map and the pamphlet. "The Summit Ms. Chaelle."

"We would get there if we ride the cable car or the Ocean Express." Rein suggested.

"Mrs. Co, let's take the Ocean Express."

Michaelle was about to move ahead and leave him behind again when Rein decided to stop her.

"Mrs. Co. Please take Baby Rein first and wait for us outside."

When Mrs. Co left with Baby Rein, Dr. Lee immediately grab Michaelle's hand and literally drag her to a secluded side.

"Let me go," Michaelle said to him.

"Finally. You talk to me. I'm happy that you finally said 3 words to me. I'll be happy if those are I love you and not Let me go." Rein sarcastically said to her.

He was expecting a response but Michaelle doesn't say a word.

"Ok. If you are not talking. I'll do the talking. Hear me out before you walk away again and leave me behind. First thing first. I am not happy about my encounter with Dr. Lim earlier. If you happen to saw her grabbing my arm, it was just her surprise to see a familiar face in this place outside our country. It was merely an accident. So no one should be blamed for that. Oh, if you wanted to blame someone, go ahead and find her. It was not my fault. If you noticed earlier, I did my best to cut the talking without disrespecting her. So if you are still upset or disappointed with me, I can't do anything about it." Rein paused to see Michaelle's reaction, and he is not happy about it. She is wearing a poker face. That's why he can't really read what is inside her mind. So he continues.

"If you really will not going talk to me, and you still wanted to leave me behind like an idiot, I'll give this day to you and to Baby Rein alone. I'll see you in our hotel room later." With that, he left Michaelle without waiting for her response.


Rein's POV

He was about to step out of the theme park when he changed his mind and went back. He realized that he will surely be going to regret this decision if he leaves this place today.

"But I can't face her with everything that I've said to her." he is talking to himself. He looked around to see if anything could give him a hint of what he should do next. On his right, he saw a couple of kids wearing a panda-shaped hat, then a jerk behind them who's wearing a jacket and sunglasses.

"Oh, that is what I need to do," he muttered to himself

After a few minutes, he found himself inside the Polar Adventure. He looked around to find the familiar people of his life. "Penguin. Where is the penguin?."

There. He saw Michaelle and Baby Rein on Mrs. Co's arms feeding the penguin.

They look happy. Baby Rein is giggling. In the next few seconds, he found himself secretly taking pictures of his beloved.


"That was fun, right Baby Rein." Michaelle talking to her son who is holding by Mrs. Co.

"Ah, Ms. Chaelle. Can I excuse myself and go to the comfort room." Mrs. Co asked Michelle.

"Ohh sure sure. Let me hold Baby Rein."

"Thanks. I'll be back after a few minutes."

After doing her business, Mrs. Co hurriedly went outside and accidentally bumped into someone. A tall mysterious weird guy is now standing in front of her. He is wearing a white jacket, a mask, sunglasses, and a panda-shaped hat.

"Mrs. Co, can you help me out?"

"Who are you?"