Chapter 2

"Adelaide!!" Screamed Caius which awoken the adults in the scene, he crawled towards her at a surprisingly fast pace. Caius crouched slightly closer to Adelaide who seems conscious, she vaguely sits up but failed as she plummets, Caius catches her right in time. Adelaide's head laid in her partner's chest and heaved a sigh of somewhat relief, her partner, Caius embrace her in his arms, she's being enveloped by a warm and comfortable sensation.

"I'm fine, Caius and I are quite glad you're alright nothing hurt when I pushed you right?"

"Are you dumb or something! That's my line idiot, you're the one who's hurt, and you probably have a sprain or worst fractured your left ankle"

"This is nothing maybe just a sprain, but it will heal in time, but I doubt I could still play the rest of the badminton season. So sorry but you need to find another partner to play."

Caius didn't reply because that's a statement of hers is very true, he can't back out since she will be mad at him. Just by looking at Adelaide state right now he couldn't stop and let his tear slip off from his teary eyes. Caius hugged her tightly like a kid crying for his mother not to leave him. Everyone in Cerulean High Team knows that Caius is the most mentally mature, he never acts like a child even once, his constantly on guard and alert, however, Adelaide showed up and he slowly let his guard down only when she's close to him. At this moment, it's the first time they saw and watched Caius breaking down, crying and sobbing his heart out while embracing Adelaide, everybody saw in his facial expression how worried and hurt he was looking at his partner's state.

Unbeknownst to Caius, numerous men help each other to pick up the metal that falls from the ceiling and a gym teacher who knows a first aid immediately attended to Adelaide's left foot once the metal is out of the way. Caius's friends comforting him and trying to calm him down even if it's just a pint-size moment which surprisingly harder than they thought but didn't stop. A hand gently grabs Adelaide's left foot massaging it before wrapping a bandage around her for support no one knows if it's a simple sprain or fractured bone it could be a compound one or just a simple fractured. The sensation of a hand wrapping around her foot made her cringed, flinched every time it hurt, tears are threatening to escape her ocean blue eyes. These small moves of Adelaide never escaped Caius and calm himself down and soothe Adelaide with every sweet word he could've to think right at the moment.

A deafening marching of feet can be heard outside of the gymnasium, every people inside stayed still for the incoming stride of those feet come closer every minute. Others started to guess that those deafening strides are soldiers, military people. The doors open, one soldier holds each door wide open until their leader or more like leaders are inside of the room.

"Where is my granddaughter, Adelaide Selene Lux." Said the middle-aged man standing in the middle of those higher-ups. Their aura is screaming or saying don't you dare hide her or you will die. His voice holds the authority and all those medals attach to their uniforms all of them hold a high position inside the government.