Chapter 13

It's a laughable and enjoyable moment for Adelaide, with her friends joking around like nothing happened yesterday. Seeing everyone so carefree in the midst of this mysterious and confusing time makes Caius feel suspicions, he feels something amidst like the answers he wants are hiding beneath his shadow.

Waiting. Waiting. Waiting.

Warning him not to dig deep or else he will be drowned or swallow by the depths of the abyss. Swallowing him whole until nothing is left of him, nonetheless, this sensation made him determined to find out Adelaide's family secrets.

Caius's determination to hunts for truth worries Adelaide deeply especially when Caius being her bodyguard in the future is still not permanent. She saw these actions towards her completely change and she doesn't need Caius to act like this being overprotective. Adelaide is definitely not accustomed to Caius acting like her bodyguard, being overprotective over her, she feels uncomfortable with this new Caius she's seeing right now.

Adelaide wants the old Caius back, just being himself like before but asking for something to be returned like before cannot happen in reality. She knows that better than anyone however, Adelaide hopes, thinking maybe one day the Caius she knew will come back.

"Del, you're alright?" asked Renae one of the grade 10 new team members.

"Yeah. I'm completely fine Renae. I was just thinking about something." Answered Adelaide quietly because she knows how Renae feels about Caius.

"So… 'bout Caius... well you see umm… can you do me this one teeny-tiny favor? Please, Del." Pleaded Renae

"~Sigh~ I'll only do it if I wanted to do it though, so what is it?"

"Can you at least help me with Caius cuz I want to tell him something?" Renae uses her puppy eyes to Adelaide which didn't actually persuade but it's quite the opposite.

Adelaide sees Caius standing behind Renae with complicated expression while shaking his head with disapproval. He heard everything Renae told Adelaide and she couldn't help but sigh heavily by this rising problem in front of her. There's one thing she really hates to experience while she is enjoying her time as an average teenager in a catholic high school.

And that is being dragged into drama high school girl problems without her consent to be in or care for. These things feel bothersome and burden that causes heavyweight being added on her shoulders.

She utterly and bitterly hates this type of mood Adelaide is getting.

"why not ask him yourself, Renae." Said Adelaide while nudging her head at the direction where Caius at which is at Renae's back.

Renea felt embarrassed and shock by this predicament she is in right now, whereas deep in her heart Renae kept cursing Adelaide, which has no idea what Renae is thinking at this moment, innocently but blankly watch from the sideline. Others seem to notice the tense and somehow awkward atmosphere going on with these three people. Fin who has guts to go near the three approaches the nonchalant Adelaide who is a seating and just watching silently.

"What happened here?"

"Renae asked me a favor to talked to Caius and asked him to go somewhere or something for Renae to have a chance to talked to him. However, while were in that conversation, Caius unnoticeably walked to Renae's back and listen, I think from the very start of our convos."

Explained Adelaide as detail as she can because Adelaide is bewildered with the tense aura Caius is emitting.