Life as Canon Fodder

Escaping the hunter camp Xing Lei darted into the surrounding wilds, with his heightened senses he knew near by would be a stream to wash off in, in another direction he could smell the scent of prey, having not partaken of the feast his lean belly was complaining fiercely. Most important was washing up and checking his progress, breaking through had been easy enough but how would it affect this lifestyle measure of strength?

Bursting through the bushes Xing Lei looked over the stream, the rushing water would be rather cold but compared to the discomfort of being dirty he could handle cold. He was about to jump in when he heard splashing further along, curious what else was bathing at this hour he moved over around a rock outcropping and blinked when he came face to face with Fleet Spear. The huntress looked surprised that it was Xing, quickly trying to hide the flint knife behind her back. As he was about to greet her, his head tilted smelling another scent on her.

At his curious actions she frowned and turned away shaking her head, "Grull claimed a trophy for being the killer of the Lord of the forest." She explained simply tossing the dagger so it stabbed into the loose soil along the bank before diving back in and no longer hiding she was there to try and get rid of the scent of her abuser. "Better you had challenged."

Shaking his head he joined her in the water moving over to help, using the silt to help scrub her scales which proved alot more efficient than simply using the water, "I'm sorry Fleet Spear, had I known I would have risked the challenge rather than securing my own strength."

Frowning she shook her own head, "No, can't blame you Zing Lee. Challenging Grull last night would have prevented my humiliation maybe, but in the end your own life would have been in danger. Gruck would never tolerate a supremely strong new blood. This is just something the weak have to live with."

"But you're not weak Fleet Spear, you could out fight that brute Grull."

"As we found you're a smart scale Zing Lee, but with a shamans poison, even the strong can be weak. Grull got Whisperer to drug my food. When it came time to announce his claim I couldn't even lift my arms." Sighing she scrubbed harder at her limbs as if blaming them for betraying her. "But such is our life, any female can be claimed at any time, should be grateful I suppose, wasn't Gruck. Least I still have my mind unlike his toys."

As Xing Lei scrubbed the brackish filth from his own scales he glanced to Fleet, "He's that bad it destroys minds?"

Fleet gave a soft laugh, "I don't think that's it, more the Great Shaman gives his concubines a potion that increases their fertility, the loss however is in the mind. Drowns it in pleasure until it's all they feel. Those females around Gruck are little better than breeding animals, so small luck on my part to avoid that fate."

Nodding Xing Lei fell silent, wiping the last of the muck from his body before focusing on his status...


Name: Xing Lei (Dull Scale)

Gender: Male

Race: Kobold (Variant)

Level: 5

Job: Soul Traveller Rank: Mithril

Title: Slayer of the Forest Lord

Strength: 5(+2) Dexterity: 6(+2)

Constitution: 6(+2) Intelligence: 15

Wisdom: 18 Charisma: 14(+2)

Charm: 15(+2) Luck: 10

Innate Abilities: Varied Voice (Supreme) Rank: Mithril, Alchemy Flame (Basic) Rank: Copper, Inspection (Basic) Rank: Copper

Skills: Alchemy (Basic) Rank: Copper, Crimson Mountain Sects Body Tempering (Basic) Rank: Copper, [Sealed], [Sealed], [Sealed], [Sealed], Herbology (Basic) Rank: Copper, Cloud Dragons Spear Technique (Basic) Rank: Bronze, Weapon Crafting (Basic) Rank: Copper

Unspent Attribute Points: 0


Xing Lei was rather surprised, body tempering generally had a good effect on the body but he never suspected it had wide spread effects. Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Charisma and Charm all saw increases, plus he was relieved to see that his body tempering conformed to this status increasing to Copper rank which he surmised was to be expected. Glancing aside he saw Fleet emerging from the river grabbing a ratty hide from the shore to wipe the excess water from her scales.

Looked like his debts of humiliation now had increased, he owed Fleet at least for being his guide. Catching his gaze the huntress shifted unconsciously and shook her head. "Best get to bed Zing Lee, Great Shaman plans to launch all the young warriors at a nearby tribe on the morrow or the day after. With the death of the forests lord she figures the tribe is prime to steal some territory. Most hunters won't be going, but as a new blood you'll definitely be sent."

Emerging from the river shaking off his own excess water he glanced aside, "Battle? We fighting another tribe of kobolds?"

Fleet shook her head, "Goblins. Stinky green skins. A little stronger physically but often dumber than Grull. Is usually a good place for new bloods to get their hands bloody. Just don't get their actual blood on you, it stinks and never washes off. We guess it's how they mark their killers so other goblins will avenge them... not that goblins are known for not attacking on sight..."

Walking back to the camp, Fleet grabbed his arm, "Don't do anything funny Zing Lee, I can see it in your eyes you want to help me but if you challenge Grull at the wrong moment they'll feed you to the rabbits."

Xing Lei chuckled and nodded but then spoke up, "Alright I'll bide my time but what's this rabbits death, to my knowledge rabbits are cute little fuzzy things, hardly violent killers."

Fleet nodded, "Dire rabbits, they're about the size of a cave bear cub with teeth the length of your arm. Strictly carnivorous. Most kobolds die in the first bite or kick, if they're lucky. If not so, they get the distinct luck of being eaten alive. Not a good death."

Xing Lei tried hard to picture a killer rabbit the size of a bear cub but just couldn't do it, he just didn't associate the animal with being a threat. Even the demonic and monstrous varieties were pretty docile, the worst temperment of most would simply see the rabbit have human like intelligence and the ability to mock or trick its attempted captors. Viciously attacking and eating a sentient race? It was a variety he wanted to see!

Separating at the camp, Fleet returned to her tent while Xing slipped back into the communal living tent, settling onto his spot he noticed a pair of eyes on him. Leaf watched his return with a hurt look in her eyes before turning over to ignore him. Shaking his head he tried to get comfortable and let sleep claim him.

Things did not go as Fleet Spear expected. While the next day the tribe was gathered for a presentation war ritual signs told the Great Shaman that the best time to attack would be in a months time. Life for Xing Lei settled into a routine. Most days he attended battle drills with other new bloods to raise their skill with weapons, every other afternoon he joined Fleet Spear and Leaf Dancer to go hunt, though often he looked for herbs to help practice his alchemy. Each evening was spent in cultivation, much to Leaf Dancers dismay, while not catching Lei's eye that first night, she proved determined to make him hers. This distinction wasn't lost to the other hunters either, between Fleet Spears friendship, and Leaf Dancer doing everything but humping Xing Lei's leg the other hunters were viewing Dull Scale with a mixture of jealousy and envy.

A few days before the attack was to commence Xing Lei was studying his status...


Name: Xing Lei (Dull Scale)

Gender: Male

Race: Kobold (Variant)

Level: 5

Job: Soul Traveller Rank: Mithril

Title: Slayer of the Forest Lord

Strength: 5(+4) Dexterity: 6(+4)

Constitution: 6(+4) Intelligence: 15

Wisdom: 18 Charisma: 14(+4)

Charm*: 15(+4) Luck: 10

Condition: Healthy

Innate Abilities: Varied Voice (Supreme) Rank: Mithril, Alchemy Flame (Basic) Rank: Bronze, Inspection (Basic) Rank: Bronze

Skills: Alchemy (Basic) Rank: Bronze, Crimson Mountain Sects Body Tempering (Basic) Rank: Bronze, [Sealed], [Sealed], [Sealed], [Sealed], Herbology (Basic) Rank: Iron, Cloud Dragons Spear Technique (Basic) Rank: Silver, Weapon Crafting (Basic) Rank: Iron, Kobold Swordsmanship (Basic) Rank: Bronze, Kobold Archery (Basic) Rank: Copper, Pottery (Basic) Rank: Iron.

Unspent Attribute Points: 0

Kobold Swordsmanship - Kobolds have their own unique way of using weapons, it's not great but beats blind flailing.

Kobold Archery - While not a physical race kobolds are quite deft with slings and short bows.

Pottery - A basic craft of turning mud or clay into usable vessels.


Xing Lei nodded to himself, while the basic sword and bow skills were weak they did allow him some choice. Thankfully his spear technique had advanced alongside his body tempering. Fighting Grull or even Gruck should be a walk in the park especially with his physiques improvement. Sadly, after slaying the Lord of the Forest his level hadn't moved despite killing deer or boar. He suspected he only advanced when he fought special foes, so he needed to hunt something on the level of the big green tiger to level higher.

He had asked Fleet Spear about the level aspect and she had informed him that races weren't set in stone. When he reached level ten most kobolds either evolved to an elemental variant or evolved into a winged variant, regardless variant promotions were taken by the Mistress elsewhere, though much of that was hear say as Gruck tended to kill most high level kobolds before they could threaten his regime.

What he didn't tell her was his inspection skill had increased allowing him to view others status information, he had peeked at her once and found her layout impressive...


Name: Fleet Spear

Gender: Female

Race: Kobold

Level: 8

Job: Hunter (Experienced) Rank: Nine

Title: Progeny

Strength: ??? Dexterity: ???

Constitution: ??? Intelligence: ???

Wisdom: ??? Charisma: ???

[Sealed] [Sealed]

Condition: Poisoned, Weakened, Fertile

Innate Abilities: Draconic Tongue (Taught) Rank: Five

Skills: Draconic Spearmanship (Experienced) Rank: Three, Skinning (Experienced) Rank: Six, Butchery (Taught) Rank: Four, Stealth (Taught) Rank: Two, First Aid (Aware) Rank: Six

Unspent Attribute Points: ???


Xing Lei was rather surprised by her status, she was high level and fairly well trained though there were no special innate skills other than the basic kobold language which seemed to be draconic. Of more concern were the conditions. From the looks of things after the battle Fleet was being prepped to be Grulls first concubine. Most other females, including Leaf lacked the fertile condition regardless of how often he checked so it was likely a side effect of the poison that weakened her. Lucky for her, Lei had had the chance to practice his alchemy. Without a furnace he was limited to salves and powders but he was able to concoct an anti poison that should help clear the conditioning.

Clutching a small clay jug in his hand he wandered towards her tent calling out lightly, "Fleet Spear, Dull Scale asks to enter."

Movement inside saw Fleet opening the flap of her tent, the huntress looked greatly fatigued, even her usually energetic tail drooped behind her. Glancing left and right she pulled Xing Lei into her tent before releasing his arm like his flesh scalded her hand, shaking her head she distanced herself and looked at him warily, "What want?"

Xing Lei frowned, it was the first time he heard her speak like one of the regular kobolds in private, she had mentioned a drug which made Grucks concubines essentially mindless toys, could Grull and Whisperer already be dosing Fleet? "Here, take this, ingest it. Should remove the poison."

As she listened Fleet was unconsciously fiddling about, Zing Lee's voice was like sweet honey to her ears at the moment as it made her body enflamed. It was so hard to think right now, so hard to remember that this was her friend not her mate, but did that matter? The fire in her body wanted a male, did friend or mate matter? Seeing the male giving her a small clay jug full of powder she shrugged, maybe if she obeyed he'd touch her, make the fire go away? Accepting the jug and pouring the powder down her throat her glazing eyes looked at the other kobold with expectations of praise and possibly reward...

Suddenly she clutched her belly, her eyes wide feeling the flames churning. The dull flame behind her eyes slowly re-ignited. Mating with Zing Lee? She was tempted by the idea but when did she ever lose herself so completely to such a base temptation? A snarl of displeasure ripped from her throat as she staggered to the side and leaned over heaving, a dark sludge was expelled emitting a sickly odor. Coughing another wave of heaves and more sludge was vomited out. Gasping for breath, her throat felt raw, glancing to Zing Lee she motioned to her water skin by her bedding, "Water."

Xing Lei watched her expelling the poison and listened to her request, snatching up the skin he popped the cork and sniffed with a frown. Hers matched his when she saw him empty out the waterskiing rather than giving her a drink, "What are you doing Zing Lee?"

Xing Lei glanced over and shook his head, "Here's how they poisoned you. Wasn't your meals."

Fleet Spear frowned and coughed shaking her head, "How? Neither Grull nor Whisperer has been in here without me present."

Lei shrugged softly, "Was there anyone other than yourself in here alone?"

Fleet Spear shook her head briefly, then suddenly raised her head, a look of dread in her eyes. "No, it's not possible. She's my clutch mate, we've been friends for years, why would she poison me?"

Xing Lei looked curiously at Fleet Spear before she let a name slip out, "Leaf Dancer."