Attacking the Goblin Camp

Xing Lei rushed through the bushes, technically he was deserting his post, but he needed answers. Back tracking, it was not hard to find Leaf Dancer, for all her stealth and ability, against his superior existence, spotting her perched amongst the tree canopy was child's play. Slipping up behind her, he grinned and tapped her tail which practically had her fall out of the tree until her nails caught on the bark and she steadied herself...

"What the...? Dull Scale? When did you get behind me? Weren't you up ahead?"

Xing Lei shrugged, "I was, I encountered some goblins then came back to check something."

Leaf Dancer frowned coiling her tail protectively in her arms, "I like you Dull Scale but rubbing my tail while we're at war stance is a bit much..."

Xing Lei shook his head, reached over and flicked her forehead, watching her wince in pain, "Not here to check you out, I want to know why we're moving in force to deal with these smelly idiots? I fought three by myself and didn't even break a sweat."

"Three? By yourself, and no injuries?!" Leaf Dancer blinked in shock, "Okay maybe a little tail rubbing wouldn't be bad starting off...." Which earned her another fore head flick.

"Seriously Leaf, are goblins all that dangerous?"

Rubbing her head Leaf looked hurt at Xing Lei and nodded. "For most of us yeah. One on one, we're pretty even strength wise but in a group we stand almost no chance against two or more together. And with goblins it's not odd to find them in huge swarms since they breed like rats. Likewise the growth period for a goblin nest is super short. For kobolds, it's a few months. Goblins, days. So we move in force to purge their nest. How the heck did you defeat three by yourself?"

Xing Lei shrugged as he slipped back down the tree, his figure vanishing into the bushes with a word back, "I'll be going ahead."

Leaf Dancer reached out towards the vanished kobold with a frown, now more than ever, did she want to be this kobolds mate. Three goblins by himself? Grull couldn't do that. Looking into the forest ahead, a slow smile crossed her face as she thought to herself, 'Sorry Fleet Spear, he's gonna be mine, no way can I let him go.'

Paying Leaf Dancer no more mind as he darted back ahead, he was rushing forward to get a better answer. Sure his training could be the difference and maybe, just maybe, the average goblin was a tough fight for an average kobold. Still, it didn't make sense to mobilize against this distant nest. It didn't pose a threat to them or the elusive Mistress, so there had to be something to gain for this war. Xing Lei just couldn't figure what it was.

As he moved, Lei avoided the other goblin patrols, he felt a little bad leaving these for the advancing kobold army but while the war band mopped these patrols up he could have time to do his own mission. As the forest started to thin Xing Lei noted an increase in the presence of ruins he passed, it loomed like there might be an tomb ahead, if the moss covered ruins meant anything. Breaking the tree line Xing Lei got his first look at the goblin camp. A rough wooden wall stood around a ruined stone building, the large gates laid in the thick grass and goblins sat at bonfires scattered about. The sheer numbers did give some backing to why two score kobolds were attacking, but still, there had to be something valuable here to make Gruck and Grull want to attack the place in force.

Moving right up to the wall he glanced around before biting the shaft of his spear and digging his clawed hands into the aged wood, steadily and stealthily ascending to the top. What goblins were on patrol were more interested in lazing about, most having an almost dazed look in their red eyes. If this bunch were aware of the kobolds advancing on them, they surely seemed really relaxed. Xing Lei crept along the top of the wall stealthily moving up behind each sentry he found, swiftly pulling the stone dagger at each hip and plunging it between their ribs, silencing each guard station, while he wanted first dibs on whatever Gruck or Grull really wanted here, there was no need to let the tribe suffer meaningless deaths for.

Slowly the camp seemed to stir, though not due to Xing Lei being discovered, rather, sounds of battle could be heard from the forest. A few of the goblins around the bonfires began moving out while others milled around the entry way, looking more like an unruly mob than a defending horde. Using this distraction, Xing Lei slid down a slope of crushed stone, pretty much a common feature along the inner wall of the structure that would deposit him in the basement. The foul scent of the goblins living conditions assaulted his nose and made him gag a bit, even with his body tempering there was just no defense against this odor. Shaking his head he crept towards the rotten wood door that lead deeper inside, for whatever reason these creatures didnt seem to understand construction at all. Between the walls, crumbling slopes and rotted door, it seemed like goblins just occupied an area and used it as is. Were they a race bred solely for fighting? Was there really no intelligent members?

Moving swiftly along the uneven corridor he looked around, this place must have once been a human fort but fell to time and now served as the goblin nest, he passed several rooms that held broken and moldering boxes or furniture, looking caked in dust or grime. Xing Lei truly wondered if it was indeed a nest, did not any of the goblins have privacy other than maybe their leader? Frowning all the more he just could not see what Gruck or Grull wanted with these cavemen like goblins. Reaching the end of the corridor he was treated to the sight of a fallen stone staircase that had at one time, lead up into the fort proper, now a mere skeleton of the steps remained, the wood floor was filled with holes revealing the open air above, the fort looked impressive from the outside but its interior was gutted, so not even the site should tempt those two...

Looking around carefully, Xing Lei finally found another route, beneath the skeleton of the staircase was a more natural tunnel dug into the earth through a broken down section of wall. From the dust and dirt one could tell of all the ways around in the basement this saw the most use, which stood to reason seeing it was more dug to the height of a goblin. Slipping into the earthen tunnel it sloped downward for about twenty steps before ending in a T junction. Looking left and right he wasn't really sure which way was best. From the footprints in the dirt high traffic went left, but there was only a few foot prints trailing right. So left to the barracks and right to the chief?

Stopped in thought Xing Lei finally opted for left, with the tight corridor he could fight any goblins laired below at best two at a time and felt confident that with those odds he could pile the goblin dead up in mounds. Swiftly following the passage, he found himself surprised, a crude wood door was set in the tunnel, from the looks of a thick rusty chain looped around an iron ring wedged into the wall, this wasn't a barracks. Creeping closer soft whimpers and cries echoed beyond the portal. A prison? Frowning he recalled the mention that humans had been caught by the things but the tale also spoke of goblin cuisine, why would any still be alive?

Carefully pushing open the door Xing Lei found his answer and it reviled him. Inside was indeed a cell and it was occupied. Several women were limply lying around the corners of a room, a couple even had swollen bellies, these ones in particular to Xing Lei, had eyes devoid of life, like their minds were gone safe from what was going on around them. In the middle of the room were a trio of goblins surrounding a smaller woman, two were holding her down while the third was forcing itself between her thighs, all movement had stopped when Xing Lei entered, the trio had turned slack jawed seeing a kobold entering the chamber, while the pinned woman whimpered in fear, her lips moving slowly hoping against hope this was salvation, 'Please...'

Xing Lei frowned and lunged inwards, his spear leading the way. The dirtied tip once again drank its fill of goblin blood as it found a home in the back of the third goblin, wrenching it away from the womans legs. With a shake of his spear the howling goblin fell to the side rolling around trying to stem the flow of blood from its torn lower back. The other two goblins quickly abandoned the woman and moved to surround this kobold, moving left and right showing a vague sense of tactics but this didnt matter to Lei, focusing on one first his weapon sweeping around as he danced between the two beasts, the sweep of one end tumbling one from its feet, as the tip slashed across the throat of the other. The latter goblin reached up and gurgled, his hands covering his ragged throat, his blood spilling out despite the press of his grip. Swinging back around, Lei reversed the spear in his grip and jabbed downwards into the throat of the third goblin, ending its life.

Breathing slowly he looked over the goblins making sure the trio had died before turning to the woman who had backed against one of the walls and was trying to cover herself. Raising his hands, Lei showed he meant her no harm before stepping closer, "Do you understand me?"

The womans face lifted, her emerald green eyes widened in shock as she briskly nodded, "I... I understand you.... Please dont hurt me!" The ragged voice filled with terror begged softly glancing around at the others who had been used over the last few days, the first of whom already showed late term gestation.

Xing Lei frowned inwardly, didn't this answer his doubts? Surely Gruck or Grull had heard a band of humans had lost to these goblins and wanted to take these exotic trophies for themselves? Sighing he glanced around, finding a pile of discarded things, he searched around before finding what looked like a well made but soiled robe, bringing it back he tossed it over the woman, "I need to go kill their chief, you had better stay here, the rest of the nest isn't dead yet, plus I think our leader is after you women as well."

Nodding her head, her unkempt waterfall of wheat blonde hair bouncing with each movement, "Will we be saved? um... Who are you, I should at least thank you for saving my purity..."

Retrieving his spear he glanced back over his shoulder as he walked to the door, "I'm Xing Lei, and you're welcome. I'll do what I can but I have no authority in the tribe... yet."

The woman blinked hurriedly pulling on the robe as she moved to one of the dead goblins to get its dagger, at least now she could defend herself. Watching the kobold called Xing Lei slip back out she cocked her head curiously, "Odd name for a kobold, almost sounds like he's from the Eastern Reaches..." Deciding to ask later, she crouched by the door and eyed the dead eyed ladies sadly, she knew their final wishes but was loath to be the one to do it, still they had protected her as long as they could, sacrificing themselves before the lust and barbarism of their captors, she owed them their rest. Moving with purpose she set about her last duty for her dear friends.

Moving along the passage, Xing Lei could hear combat in the keep was now in full swing. Draconic war cries, goblin beastial yells. He didnt have long. Carving an arrow towards the leaders way, he quickly ran down the passage, he no longer had the option of stealth, not that it would matter, turning a bend the tunnel ended in a similar crude door of wood, but this one was guarded. A brute of a goblin covered in animal hides stood outside. A cruel looking war axe rested in his hands as its red eyes narrowed on Xing Lei. This one certainly wasn't like the rest, seems the intelligent soldier was the chiefs guard...