Experiencing Clutch-mates (NSFW)

(A/N): As a heads up this is a shorter chapter dedicated to how Xing Lei cures Leaf Dancer and consolidates his relationship with Fleet Spear, if uninterested in furry... err scaly smut, feel free to skip this chapter, it will have no real plot advancement beyond those points. For everyone else... here's how kobolds have a threesome... sort of.

Xing Lei carried Leaf Dancer into the hut with Fleet Spear by their side, the latter of the trio gave a satisfied smile as the flap slid into place separating them from the elven woman, her hurried footsteps fading into the distance to leave the three to their own company. Lei carried the writhing Leaf to Fleet's cot and laid her down. The lust mad female whined in protest at being separated from his body, reaching out to him, her voice hoarse and heavy, a mix of plea and demand, "Please Dull Scale, kill me or fuck me... I can't go on like this..."

Xing Lei sighed and pulled Fleet close, glancing into her eyes, he could see the possessive jealousy there, she really didn't want to share him with anyone, but still she stood beside him, fidgeting as she came under his gaze. Her body twitched as his hand reached up to stroke along her jaw and drew her close, leaning down to claim her muzzle with his own. Tongues contesting for a second time, she felt her body pulled against his, a heat radiating from his body that made her feel safe in his grip.

After a few moments he broke the kiss with Fleet, leaning down to kiss Leaf Dancer, the younger huntress responding eagerly to his to tongue as it slid over her own. While Fleets kiss was an intoxicating meal, Leafs tasted like smoked meat, it had it's own flavor, powerful yet it didn't stir Lei as much as kissing Fleet did. Her hands reached for his armor, tugging at the well maintained hides wanting to touch him.

Other hands joined hers, Leaf glanced up to see a softly smiling Fleet Spear hugging Xing Lei from behind, at some point her own hide armor had slipped from her slender scaled body, and now, like Leaf wanted Lei undressed. Between the two, Lei's garments were removed revealing his own slim and lightly muscled body. Unlike most kobolds whose bodies were salamander-like with no real defined curves or ridges of defined muscle, Xing Lei's bare body was like a work of art to the two females, their hands roamed over his scales and tender belly hide, the power put out by his body was like a raging furnace that both of them wished they could wrap their bodies around.

Glancing to Fleet Spear, Xing Lei pushed her down beside Leaf Dancer and let his fingers slide down their smooth chests, his claws lightly scraped the tender hide on either belly as his fingers slipped between either set of legs. With Leaf his fingers swiftly vanished into the wetness she was excreting in potential buckets, her body arched and her fingers dug holes in the cot surface responded to Xing Lei's touch like a lightning bolt, her tongue lolled from her muzzle as fresh wetness expelled onto his hand.

As his fingers found Fleet Spear's garden he traced her cloaca with his finger tips, watching her body arch to the touch of her desired mate. Her response wasn't as violent as Leaf's, but her breathing grew more ragged as Lei's fingers stroked and probed eventually slipping inwards when the wetness threatened to coat his adventuring digits. The tightness of both females, touched at the same time was shocking, Leaf's was constantly trying to suck his fingers deeper, while Fleet's was more a pulse, part of her trying to expel his fingers but wanting to feel more pleasure by drawing them inward.

As both panted and writhed, Lei's fingers slipped from their ready sexes, leaning over he pulled Fleet up, who looked disappointed that he'd stopped teasing her body, but murmured in pleasure as he kissed her, his tongue sliding over hers, sharing his taste and claiming hers, weakly she protested as his body moved closer to Leaf, lifting Fleet to sit on her clutch mates chest so she could continue their kiss. Leaf, pinned down writhed beneath Fleet Spear but nearly bucked her off when she felt Lei mount her, she hadn't even caught sight of it before his penis slid through the folds of her cloaca and sank into the internal sheath.

Leaf Dancer writhed violently beneath Fleet Spear as Xing Lei started thrusting, using her wetness to easily tease her internal flesh. Helpless beneath her clutch mate, Leaf looked at Fleets own drooling cloaca and leaned in under her sisters tail to run her tongue along the wetness. Fleet was startled by the unusual sensation, almost biting Lei's tongue as her eyes flew open in surprise, her hips writhed over Leafs face grinding down on the other kobolds mouth as she moaned into Xing Lei's mouth.

Suddenly Leaf shuddered, her body arching hard beneath Fleet, a climax unlike any she had before tore through her body, mini explosions ripped through her pleasure saturated mind as she collapsed onto the cot. Fleet worriedly got off her clutch mate and stared at the barely conscious huntress. Leaf was drooling, her eyes rolled back as her body twitched. The prior madness on her face was gone, now only a sated and idiotic grin plastered her muzzle as soft whimpers escaped her.

Fleet Spear turned to look at Lei, watching as he withdrew from the semiconscious Leaf, a mixture of fluids began to escape from her sex and slither down the inside of her tail to drip upon the floor. The heady musk of fresh sexual intercourse flooded the hut as Fleets eyes met Lei's. She swallowed as she took him by the hand and lead him from the poor torn and soiled cot, letting Leaf curl up on it alone to calm down. Guiding him to a pile of extra furs and hides she stared at him, his penis stood tall like another angry dragon, proud and undaunted ready to conquer the next garden, his eyes bore into her making her squirm.

Shyly she turned around, the curve of her bottom wagged as she leaned over the pile, her tail swishes back and forth invitingly as she glanced over her shoulder. Reaching out Xing Lei took hold of that teasing tail, making Fleet tense up, to most kobolds and especially hers, a tail was very sensitive, to be grabbed and squeezed sent a direct current of pleasure into her cloaca and further into her mind. Limply she laid on the furs, her bottom lifted as he tugged her tail lifting the tip to his maw to bite and lick, sending all new sparks of pleasure through her arching body. Wetness slipped from her eager sex, unlike her time with Grull who simply took, she could feel Lei's passion for her.

Oddly he didn't mount her, rather he knelt behind and like Leaf had gone, slid his tongue into her wetness, that ruddiness on her cheeks exploded as she felt his tongue slithering into her, tasting the depths of her arousal and feeling her body respond to so unusual an act, most kobolds simply thrust in but Lei seemed to be after that wetness, first with Leaf now her? Shaking her head as a climax ripped through her loins, she almost swore at him for teasing her, for trying to turn her into a mindless pet but then the next wave hit and then another, her legs lifted onto her toes as fluid gushed from inside her, her vision fade as she surrendered to her mate, letting him devour her as he pleased.

Finishing his meal Xing Lei lifted her tail and sunk into her body, a soft gasp escaped her as she felt his penis claim her, felt him drive into her body locking them together. Back up onto her toes, she felt his hand on her tail as his body struck against hers, violently striking her bottom with his hips pinning her limp tail against his chest and licking the very end... her entire body felt as if on fire before she collapsed weakly. Had Grull claimed her? Compared to being claimed by Xing Lei she felt the short blip in time of Grull mounting, grunting and finishing was not claiming... THIS was what it meant to be claimed, she screamed in her mind feeling her vision darkening as Xing Leis seed erupted deep into her body before she hung limply, bent over the pile of furs.

Vaguely Fleet Spear felt herself lifted and deposited into a second set of arms, two sets wrapped her tired body close drowning her hazy mind in warmth, with that the huntress slipped into a pleasant slumber feeling her body tenderly secure in the arms of true lovers... Leaf cradled Fleet close as Lei hugged them both atop his chest. Looking to him her eyes rimmed with tears as she whispered a soft thank you before snuggling against her clutch mate to get the first true restful sleep she'd had in a week.