Semi Worst Hive of Scum and Villainy

With full bellies the trio rested in shifts, Xing Lei fully expected the camp to be attacked but when he considered how mortal this world seemed on the surface he was due to be disappointed. Some wolves did come to investigate, but it was more the fire than the battle ready kobold that kept them away. When dawn broke without even a single monstrous beast disturbing them Lei felt put out.

Tearing down the camp and heading out the days march went swiftly, at noon, much like the night prior, no bandits showed up. No monstrous hunter ransacked the area. Xing Lei looked unquestioningly at Alustriea and asked, "Is the world outside really this mundane?"

The elf blinked and looked at him with curiosity in her eyes, "What do you mean?"

Sighing he walked over to a tree and punched it firmly with part of his might, while the branches rustled hard he was rewarded with a startled owl falling into his arms. The greatly alarmed bird, rudely awoken from its slumber hooted angrily before flying away. "Is there truly no dangerous beasts in this forest, no giant beasts, no tri-bred alchemist freak rampaging the land?"

Giggling the elf shook her head, "Ahhh you got your hands on an old adventurer tale that told of monsters everywhere right? Grew up reading that trash myself and like you was deeply disappointed that unique beasts are truly such. Sorry Lei, adventure, as I've found it, is tedious and boring. Travel is largely a straight forward thing unless you travel a merchant route and get stopped by highway men. No, if its monsters and adventure you seek you need to head for old ruins or mystical lands. While the current kingdom is kinda monstrous it's only due to the races being behind the times."

Fleet Spear laid a comforting hand on her lovers arm and smiled an apology since Xing Lei was faced with a moment of indecision. The path to the apex required hardships, supreme materials and good fortune. Yet in a land where it was mortal wars and threats could he truly grow beyond body tempering? Smiling at Fleet Spears help he nodded, "I shall simply have to adjust."

Alustriea nodded and lead on over a ridge, the trees fell away revealing a grassland that seemed to stretch as far as the eye could see, the lush grass of the forest gave way to taller more yellowed stacks that bent with the wind in the manner waves rolled across the ocean, not far into the distance a rough town had been setup with a low earthen wall around the perimeter. The interior was a variety of tents, looking more like a disorderly army camp than a true town. Down amongst the grasses the kobolds could barely see but Alustriea let them know that luck was on their side, a caravan was at least present, whether they could book passage or not would be a wait and see.

Nearing the tent town, Alustriea and Fleet Spear were both enthralled by the elaborate tents, while the former was more use to it, the latter had only ever seen hide and animal skin tents, and these ones were massive. Alustriea had to pull the excited kobold back from rushing into an interior, doing her best to explain that unlike the kobold tribe, individual asset and privacy was cherished by most races, barging in uninvited was usually a great offense, especially in the case of the weapons merchant whose tent she was about to run into. Being accused a thief was no joke as suspicion alone could cost her a hand if not both.

Xing Lei took it more in stride, his eyes swept over the individuals and was startled by the assortment of races. While the majority seemed a taller goblinkin, equaling those were humans. Here and there he saw goblins, some sort of goblin/human crossbreed Alustriea identified as a hobgoblin, large bull men she called minotaurs and even a few beast folk that seemed to inherit primarily from a panther beast.

When Xing Lei pointed these panther people out she looked a touch solemn, "They are the lords of the grass lands. Their tribes are like armies that constantly fight each other for dominion of an area, if there's some here we should leave sooner, there's likely to be a war very close by."

Looking over Xing Lei focused and listened to their talk, while other races seemed to be oblivious to their comments, Lei listened to the just and looked to his companions, "From what that bunch is saying, apparently some great Khan Jerees, is launching a lightning raid on this place in a few hours, their aim is slaves and supplies."

The elf's eyes opened wide, "You could understand them? Even with spells we mages can't. Decades ago one of their forefathers used a wish to make their tongue unbearable by anyone not of their blood. That aside, it sounds like these are interior attackers to tie up defenders while the riders advance, we should leave now. We might make it back to the forest before the battle happens."

Glancing to the two kobolds, Fleet was looking to Xing Lei and he was shaking his head. "Better we stay and fight, if we defend the caravan we could earn free passage without trading any of the furs."

Alustriea blinked then grabbed his arms, "Are you crazy?! These khans will trample the grasslands in a horde of horses, strong as you can be, can you really fight thousands of calvary stampeding the rest of us into mush?"

Xing Lei looked at her calmly and smiled, "I could but better we earn a reward from the town leader, reveal the situation expose the spies and help defend."

The elf sighed and shook her head, "You just don't get it Xing Lei, we whisper a word about a Khan in a poor light and they'll stake us out for crows to feast on, then welcome their new lords in with a smile. The khans are just that feared out here."

"Then we inform the caravan, help them leave and earn our passage."

Alustriea blinked and took on a pensive look, biting her lip she finally nodded, "Alright, we can try, escaping by wagon would be faster than running."

Leaving the tent town, the trio sought out out the caravan leader, with Alustriea quickly explaining the situation to the man Xing Lei could see the man visibly pale and glance towards the panther folk with dread, waving over another man he quietly got the caravan prepared, when he heard Alustriea's request he glanced over the trio and grunted thumbing towards a wagon that carried the caravan roughnecks, the guards were a mix of races so an elf and a pair of kobolds hardly stood out. Trying not to attract attention the caravan rolled out none too soon, the panther folk were dispersing to key points in the tent town, one even jogged towards the leaving caravan but cursed to itself when the last one left the town before it could rush over. Xing Lei looked back seeing the sneer on its face, its gaze turned northward.

Feeling ill at ease, Xing Lei comforted the two women with him before hopping down and racing to the front, as he expected the lead wagon was turning off the east roadway to drive into the taller grasses north. "Wait! Stop!"

The drivers glanced around then down staring blankly at this little kobold racing beside the wagon at a speed that denied its size, the driver glanced at the guard beside him, "One of that elf ladies little attendants? What does she want now?" Glaring at the kobold he waited for the thing to start jabbering in elvish about some prissy new demand.

Surprising him Xing Lei answered in the common tongue, "Khan forces are in the tallest grasses to the north, stay to the east, if we sacrifice speed for cover we won't escape their forces."

Looking at each other like they just saw a two headed cow tap dancing, both men looked down at the little kobold that easily kept pace with horse and wagon moving at a brisk pace. "How do you know...errr..."

"Saw one of their plants send a signal northward and wait for a sign back, I haven't seen the forces personally but staying on the road strikes me as the safer route for now."

Running back a bit Xing Lei kept pace with the wagons, their speed didn't even force him to strain himself, but he watched as the swerving lead wagon readjusted on the road. Swinging around to the north side he looked over the grasses, in the far distance he could now see the horse riders riding south west for the tent town. In the distance battle cries echoed from back that way, the plants had likely made their move, the sounds spurred the drivers to whip their horses into a faster gait.

Xing Lei watched the southern most riders turning towards the caravan, but when they realized the wagons continued on the road east they had little hope of slowing the merchant down to rob, so rejoining the horde they continued to descend on the doomed tent town. Climbing atop one of the hard top wagons, he looked back in the distance, it looked like a swarm of ants surging over a doomed beetle, an ant or two might die, but the host was just overwhelming. Giving a shout to the drivers, he climbed down to return to the roughneck wagon.

Settling in between Alustriea and Fleet Spear he nodded to both, "Looks like we're in the clear. The town likely won't survive."

The elf nodded looking a bit sad that so many would find themselves in the position she had been with the goblins, "Is there nothing we can do?"

"Get stronger, when you feel like you can move heaven and earth without disrupting your family then come back and slay them all." Xing Lei answered swiftly and honestly. Personally he wouldn't do such a job, clearing this tribe would just see another emerge. Only if you exterminated their entire existence would the cycle be disrupted, and only then for a brief time. Someone or something else always moved in to fill voids where local powers were exterminated, often worse than the original problem.

Glancing to the elf he wrapped an arm around Fleet Spear and gave her waist a hug, "So where we headed next?"

Alustriea thought a moment then nodded, "Since we're travelling the east road we will likely stop in Ulak, I'll have to do something about my appearance or stay on the wagons."

Xing Lei glanced up from cuddling Fleet with a curious look on his face, "Why?"

Sighing she reached up and touched her sharp ears, "Its an orc village, chances are good we'll stop to water and feed the horses. Orcs hate elves, so better I keep out of sight."

"What's an orc?"

Alustriea giggled softly, "Think a human with green flesh and over grown tusks. Also not big in brains but quite adept at bullying weaker outnumbered people. They also breed like goblins, where there's two you can bet in six months will be hundreds."

"Anything else we should know?"

Alustriea nodded and pointed at the pair, "You're both short, you'll be prime targets for any orcs wanting to start trouble. Keep Fleet close and a hand on your weapon, trouble will find you in that settlement, mark my words."