Kobolicus?! Who is Kobolicus?!

Xing Lei pushed the door open revealing a hall that stretched on for a good forty or fifty feet. Pillars of dark stone framed a carpeted path up the center leading to a dias upon which sat what could only be called a throne, thankfully no one was sat upon it at this time. In fact, the hall itself was strangely quiet, too quiet. Narrowing his eyes, he held the elves back before looking over the hall again, studying the walls, floor, ceiling for something out of the ordinary.

It was when his eyes passed a pillar that he then noticed the problem, pressed up against them was a shadowy figure, blending in against the pillars surface as if melding into the architecture, while he could be sure this was a trick of the low light provided by softly glowing crystals hanging from ornate chains affixed to the ceiling, this was indeed an ambush. Even worse was a spot of darkness above the throne, it wasn't that the light crystals were not positioned to illuminate this patch but rather some other force was shrouding just that spot in inky darkness.

Waving the elves back, Xing Lei shouldered his weapon cockily and strode into the hall. Each step was measured and easy, as he passed a pillar his head would incline, nodding to the hidden individual at each before he stopped before the dias and looked up, "Finally developed a bit of modesty and decided to cover yourself?"

His words were not shouted but nor were they whispered. At his back a handful of drow warriors separated themselves from the pillars to cut off the kobolds escape. Glancing back, an easy smile crossed his muzzle, "Didn't you try this setting before? Hope that energy rod of yours is charged up."

As the drow warriors made to rush forward a lyrical laughter erupted from on high, the darkness rippled like it was lake water disturbed by a swimmer, a pair of dainty feet followed by slender yet deeply toned legs followed. A dress as thin as a spider's web clung to the curvy body that emerged from the darkness, hanging off her body as if to catch as much attention as possible. Finally the jeering face of the drow woman emerged from the dark, as she floated down to sit lazily on the throne.

"I am truly surprised you are here again little kobold, I would have wagered my right hand would have long since taken that flippant tongue of yours, if not reaping your life to let scavengers pick at your bones. Even more surprising is you come into my place and bring a trio of filthy darthiir with you, you I can stomach but them? An insult of the highest order! I shall feed you all to my pets!" The womans voice had raised higher and higher till she was screaming at Xing Lei, a trio of the warriors turned to the door as the three elves rushed in with no further reason to hide.

Rushing the dias Xing Lei was surprised to find the drow woman waiting for him, rather than the rod this time she held a gnarled cudgel in her hand, the dark wood twisted upon itself and crackled with dark, eldritch energy. Unlike a typical mage that avoided close combat she waded in against the kobold, her weapon swatting aside his curved blade before striking towards him. The ache in his arm spoke of her strength, her strength was every bit a match for his and dwarfed the male warriors by a good degree. Carefully trading blows with that club like weapon, he was careful not to take a full blow, whatever magic coursed through the wood would surely attack either his strength, life essence or will.

The woman laughed madly as her attacks came at him faster and faster, his own limited technique with the saber was seeing him pushed further into disadvantage compared to her competent handling of her weapon. Gritting his teeth he pushed back against her oppression but always kept his senses honed on the remaining warriors, rather surprised neither had jumped in on the battle yet. The realization why was like a punch to the gut.

An agonized scream came from the hall entrance, a last ditch defiance against the savage drow warriors. Sparing a glance, Xing Lei saw the two male elves down, their heads laying separate from where they had fallen. The female was covered in wounds, the latest strike that had pierced one of her breasts, had finally pulled the hopeless filled cry from her lips. Her sad gaze caught Xing Leis before another sword swept past and her suffering ended, as her head bounced across the carpet.

With the three surface elves dead, the five drow warriors advanced on him, the drow woman stepped back sneering at him in contempt. "Since you like to fight we'll let you silly beast. Take him."

Turning away she walked off as the five warriors changed weapons, rather than their blades, studded clubs were brought to bare on Xing Lei, weary from the fight with their leader the rain of clubs fell upon his body like a storm and once again the peaceful darkness of unconsciousness welcomed him into its embrace.

When finally the darkness abated and the pain of his thoroughly beaten body returned, Xing Lei found himself in another cell. The roar of a crowd shook the very stones that surrounded him, dropping dust across his weary body. Glancing around, beyond his barred door he could see the hall was lined with similar cell cages, each packed with a variety of fighters. Some looked experienced, standing easily in wait or checking their gear. Others looked like random beggars hauled off the street, one poor wretch huddled in a corner, a dark stain surrounding his unclad feet.

Footsteps heralded the arrival of a guest, though not a drow this time. A tall man with an imposing presence strode towards the cells. This man carried himself as a soldier would, firm and straight. The aura of many battlefields haunted his muscular body, this was not some raw sheltered pup, but rather a true warrior who had crawled out of battle. One of the men in the other cells seemed to recognize this guest, "General! General Gerald! It's me! Captain Mox of the third infantry, please! Don't let them do this! Save me please!"

The general looked at the man and spit on the floor, "Former Captain Mox, you are in this cell for deserting your post under direct orders of the Crown Prince, your sentence was the pits."

"Sir that's not true! The crown prince ordered us to sack a helpless village, we're soldiers not bandits sir!"

"Exactly, you are soldiers, and soldiers follow orders, your order was to destroy an enemy village and you disobeyed a royal order. Thus this is your fate."

The soldier turned prisoner sighed and clutched the wrought iron bars, "This isn't right sir, this isn't like King Ironhand, he was never interested in conquest before, why attack the elves now of all times?"

The general snarled walking up to the caged and striking the bars forcing the man back, "Shut your mouth dog. The workings of his imperial majesty is not for the likes of you to question, you are to hear and obey. Especially now where you must fight for your freedom. Prisoners! Listen up!"

Walking up and down the hall the man made sure each set of eyes were on him before continuing, "As you have guessed, you are held beneath the arena. In the coming weeks you will each be sent above to fight for your life. You may question why you? What did you do to deserve this fate as this dog here did? I'm too lazy to bother with all of you. Suffice to say you have all been deemed to die by his majesty. Thus you'll fight. IF you survive ten fights, your freedom will be restored and you will be escorted from our country. So prepare to kill or be killed. There is no reprieve, no rescue, no pardon."

Turning the general walked back down the hall stopping before the only private cell, housing Xing Lei, "This condition does not apply to you beast. Like the wild animals used in gladiatorial combat, winning does not free you, it only means you get to appease the bloodlust of the citizens again next time. So fight. And continue to fight until someone takes your head. The one that does will earn a fine kill purse." Chuckling the general stalked off leaving the other prisoners to stare at the solitary cell, if the mans words held true there might be a hidden reward for killing the occupant, maybe even release!

As Xing Lei settled on the moldy straw he focused on resting and healing himself. Regardless of treatment he could sustain himself but it would seem this was some sort of blood sport to make them all thirst for everyone else's demise. Certainly a good way to ensure they don't band together to revolt or escape. And thus time passed, for Xing Lei, he barely registered its passage. Between meditation and practicing his spells he paid little attention to the passing of time. Old prisoners left and sometimes came back, new prisoners transported in every few weeks, the old taught the new their place but always pointed out the solitary prize cell, the legend that its occupants death would grant them riches, glory and freedom grew.

Yet as the first month rolled onto the second no one had ever saw the occupant, nor did servants come with scraps of food for the occupant. Most whispered it was an immortal monster that fed on their suffering and an all new hatred for the unknown occupant blossomed. Some tried to communicate, others screamed obscenities all to no avail, the occupant ignored everything. Some questioned if the general had just been putting on a show, there was no one in that cell, just a ghost to give the misery laden prisoners some fleeting lie of hope.

Half a year passed before the guards came for another gladiator but passed by the cells. To the solitary cell they walked, unlocking the door and ordering the occupant out. All the prisoners watched wondering what beast of a man, what horrendous monster would crawl from that silent cell. How great their disappointment when a slender kobold stepped out, framed by wary guards was escorted past, the others stared in shock, a child could claim that mythical reward if such could even exist for such a weak target.

Xing Lei paid them, nor the guards, much mind. Naked as he was he walked with an even step amongst the wary guards around him, ascending to the prep floor. A number of gladiators stared at this oddity, of a handful of strong wary guards escorting what most could call the weakest species, to their arena. Spreading out, the kobold approached one of the weapon tracks choosing a simple spear from the available options, testing its heft as he listened to the announcer...

"Ladies and gentleman welcome to the sixth anniversary of the Ironhand games, today's highlight is a treat we've kept under wraps for the last few months. A personal assassin sent to harm our great king and undermine our fair city!" Loud boo's rocked the walls, cries of death to the assassin and praise for the king echoed out, "Judge not this killers size! Small he is, but his power great, starved for five months and yet stands ready to battle our fearless defenders this day! I bid thee, a moment of silence as we present to you our national enemy, a foe to all who defends our peaceful home, I give to you dear people, the monster, the murderer.... Kobolicus!"

Xing Lei blinked as the gate before him swiftly began to rise. 'Kobolicus? New mission to accomplish, find whoever named him so silly and castrate the fool.'