The King Confronted

King Torvun Ironhand, sixtieth monarch of the kingdom bearing the same name, had died some time ago. The figure sitting on the throne took mirth in making the mortals scurry about for its whims, watching them kill each other in death games or selling off the different ones to those blasted dark elves had all been minor diversions for it, games to amuse itself with. Then this wretch of a kobold showed up, likely a pawn of that dark elf bitch that had tried to tame him. He had taken the kings form, even struck a deal with that bitch and now all hell was unleashed. Almost.

Eyes narrowing on the kobold greeting the monstrous leader of the elven forces currently locked in combat with the knights he had to admit Pellanistra's latest piece had truly put him in check. The people were firmly on its side, the elves, both light and dark, had forged connections with it and now it stood ready before him, challenging his authority! An animalistic growl erupted from the kings throat as he rose, that pathetic general tried to convince him to flee but a swift back hand took Gerald's head from its shoulders, spraying the king in a fountain of blood and gore, his darkening hand curling into vicious clawed talons as his size expanded casting off this worthless human skin...

Below Fleet Spear had her eyes wide as the king casually killed his right hand stooge, but Xing Lei expected it. Striding forward the elves pushed the knights back clearing his advance. Fleet Spear moved behind warily eying the blood stained king. As kobold and king stared at each other, both grinned evilly and moved in unison. Xing Lei blocked a vicious strike meant to rend open Fleet Spears chest, Leis eyes locked on the transforming king as the former human grew larger, towering over humans, elves and reptilian humanoids alike.

By now the mad melee of elves versus humans had stopped, the two forces pulling back warily watching the confrontation in the center of the room. The knights cried out in denial seeing the large beastial humanoid their king had become but so too did the elves have looks of revulsion, as if the kings true nature was a bane against their existence. Pushed back by her mate Fleet Spear widened her eyes seeing the human king transforming into a hideous monster.

Xing Lei remained calm, letting the 'king' finish his change, watching the beastial creature reach a towering height of some twelve feet, skin the color of blood a shaggy mane surrounded the creatures throat. The body itself was powerfully built, its bulging muscles radiated a strength that most mortals could only dream of. However to go with its main set of arms a smaller, no less muscular, pair emerged from under the first. The hooves of its feet cracked the floor as it shifted its massive weight, a pair of bat-like wings spread from its shoulders as it stretched enjoying the feel of it's true form.

Sneering down at the kobold only a quarter of its size and a fraction of its bulk it laughed crudely and glanced around, a hand lifted counting everyone in the room with a sick grin on its muzzled face. Finishing its count, the four hands flexed and a quartet of jet black weapons that radiated a strong fiery essence appeared in his grip, casually swinging them trails of wispy fire and ash were left in each blades wake. Seeing the pass of those weapons Xing Lei launched himself at the beast but only earned him a seat, sending his small body sailing out over the gathered knights and colliding with a wall, a load groan escaped his lips.

Snarling Fleet Spear opened wide exhaling a pungent cloud of emerald green poison that swept over the figure. Unperturbed the creature inhaled deeply and sighed, "Ah it's been awhile since I smelled home, for that boon I'll reap your life last lizard bitch." Chuckling two arms struck out in unison slamming into Fleer Spear and knocking her into the elves like a bowling ball, the living pins knocked skyward as the large Lizardfolk crashed into their legs. With the two reptiles down, both humans and elves launched their attacks, striking out at the other worldly creature who simply set himself and started to lay into both humans and elves, those dark blades like reaper scythes as they easily chopped through armor, flesh and bone.

Human limbs mingled with elven bodies, red blood joined and pooled beneath the creature, treated no different beneath the cruel weapons it swung so easily, its muzzle roared in laughter, sometimes darting out to bite, to snap thin limbs between powerful beast like jaws. Both forces retreated, casualties rang high as the 'king' roared in triumph over such weak pitiable enemies. Glaring around, its body jerked as a blade found it's way into the taut flesh of an arse cheek, finally it caught sight of its assailant. Xing alei had scooped up another sword and was rushing back in, those great dark blades falling like rain. Lei found himself in a desperate game of attack and counter attack, the poor blade in his hand was nicked and pitted under the assault.

Xing Leis blade flashed back and forth, high and low, metal against whatever the dark blades were made of. He swung swiftly, always intercepting the great hulks attacks or being wary enough to dodge to the side letting the vicious edges nearly scrape Lei's scales. Xing Lei himself was breathing hard, his ribs aching, his arm numb under the relentless strikes. Fleet Spear was moving back in, though now she sported a slender claymore styled weapon, the long blade moved to help intercept some of the strikes, it would seem she had gained some new skills in their time apart.

With the two of them moving together to block the blades, the elves closed back in stabbing and hacking at the things rear while the reptiles tied up the great titans weapons. The things visage was twisted in anger, its four arms swinging wildly, the great bulky body bleeding black blood from numerous wounds turned in place, a sword dervish that spun in place with a quartet of vicious blades striking at all that came in close. This tactic drove the elves and their slender weapons back, both Xing Lei and Fleet Spear waded in, their elvish blades ringing strong notes when they connected with the creatures blades.

Snarling and cursing the beast stopped its spin and charged forward, bowling the two over and swiftly reversing two blades to try and stab the pair, but again the elves darted in, their blades intercepting the one meant for Fleet Spear while Xing Lei rolled with the strike and dodged his own stab. Looking around, kobold, lizardfolk, elves and humans were pushing themselves hard. The beast? While it had numerous wounds that dripped vile blackish blood, it stood strong still holding its four blades. Its muzzle opened with a mocking laugh, "Pitiful mortals! Is that your best? Peh, I'm done playing, time to-"

Before the beast could finish, a lance of fire burst through the doors slamming into its face. The mystical missle exploded into a gout of flaming sparks and the creature staggered back. A tall elven man in a long silver robe strode through the doors, a slender wand topped with a ruby held aloft, uttering a word another lance of flame rocketed out of the gem stone and slammed against the things chest. On the mans heels came another familiar face, gone was the badly tore and patched robe, now wearing a glimmering silver robe much like the man, Alustriea broke into chant, her fingers arched as a forking bolt of lightning slashed out from her finger tips to dance on the flesh of the monstrous being.

Xing Lei grinned and rushed back in, heedless of the spells hammering into the creatures chest above his head, the kobold kept low, his attacks aimed to hamstring the thing, slashing and stabbing at the tendons on the backs of the legs as he felt the beast stagger under an assault of miniature balls of light, the swarm hammering the things face toppling it over with an pained scream.

Struggling to rise the thing swore and roared, "I'll remember this archmage! For you and I the time of banishment is but an eye blink and I swear be it you, your children or their children I shall feast on their entrails!"

Grimacing the man strode up and pointed at the creature, a mystical word sounded out, part command part infused magic. While Xing Lei could not understand the spell, he felt the energy of it twisting into a battering ram that struck through the creature to crush its heart. As the monster shuttered and lay still its hulking body began to hiss and melt, the skin festering and rotting eventually turning the carcass into a puddle of tainted bubbling fluid.

Slumping against each other Xing Lei took comfort that Fleet Spear was by his side once more, ignoring the disapproving glare of the older elven mage that lead Alustriea over. Smiling to Xing Lei she bowed slightly, "Xing Lei, it is good to see you whole and well. I present to you my father, Archmage Illtalian, general of our Queens armies."

The elf looked at Xing Lei briefly and snorted, his gaze falling upon Fleet Spear, "Lady Osilliaice, you should return to your troop, our task is not finished. You may reunite with your husband later. As for you, mate of Lady Osilliaice, while I am grateful that you escorted my daughter part way home you are but a bit in my campaign, see that you stay out of our way while we contain this blighted demon infested city."

Turning and striding away, both Alustriea and Fleet Spear gave sheepish looks at Xing Lei who was rather curious how he became the side accessory of his mate. Waving his hands he shoo'd the pair off, "Go before his breeches twist any tighter, we'll catch up later."

Licking her mate Fleet Spear nodded and turned to the remainder of the elves in the room and lead them out, Alustriea still blushed seeing Xing Lei's amused gaze, "She put her all into earning my peoples favor so she could be here to rescue you. You should relax, we'll leave some troops here in case anyone has the foolish notion of regrouping here. We need to find the Night Parade, if tales are true and drow are involved this will turn into a holy crusade."

Xing Lei chuckled, "The drow have already left, when they got word of your forces they pulled out hours ago."

Alustriea sighed pinching the bridge of her nose, of course this troublesome kobold knew about the drow. If there was trouble to be had Xing Lei likely was into the thick of it. "The slaves?"

Xing Lei shook his head, "What is roaming the city is all I found, from talking with their leader they already sent the rest to their homeland, a place called Cheth Rrihinn, will the elves march there?"

Alustriea shook her head sadly, "The dark tunnels are for our vile nemesis, to chase them in full armies is foolhardy. We can only hope they can escape on their own."

Xing Lei shrugged, "What is the issue between you elves and the drow, you both seem rather eager to kill each other if you meet. I know there's different sorts of elves and you all co-exist, but what makes the drow so vile?"

Alustriea shook her head, "Its an old tale, come I'll guide you out of the city to our command tent and fill you in on some history, it will explain the hate, probably." Turning to guide him out she sensed him hesitating, "You wanted to rob the treasury? Please don't, who ever is declared regent over this area will need it to maintain order here, it's not a good thing to leave a vassal state destitute. "

Chuckling that she had read his nature so well he simply followed after, glancing briefly at the pool of black blood, it was a bit of a shame to leave all that demon blood but he had no safe way to collect it. Setting aside further thoughts of earning benefits from this situation the kobold followed after his elven friend and listened intently to her history lesson.