An One Sided Offer

The Mad King screamed feeling Xing Lei's alchemist flame licking his little brother hungrily. Cringing feeling the flesh of his tender orbs beginning to roast he screamed out, "Fine you gods be damned demon! I'm the heart demon of her apprentice, he slaved for this fucking bitch for centuries kissing her ass hoping to win even her attention let alone her heart, but when she dismissed her disciples he was amongst those dismissed. It was a senior that was chosen to remain, the whore and her lover looked so smug getting rid of their slaves that my host broke. I consumed him. When that cold hearted bitch next entered seclusion I killed her lover and used his blood and flesh to trap her spirit to the formation."

Panting the Mad King snarled, "Even as a formation spirit she denied us so we took her by force, years of ravaging her, of sodomizing her affected the formation. Her anguish began influencing everyone within, to try and save her sanity she sucked the hope out of everyone else like a vampire. She used it to maintain her body hoping her lover would come reunite them in the flesh, little did she know the mangled body that I first ****** her on was the very corpse of her dear love."

Laughing evilly those mad eyes glared at her watching her continue to please herself with the mangled flesh of his original castration, "Here she is ours and none can deny us again! When I constitute a proper body of my own I shall return her tamed spirit to her body and claim my wife!"

Xing Lei grimaced, a demon was thoroughly a demon after all and this one was insane to put it mildly. Even if a heart demon could get a new body the moment body and spirit connected she would obliterate the wretched thing, and likely all else in the area in her shame and disgust. Sighing he looked to the Mad King, "What is east of your domain? What is south of here?"

The mad King panted, rage and humiliation was building in his chest when he heard the kobolds questions, carefully twisting in Xing Lei's grip a cocky smile flashed that vile face, "You want to leave and grow little kobold?" Laughing hard the Mad King spat at Xing Lei's feet. "East is the Kingdom of Guerellion, south is their enemy The Klamorian Alliance, neither is overly welcoming to monsters so go get yourself killed and leave me and my wife alone!"

Xing Lei nodded his fist flexing as the fire winked out, replacing it was a vial of purplish fluid. The Mad King held his breath wondering if this was to be a humiliation of acid or poison this time, instead the kobold tossed him towards the bed and held the vial up, "One last trade for my... generous... host. This fluid will subdue her will putting her in a hypnotic trance, she will be weak to the first command given to her. This gift I'll give, if you hand over her spatial ring."

The mad king rubbed his neck and glared at the kobold, his eyes darted to the potion in wonder, yet doubt lingered behind his eyes, looking to the kobold he spat out some blood, "Why would you help me?"

Xing Lei shook his head, "I'm not, this is simple business. I want what resources she still has and you get a subdued slut of a wife, she won't need them right and getting rid of them only ensures she doesn't break out of your will. You gain alot and I get what I need. Do we have a deal?"

The mad king glared, his greedy gaze shifted to the vial indecision rampant on his face as Xing Lei smiled, "Subduing your real body wife easily, going once!"

The mad king nibbled his lips, indecision radiated in his gaze, he had no reason to trust this kobold but the temptation...

"Going twice..."

The Mad Kings eyes blazed as his hand stabbed down crushing a human skull beside the bed, tossing a small leather bag at Xing Lei and yelled, "Give it to me!"

Xing Lei caught the bag and tossed the vial to the Mad King, casually walking past the 'happy couple' he trotted downstairs exiting the tower and headed eastward, his casual stride seemed slow but he was using a technique to mask his motions which were far more hurried than he displayed to the watching Mad King, he needed to get lost very fast before the fool king tried his potion. While it did have hypnotic properties... to wipe the conciousness of a cultivator? No, Xing Lei needed to get away from the tower with all speed. When he felt the fools attention shift he broke all pretense and ran as fast as possible.

Minutes past as a kobold streaked across the dull landscape, the wheat fields to the east were glowing more prominent when something akin to an explosion erupted behind him, an energy wave, soundless yet bearing insane killing intent swiftly washed over his fleeing form nearly bowling him over. Bleeding from his seven orifices Xing Lei tucked his head and ran on, ignoring the fiery mushroom cloud that had blossomed back where the ivory tower had stood.

The very air was filled with a stifling heat, the roiling clouds that choked away the sunlight had spit forth fiery embers, a rainstorm of cinders falling across the land. The very land seemed to buck under his feet as the kobold ignored the literal change in the environment, looking ahead as the wheat fields spontaneously combusted, the tall stalks burning to ash in a horizon stretched line of fire. Xing Lei marvelled at who that woman could be, her power was simply in another realm, for this sort of manifestation of ones rage he wagered she should at least be Spirit Empress stage, weather major or perfect completion depended on how fine an ash that foolish heart demon had been reduced to.

Diving into the burning wheat fields he ignored the discomfort to his scaled hide as he rushed into cover. The roar of falling fireballs screamed from the heavens as the woman completely lost her proverbial shit. The explosion of these fireballs impacting the land around him deafened his hearing. His eyes were squinted, doing his best to not get any ash or cinders in his eyes, such would slow him down should any of that falling apocalypse target him.

This time, his trip through the fields were gloriously short, bursting out into an emerald pasture that tickled his face with a refreshing breeze. Finally looking back the dead lands were ever so lively now. Fireballs, pillars of lava, hot ash and cinders, the entire land was like a volcano had erupted in its heart spreading fiery destruction for miles. Oddly enough, this destruction obeyed some unknown mystical rule, a fireball threatened to escape but rebounded back in exploding in the air to spray fiery shards across the land.

Falling back on his butt Xing Lei exhaled. He had a certain affinity fore fire in his new body but these flames carried more than basic elemental fire. Those boulder fireballs carried a hint of primal origin energy, how they could he knew not but wasn't going to ask either. Primal origin energy was the building blocks of existence, it powered elemental forces! Yet that woman chucked the stuff like a child might hurl a fist full of snow. And he stole her spatial bag.

Giggling to himself he laid back and truly started to laugh, it would take time to wipe her signature off the thing to access it but what laid within, regardless however mundane, would prove incalculable in it's worth. A power houses trash would be divine teir boons to his current self. Sighing he opened his eyes, and stopped breathing.

Hovering at the border was a woman shrouded in flames, a tattered robe clung to her body, barely hiding her modesty. A pair of foaming eyes stared death at the reclining kobold. Her dark hair bellowed behind her lithe frame as her red lips were parted in an angry snarl. Looking into her gaze was painful, fire seemed to leap from her pale blue orbs to stab into his yellow orbs. Xing Lei swallowed a mouthful of dry air, why he was still alive when such an expert was so close he could not fathom, but he did know what she came for. Sighing he held up the bag and tossed it to her.

Snagging it from the air she pulled it open and her grimacing red lips spread into a relieved smile, pulling a triangular piece of silk from the bag she glared at Xing Lei, "Avert your gaze, peek and I take your eyes."

Marvelling at the experts voice being sweet and soft, so in contrast to her fiery poise Xing Lei spun around averting his gaze. A relieved sigh escaped the womans lips as she shuffled about behind his turned back, after a few moments her birdsong like voice called out, "You may turn."

Glancing back Xing Lei was some what stunned, tossing aside the scraps of her original robe, she had redressed in a slender robe of icey blue, with her hands tucked in her sleeves she stood serenely at the border as if the fiery destruction tearing the dead lands inside out behind her had nothing to do with her person. A bell like laughter slipped from ruby lips, "One would think you had seen plenty young cultivator, or do you simply put no value in continued sight?"

Xing Lei swallowed averting his gaze before giving a simple clasped fist greeting, "Senior, this one, Xing Lei greets you and hopes his actions won't force your hand."

That soft laughter came again, covering her lips her pale blue eyes formed near half crescents in her mirth, "I had thought all candidates lost with the interference of my foolish disciple, it seems of the weeds culled there is at least some hardy scrub grass ready to claw out a place for its existence. Well, Xing Lei, I will give you a choice. Will you, or will you not join the Heavenly Rose Sect."

Xing Ling blinked looking at the woman before tilting his head, "What is the sects goals?"

The woman smiled simply waving her sleeve back and forth dismissively, "Outsiders are not permitted to know, your answer is yes or no and as a young cultivator you should know what this choice means."

Xing Lei frowned, "Its not really a choice is it?"

The woman smiled down at the kobold and laughed, "Oh the choice exists, there is just good and bad choices. Cultivators should join the monastery, this is expected. The outside world is too soft to handle an unregulated cultivator, but naturally you may refuse our offer, but those that refuse our placed upon or kill orders. The purity of our Dao cannot be blemished by wayward clowns."

Falling into silence Xing Lei glared, suffice to say the invite was a do or die situation, either you joined the sect or were buried by it. Still... the kobold looked at the powerful woman, if the worlds energy was this pure with a sect present it must be following an orthodox path. Waving his hand he sighed, "Since you put it so generously, I accept."

Clapping her hands the woman smiled, stepping forward a wall of energy flared as the woman crossed a boundary to reach out and claim the kobolds shoulder. Pulling a paper talisman from the opening in her robe she focused her will, the woman and kobold shimmered out of existence returning the peace of the pasture to the fiery light show beyond the border, fire and rock blasting the land like an angry deity determined to crush all life from the area. As quiet fell, the border shimmered and great blocks of wheat fields regrow cutting the deadlands off from the rest of the world.