Heavenly Rose Monastery

Far from the strife of man and elf lay a remote monastery, this tall structure built high atop a mountain stretched I to the clouds. This tower shone beneath the sun, its white washed exterior pristine and unsullied. The gleam of polished marble spoke of just what sort of expenditure had gone into building, this looming monument to purity. All down the sides of the mountain, pathways lead to individual courtyards and houses, each sharing the same look as the imposing overlord of the area. Stark white, pure like freshly fallen snow.

The lush surroundings spoke of well maintained lands, the rich energy of the world seemed to converge here, turning this mountain based community into what could well equate to heaven on earth. Around the base of the mountain had been constructed a vibrant town, a thriving hub of travellers and residents that shared in the bounty of being situated beneath the mountain belonging to the Heavenly Rose sect. Few people had ever set foot in the sect lands, most only seeing the myriad races that made up the sects disciples, and varied it was. From the more common humans and elves to the more unique like devilkin and Lizardfolk, none were denied entry, as long as they proved they could adhere to the Path.

Near the looming tower, on a perilous cliff face sat a kobold. His small house was a simple one room affair holding the basic needs of survival, but even after weeks of habitation the contents of the room looked barely touched. Day after day since coming here, Xing Lei had meditated on the edge of the cliff, over looking the town below, no one came at first to bother this latest addition since it had been revealed he was the personal disciple of the River Sage, a lofty position that afforded him this secluded little hut away from the other disciples. Even now he focused driving out the echoing noise from his closest neighbor.

The sharp cries of a woman in the throws of passion fell faintly on Xing Lei's ears, her voice unrestrained, yelling for all to hear as she cultivated with one of the junior monks. Technically she was his senior sister but he had a hard time coming to grips with the sect. While it had been shocking to learn this world had monks that followed traditions and schools much akin to cultivator sects he should not have been surprised by the nature of the Heavenly Rose sect. Seeing the mad king riding the River Sage and her uncaring response that Xing Lei had witnessed her under her former pupil had been a huge indication what went on but he still felt disgust that he had been drafted into a monastery that focused on dual cultivation.

In his old life such sects were a mockery of the cultivation way. Sure some focused on mutual benefit but more often than not either yin or yang was being forcefully harvested to better one particular gender or the other, and in the Heavenly Rose's case, this one cultivated strength to take what one needed. Sure it provided its members all the resources they wanted, but eventually a senior sister or brother would swoop in to drain all their energy to enrich their own bodies. A few had even tried looking for him but his body tempering had surprised them, yet while the bottom feeders looking for fresh unknowing meat were denied, it had sparked fresh challenges from greater and greater powers. Even now there was no peace, for later this very day he was to be challenged by a stout halfling woman who had taken to the kobold who was more her size.

Sighing he looked out over the town, his 'master' had said the name of the community was Gileandra's Rest, a hub town east of the savage lands where his kind were prevalent. A dozen different races existed here, monstrous and human, and oddly enough there were inhumans as well. The River Sage simply would not shut up about a rather endowed centaur that ran a tavern on the south side, Xing Lei had no idea what a centaur was at the time but when he found out he had nearly unhinged his jaw with how it had dropped. He had to look at this woman in a whole new light... and it wasn't good or flattering.

The kobold watched the distant people and mulled over this sect, truth be told it wasn't a true cultivator sect. The monks and disciples were more of a religious weal, though what goddess of beauty or sex inspired this lot he had not gathered. River Sage herself was a rare dual class, practicing both sorcerers arts and the elemental studies of something called a wu jen. It explained how she had brought the tribulation down in the dead lands while not being a cultivator, she had mistaken himself for another dual class suspecting him of being a monk/favored one hybrid. Xing Lei didn't bother to correct her, letting her assume his powers meant he had wiggle room should he need to leave.

Hearing a knock behind him, Xing Lei turned to regard a young man in a simple training gi, like most males in the Heavenly Rose, this one was to be considered quite handsome, almost dashing. Yet a look into his dim eyes easily told the truth, those good looks were as much a curse here since many sisters would search the poor guy out. From the state of his clothes such a very occurence had happened prior. "Brother Lei? Senior Sister Proudfoot demands your presence at the Flower Stage." Turning and limping away, Xing Lei winced. The arse of the gi was torn showing the disciples pale, scratch covered backside. While many would think being in such an organization wasn't all bad, one had to realize such sects attracted deviants and perverts like a fly to shit, in this messengers case likely one of the senior brothers had taken fancy to the messenger lad.

Rising and leaving his contemplative spot he headed out on the path, the duel stages were closer to the foot of the mountain as it was often the outer disciples fighting to maintain their dignity or purity from the lusts of their seniors. Such was much the same for himself. A human woman had challenged him not long after the River Sage left him to his own devices, thinking she was a cultivator he had used his acupuncture technique to incapacitate her, sadly he had been a little too diligent and when striking the pressure points around her hips he had accidentally triggered her to climax, getting known as the new meat who could make these harlots cum with a non sexual finger technique triggered the rest to seek him out.

Walking amongst the inner court living areas the muffled sounds of trysts sounded out around him, he had asked around and it seemed that the Heavenly Rose was the power behind a chain of brothels in this land, outer disciples often had missions to work for several months in such establishments, while the core disciples and elders ran the business. Shaking his head, Xing Lei truly wondered if his old friends would laugh if they saw him now, conscripted into a sect of whores and deviants... he should just beat himself to death with one of their fake phalluses and complete the humiliation.

As he neared the duel arenas he saw many disciples gathered, shaking his head he could only wonder how they had such time to waste making fan clubs for the contenders. Quickening his pace he dodged like a shadow through the roiling sea of bodies, his nose crinkling, the scent of sexual musk was thick on many of the disciples, it would seem observing him was more important than bathing for some of these young men and women. To a great fanfare he appeared on the Flower Stage opposite a short woman.

Looking over, his opponent seemed like a human child but what gave her true nature away was her hairy bare feet and a bust that was doing it's best to burst from her robe. With his appearance she had licked her thickly painted lips, the hungry look in her eyes made his scales crawl. Shaking the unease out of his limbs a third disciple entered the ring, a slender beauty with long pointed ears smashed between the two and raised her melodious voice, "Fellow disciples! We are gathered today to honor the struggle between Senior Sister Calissa Proudfoot and our talented new Senior Brother, the reptilian magic fingers, XING LEI!" The halfling intro had been normal but the elven woman was obviously part of his fan club, practically screaming his title and name in a fit of frenzied desire.

Two disciples zipped onto the platform grabbing an arm each dragging the elven woman back off the platform as she kicked and struggled to get at Xing Lei herself, the kobold sighed and looked to Calissa helplessly, "Do we really need to do this?"

What answered him was a surface to air halfling, launching herself across the distance, her fist leading the charge as she lunged at him with a swift initial strike. Xing Lei shifted his hands to deflect the strike along with sweeping his hands down to block a lifted hairy foot that had sought out his mid rift. Landing carefully Calissa spun and strode into the kobold, fist flying in tricky patterns forcing Xing Lei to dodge or block. He had to admit, of his opponents this one actually had trained a bit rather than a pretense technique meant to distract while the disciple posed or preened to draw the lust in their foes.

Matching the woman fist for fist and kick for kick the pair of short disciples fought in the middle of the ring, trading blows back and forth. The crowd that originally were hooting and hollering expecting an lusty and quick mounting of ones target had fallen to a soft murmur. While the gazes of lust did not dissipate there was now serious watchers studying both fist techniques. Calissa was sweating as she leapt up and kicked out only to have her foot caught and her body tossed to one side, dropping down she cushioned her fall by rolling into a handspring launching herself into an acrobatic flip.

Xing Lei watched, a slow smile on his muzzle as he charged in on her unsteady stance, Calissa, he had to admit, had talent. Unlike his prior challengers who were just as happy to surrender to his whims as win and have him to their whims. Calissa was actually here to test herself. Ducking and weaving the dance on stage truly shocked the other disciples, fervent looks reawakening as they witnessed an actual duel and not just a pretense before the two screwed. The cat calls and whistles became fewer as the pair breathed heavily facing each other.

Calissa's robe stuck to her curves while Xing Lei's outlined his thin but muscled body. Grimacing Cslissa shook her head, standing from her ready stance and nodded to Xing Lei, "This match is my loss."

Xing Lei rose and clasped fists, "Really, it seemed you were holding your own, still I thank you for going easy on me Senior Sister."

Calissa shook her head, "You went easy on me, you weren't using your special technique at all."

Xing Lei shrugged and turned to leave, "You were here with an honest challenge, I respect that. The others came wanting to sate their lusts, so sated them and used my technique. If you want a rematch, I look forward to the challenge Senior Sister."

Returning to his home he frowned, slipping inside a familiar figure sat in his only chair, a long pipe lightly hung from the corner of ruby lips as soft puffs of fragrant piped filled the air. His Master casually smoked as she waited for her disciple, a familiar torn backside was half submerged in the womans lower robes, the fact the messenger was doing something only registered as a slight shift of her hips, "Ah my protege, finished adding another to your harem?"

Sighing Xing Lei stood to the side and clasped fists, "Disciple greets Master River Sage."

The woman rolled her eyes, popping the long stem of the pipe from her lips, swinging it down to smack the messengers bare backside, "You may rise disciple, I want to speak with my pupil."

The young man scrambled from under her robe, carefully tucking the material before standing and turning to leave. Xing Lei felt his eye twitch as his nose inhaled a distinct scent, rather than sexually serving the elder it seems the messenger was serving as her chamber pot. The lad could see the kobolds pitying gaze and his handsome cheeks turned scarlet red, rushing from the pair's presence.

"Master has achieved a new level of depravity." Xing Lei frowned and stated turning his gaze to the woman who had yet to correct her posture, settling back to smoke her pipe, her legs spread wide as if inviting him in between.

"You simply don't understand our sect Xing Lei. I'm here to teach."