Mysterious Movements

As Calissa was none too gently escorted to the pirate ships brig another small form was clambering up the aft end of their own vessel. To Xing Lei, the lack of battle sounds was a telling thing that the fight had been lost despite him single handedly routing the other ship. Peeking through the rails he could see pirates tossing sailor bodies off the ship while others fished the swimming orcs out of the ocean. His captain along with the pirate captain stood side by side on the latter's aftcastle, seemingly they were very chummy despite the former losing half his crew.

Calissa was nowhere in sight but he took note that the force on the main ship had been extreme, unlike a boat load of orcs this gathering of varied races very well clued Xing Lei in that this was more than a simple pirate raid, the two ships was telling of course too with a witch as well but who knew, perhaps the fleet owner was cowardly? No, looking at the arrangement, this was a well established group that came with purpose, but that was? Himself, Calissa, just the sect members in general?

Hunkering down he did not bother trying to assault this group, from the gore and scorch marks near by they had a caster too and coupled with the far more extreme array of pirates he did not rate his odds high of reaching that spell caster before a spell gave him woes. No, better to hide and tag along, see just what other factors this situation had. As long as they weren't planning to execute his companion immediately she could survive this little distress. Slipping back down into the water with his new blade he felt the boat's start to move after another hour, peeking above the waves he could see the transport being towed, a skeleton crew moved about the ship making sure it followed along properly.

The next few weeks were grueling for Xing Lei, when he could he'd scale the transport and find a bunk in the bilges or down in the small hold, but most days were spent in the water latched to the hull. For food he would spear fish, though he really lucked out when a hungry shark thought he'd be a snack, the great predator instead provided the kobold with days of meat. Thankfully after two weeks, the pair of ships were drawing close to a shore line, the thick woods and cliffs sheltering this harbor easily showed off this was the pirate hide out.

Detaching from the transport, Xing Lei swam along the shore careful of patrols, doing his best to see where Calissa was unloaded to, other than looking a little malnourished she didn't look badly abused so this whole issue was in at least some fashion, related to the monestary, but exactly how much would have to be seen. As the kobold climbed from the water he had to marvel at the harbor, the buildings were not only built along the shore, but also hung precariously along the cliffs, a veritable rats nest of walk ways connected the place. As he moved along the harbour was quite busy, following the captains and their prisoner proved harder and harder as they walked deeper in.

After a bit he lost sight of the trio but it shouldn't be too hard to refund the path, this section of the harbour was less a rat's nest and more actual houses that resembled the courtyards of his old life. Walled enclosures with large buildings denoted this was likely the officer and captain quarter, the ones in charge lived here and it stood to reason the biggest most guarded would be what he sought. Breaking off he instead moved about the harbor collecting clothes and colors, in a nest of inhuman pirates a kobold would not stand out over much unless he wasn't wearing what most did.

With a passable disguise the kobold freely walked through the pirate town, mostly he moved around the edges listening to the drunken lot of the rabble but soon realized the orcs and such had little of useful information, the common hirelings of the crew's had no gossip on the new captive or why she had been taken rather rumors and tales focused on the lieutenants. The ones big on the lips of the common pirates was the recently deceased Mad Maude, of the witch most raised a toast to her killer, the crazy orcish witch was hated by one and all. Next was Al-Hasan'drel, a panther folk sorcerer who had recently been purchased and released from a Black Hand auction, most didn't have a good read on that one, he was the strong silent type, what rumors that passed around were that he followed his freer free of charge... which brought looks of disgust from the other pirates.

The next big new name was Captain Handover, the recently converted transport captain, he'd be replacing Captain Snagtooth as the reserve ship captain. Most of the pirates toasted their new comrade but other than not knowing him well, Xing Lei heard little about the traitor. Last of all was the most spoken of, and always in the quietest of whispers. Lady Cobra, another slave from the Black Hand auction, most very quietly admired her beauty, the reason for the whispers was due to her being the slave-wife of captain Blackheart, the boss. Apparently one of the raw recruits was boisterously praising her beauty and the high captain had the poor bloke keel hauled, while Xing Lei really didn't understand the term, the solemn looks on the pirates said enough that it wasn't a good way for a sailor to die. The rest of the rumors were the pirates trying to one up each other on how a cocky crew mate had died to ogling the high captains woman.

Rubbing his chin, Xing Lei left the latest tavern and slipped into the night, from the sounds of things this High Captain Blackheart was in charge and had three primary underlings. The panther folk was easy enough to understand, he wasn't strong silent, rather no one spoke his language. Captain Handover was a coward, he likely moved for money, greed always was a quick difference between a sailor and a pirate. The only one he was truly unsure of was Lady Cobra, as a slave she could be an ally or she could be a straight up fatal weapon, regardless he'd have to deal with these underlings before the High Captain, trying to deal with all four and the throng of pirates would be too much for even him, they'd just drown him in riff raff and spray the area with wide effect spells.

Looking to the receding light of the sky Xing Lei once more headed for the rich section of the harbor, with the sun setting the shadows drew longer and the noise of the taverns rose. The quick form of a kobold slipped unnoticed from house to house. While these outer domiciles didn't house officers they still held important pirates who would likely advance in future. These ones were most alert for trouble, thieves and pirates all acted much like bandits. Higher ranks didn't just open up, usually you had to remove a predecessor... if they didn't remove you first. Promotions in nefarious groups were notoriously literal when described as cut throat.

As Xing Lei approached the end of the road the houses fell away to forest, the road itself continued but now it lead into the reclusive areas of the harbor. Or so he had thought. In truth as he rushed through the woods what awaited him on the other side was a city, stone walls stretched high around a familiar central keep. Glancing around he did a double take, this simply could not be! Walking forward he approached the gate and was greeted with a gruff voice, "Halt ye wee fool, stand fast an' let us get a look at ye!"

Looking through the barred gate Xing Lei chuckled to himself, a pair of stout bearded fellows were stomping his way, thick square shields and shimmering battle axes were in hand. A far different greeting from last time he stood before Ulak. The two dwarves, and dwarves they certainly were! Stomped up to the gate to look at the kobold looking every bit a bandit. Two sets of small dark eyes narrowed and fists tightened on their weapons, the one on the left had a thick braided beard that tickled the toes of his boots, the other was flame haired, his braided beard was slung back over his shoulders, from the looks of it the braids tickled his backside, even Xing Lei had to admit, that was an impressive beard.

The one on the right grumped, "Gates closed fer the night you scaled fool, go away! We're not fer botherin' wit openin' it again fer yer sake!"

Xing Lei chuckled looking between the dwarves and shrugged, "Very well good dwarf, though pass along this to your lord, Xing Lei bids greetings to kobold friend Ottar. If he has words for me... or a thrown hammer I'll be making camp just over the ridge there."

The dark bearded one growled threateningly yet the big beard rested a hand on his shoulder. "We'll tell him kobold." Turning the pair stomped away as Xing Lei turned to make a spot to setup camp, he did not expect to be allowed entry tonight. Eying the forest near by he frowned, last he was by this way it was grasslands as far as the eye could see, yet now the fort city of Ulak was almost choked with trees, and then there was the pirate harbor, he had walked at best a few minutes, even with his enhanced speed theres no way he got from the coast to Ulak, from how Calissa talked once they made port they were at least a week and a half out from Ulak by carriage. Something strange has most definitely occurred here for a lush forest to spring up in a scant few years.

As the moon rose high overhead Xing Lei spent the evening dealing with local beasts, monstrous wolves and horses were still plentiful here, in fact he was in the midst of butchering a large wolf whose hide was much akin to crystal when he heard heavy boot steps approaching his camp, "Yer early ya over grown gecko!"

Laughing he turned to see Ottar, or what he suspected was Ottar, three dwarves were standing near his camp but all three wore thick plate and faceless helms, the only one he recognized was big beard since no helmet or armor would hide those lengthy braids. Returning to his task he chuckled, "I'd say good to see you Ottar but I'm not sure which one is you, try pegging me with an axe, I should be able to tell then."

The middle dwarf snorted and was about to spit when he cursed realizing if he had done so he'd have spat on the inner face guard of his helmet. Cursing he reached up yanking it off his head much to the chargin of the warrior to his left, "Aw shut yer trap Slatebeard, if this dragon in a shit suit wanted me dead I'd be good an' dead already. These suits won't stop him."

Ottar hadn't changed much in the few years Xing Lei had not seen him, his beard was fuller as was his eyebrows but he still looked whole and hearty. The kobold chuckked and nodded, "Be with you in a moment, just dressing my kill, feel free to share my fire."

Flanked by the other dwarves Ottar sat himself before the fire and waited, the kobold took the time it took him and returned opposite his old friend, "Seems strange things are going on Ottar, hopefully you can explain such to me."

Ottar snorted, "What else could it be ye silly saddle wrap, it's those blasted elves. That father of Alustriea's went and cast something big, all of Ironhands old stompin' grounds is a forest now. Even worse the forest is spreading over the borders, we've been cutting and burnin' it back fer weeks now and those blasted things keep growin' back. Worse still is the reports of people gettin' lost in the fuckin' depths. They go in, get turned around an' suddenly they're miles from where they should be. More elven bullshit."

Xing Lei frowned, if the forest was a formation it would explain much of what was going on but as far as he had heard the Archmage wasn't a formation master, he was just another mage, albeit a powerful one. Just what was going on?