Return of an Unwelcome Acquaintance

The three dwarves turned to the roor briefly before scrambling around looking for their gear, Xing Lei however looked quite relaxed despite the impending attempted arrest. Lazing back on his chair he took a drink from his own tankard seeming completely at ease. Harn and Pale looked to each other then to Ottar. The old dwarf coughed, "Hey ye wee gecko, we're about to have uninvited guests, ye might want to stand yer arse up and pull out a spear or something..."

Xing Lei shook his head, "Open the door, invite Yelrena in."

Ottar blinked looking at the kobold, "How do you know her name?"

Xing Lei chuckled, turning the chair to face the door, "Your commander is Alustriea's former bodyguard, seems she must have got a promotion for selling knowledge of everything to the Archmage. Wonder if her brother Volune is with her..."

Ottar growled adjusting the hodge podge of armor he had scrounged up from around the room and stomped to the door, opening it slowly with his stout frame blocking the way, "Near as I recall lass, the IronIvy treaty was targeted at elven radicals that sought sanctuary in surrounding kingdoms, me guest isn't an elf so yer invoking of that treaty ain't worth a spriggans fart."

Xing Lei laughed not at all surprised that the maiden had tried to use an official name to try and get her way, "Ottar my friend, invite her and her fellows in, it's a talk best done with drinks."

Sighing Ottar pushed open the door, though the elven woman still shoved past him in her hurried advance, half a dozen other elves marched in behind her as she came to stand before the seated kobold drawing her longsword and pointing it at his chest, "Fugitive Xing Lei, by order of the Silvertree Nation you are ordered to surrender yourself, though I do hope you resist as that gives me full authority to execute you here and now."

Xing Lei took a slow pull from his tankard looking at Yelrena, it had been ages since they crossed paths, which he was not at all sorry for, the woman still had that look of superiority in her eyes, that nasty smug look on her face like she was some sort of queen over ruling the peasants around her. True her armor had improved, gone was the form fitting dark leathers of an assassin/bodyguard now she wore a shining silver and gold mix of chainmail and light plate. The slender armor had all the trappings of a nobles influence.

Sighing he looked into the hating eyes of the woman and pulled the same stunt he had with one of the young Blackscale warriors. With the speed of a striking cobra, Xing Lei's freehand snapped up grabbing the sharp end of the longsword and wrested it from her slender fingers. Before she or her group could react he swung the hilt end hard against the side of Yelrena's surprised face. Unlike the lizardman who only got somewhat stunned, the hilt connected with a low crack to her jaw dislocating it, as she spun from the force of the blow several teeth and a great deal of blood left her shattered, dislocated jaw before she fell motionless to the floor.

Xing Lei looked to the bloodied pommel and sighed, "Have to work on my strength, guess Lizardfolk aren't a good gauge of what a mortal can take." Shrugging helplessly he tossed aside the blade and looked to her troops, "You have a single chance, surrender yourselves to friend Ottar or I leave you in a state worse than hers. Choose now."

The elves blanked a bit, with the rise of the Archmage and the death of Ironhand they had been getting use to the idea of the other races being cowed before their might, Ottar and his two guards resisted but for the most part they'd gone along with the commanders bullying over the fort. Yet here now, a small kobold had effortlessly laid her low, the three dwarves were somewhat armed and obviously looking for a fight, and there was still their commanders target casually drinking his ale, that kobold looked like fight or surrender it mattered not one bit to him.

Yelrena's second in command turned to Ottar and inclined with a bow, "Lord Ottar, we would submit to your will."

Ottar grumbled and nodded, "Aye fine lass, get you and yer lads out of me tap room, gather up the rest of your group and wait for us in the main hall. We'll see to your commander and then decide what's to be done."

The elven woman relaxed a bit and nodded, motioning to the handful of others she walked out leaving the three dwarves staring at Xing Lei and the unconcious commander. Harn, predictably was the first to shout out, "Rust take it! We've not seen battle with naught but oversized fur balls for weeks and our first real scuffle and ye end it with that?! Ye little bastard, why do you got to be taking all our fun?!"

Xing Lei laughed as he hopped up and reached over to grab the unconscious elven woman by the scruff of her armored neckline and threw her none too gently on top of the table, she gave a muffled groan as the new pain roused her from the darkness of oblivion, "Sorry Harn, I have a friend needing help so a long drawn out battle doesn't help, better I just show them they've kicked an iron plate and be done with it." Reaching over his hand covered Yelrena's mouth and glowed as he began healing her jaw, as he found with himself, his healing would at least set things somewhat right with an injury this severe, the woman would still have to miss a few teeth and look like she kissed the side of the fort with force.

Ottar had stomped over looking between Yelrena and the kobold, "Just what in the name Umelix was that ya crazy frog?"

Xing Lei chuckled as he sat back motioning to one of the other seats, "You'll have to elaborate on what you mean, as for her, she's Alustriea's old bodyguard. She and I have some history, much like Harn, she has a racial superiority complex. She even tried to assassinate me at one point, obviously she failed."

Ottar sighed and scooped up the elven blade casually running a callused thumb along the edge, a thin line of bright blood swiftly marred it. "More talking about this ya damn gecko, when did you start having scales like a dragon?"

Xing Lei chuckled, "Oh that. Business for after this bit, not about to discuss it in front of her, so Yelrena going to continue pretending to still be unconcious or want to join our conversation."

Yelrena's head lifted, blood covered most of her angular jaw and most of her lower face was badly bruised, "Why would I talk with you you foul little monster." Turning to gaze at Ottar her wincing scowl fell upon the dwarf, "Aiding an enemy of the Silvertree empire looks like you don't want this fort anymore..."

Ottar snorted, "Indeed we don't lass, we're tired of you scrawny twig arses thinking you got us over a barrel, before ya came for the lizard me and my boys were coming for some good old dwarven diplomacy, naturally our hammers and yer arses, looks like you twigs get off easy."

Yelrena frowned, "Well the IronIvy treat-"

Ottar coughed, "Sorry lass as I said at the door that treaty doesn't mean shit, it was signed to get sneaky elf rabble rousers out of our forts, last I looked our mutual friend here ain't a tree hugger."

Yelrena glowered at the dwarf, "While he is not an elf he is considered half citizen due to his relation to one of our military thus he is included in the treaty." The elf grimaced, having to explain the technicalities of the treaty made her semi healed jaw hurt badly.

Ottar looked to Xing Lei, "Whelp like I said, we're leaving so this isn't our issue. Feel free to try arresting the miniature dragon again yourself lass, worked ever so well the first time."

Glaring at the uncooperative dwarf she reached down to grab her sword but found the loop empty, glancing around she nearly spit blood again when she saw Xing Lei holding it by the blade and scraping the point down his back, noticing her look he shrugged, "Its tough finding good back scratchers Yelrena, I've had this itch..."

Wincing and growling she lunged for the sword and Xing Lei was all too kind to return it to her, though she didnt realize that he'd been holding the blade and yelped as she slit her palm open. Clutching the wound to her chest Xing Lei tsked, "Better you don't take it back if you're just going to cut yourself with it." Chuckling Xing Lei waved to the dwarven trio before sauntering out the door, he'd not gotten far when a cry of frustration tinged with pain screeched from behind.

Slipping out of the fort was even easier, with the elves gathering in the main hall Xing Lei could saunter out the gates under the gaze of Pale who was preparing some packs for their own departure. Tossing Xing Lei another map the fiery haired dwarf winked, "We're headed home but if ye find yourself our way we'll be sure to welcome ya. Well Ottar and me will, Harn'll probably try to chuck ya in a catapult after all of this. I can tell Ottar is intrigued by your mention of business but best to do it in friendlier spaces."

Shaking his head Xing Lei darted off into the forest and unrolled the first map he'd been given... and stopped dead. Turning the map over... then again... Xing Lei sighed. Pale might have been a great dwarven warrior but a cartographer he was not. The map was little more than lines and squiggles that really were hard to decipher. Unrolling the second map he sat where he stopped and tried to figure out Pale's system... if there was one. Sighing again Xing Lei turned to look at the surrounding wood and walked off in what he hopped was the right path.

While he walked he decided to check his status, see if his time amongst the Blackscale army had added anything...


Name: Xing Lei (Dull Scale)

Gender: Male

Race: Kobold (Variant)

Level: 17

Job: Soul Traveller Rank: Mithril

Titles: Slayer of the Forest Lord, Elven Outcast, Fleet Spear's Mate, Dwarf Friend, Executioner of Infernals, Ally of House Luen, Arena Master, Dragonmarked, Xing Kah's Father

Strength: 10(+16) Dexterity: 10(+16)

Constitution: 12(+16) Intelligence: 15

Wisdom: 18 Charisma: 14(+16)

Charm: 15(+16) Luck: 15

Mana: 80/80

Condition: Lingering Wounds

Innate Abilities: Varied Voice (Supreme) Rank: Demon Steel, Alchemy Flame (Novice) Rank: Iron, Inspection (Intermediate) Rank: Iron, Draconic Breath (Basic) Rank: Bronze

Skills: Alchemy (Novice) Rank: Bronze, Crimson Mountain Sects Body Tempering (Intermeadiate) Rank: Demon Steel, [Dragon Scales], [Sealed], [Sealed], [Sealed], Herbology (Basic) Rank: Iron, Cloud Dragons Spear Technique (Basic) Rank: Gold, Weapon Crafting (Basic) Rank: Iron, Kobold Swordsmanship (Basic) Rank: Iron, Kobold Archery (Basic) Rank: Silver, Pottery (Basic) Rank: Iron, Stealth (Basic) Rank: Mithril, Kobold Axe Weilding (Basic) Rank: Copper, Elven Spellcasting (Basic) Rank: Copper, Draconic Spellcasting (Novice) Rank: Dark Gold, Drow Hand Crossbow Expertise (Novice) Rank: Gold, Kobold Sabre Weilding (Novice) Rank: Iron

Elven Spells: Ignite

Draconic Spells: Minor Heal, Curse, Bless, Dragon's Strength, Light Heal, Light Harm, Dragon Fear, Heavenly Feast, Wyverns Grace

Unused Points: 0

Dragonmarked - You have been marked by a dragon, they know where you are at all times but is only accurate the closer you are to them.

Xing Kah's Father - Recognized by the general of the Blackscale Lizardfolk army as his father. Many Blackscales will rever you the greater his conquests.


Smiling dispite himself his two new titles were mixed blessings. On one hand Xing Kah now formally recognized him as father, while on the flip side being marked by Destorianaxe was less smile inducing. He could well guess this mark would let her know if he was pushing his luck by trying to return to her army too soon. Shaking his head he looked over the rest, a few level ups and he'd likely evolve again and a few advanced skills, not a bad round up, he'd have to focus on body tempering once he rescued Calissa and dealt with the pirates.

Speaking of... looking around Xing Lei sighed to himself, time to find the path back to Blackheart's roost...