The Elven Civil War

Quel'Shalteir, formerly the capital of the Ironhand kingdom, now stood as the primary elven city in the growing forest. Many humans who had lived all their lives in the capital had been shipped out to the farms and towns that surrounded the growing elven city. After the fall of Ironhand, Archmage Illtalian had broken ties with Queen Silvertrees in an unexpected bid for his own nation. The formerly united elven peoples had been split between the matriarchy and the newly growing magocracy.

In short, the old warrior queen was in risk of being deposed by a mage king. To muddy these waters further the lower caste elves were also backing two lesser powers that were playing all sides. First was the Church of Estrelie, they hope to help the winner evolve the matriarchy or the magocracy into a split rulership that allowed for a theocracy. Naturally with the church sticking their fingers in things the more materialistic ones also wanted a say, merchants and traders on the surface were staying neutral, but it was an open secret that both sides were threatened with supporting going to the opposed if the trade guild didn't get an official position.

All in all, the elven nation was in dire risk of tearing itself apart, none of the low caste in the armies wanted to fight each other since the whole dispute was a high elf issue, in most cases where battles should have been fought a stalemate had occurred with neither side obeying the high caste officers orders to engage. The exception to this was a recent new player to the muddied wrestling pit, Lady Alustriea Illtalian had apparently broken ties with her father, and coupled with a reptilian general had been plaguing both sides using a stitched up group of low caste elves and humans to push both sides away.

For the most part this third 'side' was only interested in keeping the civil war from spilling over into local fronts. Alustriea and her second were pushing for low caste elves and humans together to resist the short sighted schemes of her peers. Problem was centuries of ingrained superiority and beliefs, low against high just wasn't done. Serfs didn't overthrow kings, wood elves didn't deny high elves. There was no greater truth believed by the masses, it was a taboo that was only crossed by the stupid or the crazy, no in situations like this be it peasant or low caste, they rallied under a higher banner which would hopefully mean tomorrow came.

Xing Lei lifted his goblet of wine to his lips as he listened to a bunch of elves debating the current state of affairs with some new transfers from the Empire. How he could sit openly in this tavern was thanks to a spell by Lady Cobra, her illusion disguised him as a moon elf, the darker flesh his scales had become was more easily explained that way, still he had to revel in his near humanity again. Being a three foot tall reptile had its advantages but this spell brought back so much he had lost in his rebirth, he truly had to learn it. Unlike illusion talismans or formations in his old world this spell fooled everything at a base level, even to his trained mind he could not see the reptile under the faux elf trapping.

Savoring the taste of the wine he focused on the elves, the civil war had turned into an all out bid for power by multiple factions. The mages, the priests, the merchants and now the common people. All rallying against the original Empire and its Queen and each other. The city itself looked unified from the manned gates and dutiful outland patrols, but the inner city was a hot bed of factions, it was hard to tell who was who in the tangle of factions while the elves as a whole were insanely trying to keep the pretense of being a unified power. Settling back in his chair he had to admit the elves were keeping the act up quite well.

To other powers the civil war was not an opportunity to make waves with the rival power, should humans or dwarves try something they knew both sides would turn on them. Had they known that the civil war had turned into an open brawl with multiple factions that would welcome mercenary aid this whole situation would have been much, much worse. The one positive thing about this whole open yet not open internal war was that the powers were more or less in well known locations, no one wanted to use assassins and rather it was a game of diplomacy and false promises rather than war camps that never crossed. The whole situation astounded him, how as a race the prim and proper elves could waste so much effort on the pretense of civility even in a situation where one was actively trying to depose the former ruler.

Tossing a few coins on his table Xing Lei exited the wine shop and looked around the quiet streets, the once lively merchant district was like a ghost town. Select few moved openly though the businesses were open which made him stand out like a sore thumb. He'd already detected no less than five spies tailing him as he turned down the street, each of the elven powers were present but there was also an inhuman spy in his wake. Glancing in a certain direction he flashed a smile at the yellowish green python that had been doing it's best to not be noticed. Lady Cobra jerked a bit seeing Xing Lei acknowledge her presence but only moved forward when he motioned for her.

Slithering up his leg and draping her length across his shoulders he continued his leisurely walk, the spies even more interested now in this apparent ranger and his serpentine animal companion. Lightly stroking her head he chuckled, "Keeping an eye on me Lady Cobra?" The pythons head shifted a bit, a long of amazement in its inhuman eyes as he just spoke in beast tongue.

"My apologies Lord Xing Lei, I cannot resist my nature at times."

"I just hope Umber can keep a leash on those three in your absence, if they go out into the city proper there'd be no end of trouble." Xing Lei continued walking hissing to his companion as he strolled along.

"Umber only appears all muscle Lord Xing Lei, he has a very astute mind. He can keep them under wraps, though I have to ask, was it wise to use the hidden base in that establishment called the Night Parade? Surely the elves would check it on occasion just to be sure no drow return."

Xing Lei nodded, "It is a temporary hide out, I need to meet with Alustriea and my mate, they can get the would be next human rulers to the resistance. The sooner those three fools are off my hands the better."

"Lord Xing Lei does not intend to help them?"

Xing Lei almost laughed out loud at the thought, "Help them? To what end? Establish myself as a power behind their throne? Why bother with such a limited outcome. No, I want to dump them on their people, reclaim my mate and leave this city before someone sets the struggle off."

"Lord Xing Lei means...?"

"I mean someone is playing a different game behind the scenes. The elves are so caught up maintaining their appearances that they aren't asking why not only the mages but also the monks and merchants are throwing in. No there's a fifth major power egging everyone on behind the scenes and I don't mean the human resistance. An outside power is pushing and churning this mess waiting for the right time to break cordiality and likely have a wood elf or half elf slay a prominent high elf. All civility will drop and the elven civil war will explode."

The pythons head turned to regard Xing Leis impassive face, no look of concern crossed his illusionary face, he simply didn't give one wit about the matter, "But Lord Xing Lei, if the elves truly go to full on civil war won't this destabilize this entire continent?"

"Of course, the elven Empire is I think, the corner stone of this landmass. All other nations are below it, so before a new power can rise it needs to hamstring the existing one so it's own rise is undisturbed." Xing Lei rolled his shoulders turning down another street, his pace unhurried having no interest in losing the spies still watching.

"An astute observation Lord Xing Lei."

Xing Lei chuckled, "As to who is making the play I'm uncertain. I have a total of four possible players pulling strings behind the curtain. First off is the Heavenly Rose monestary, mostly due to location, destabilizing an elven supremacist nation to open a more open minded power is right up their alley. Secondly is the drow, they have a long standing war with the elves, this whole game could be prelude to a surface invasion. Third is the redscale Lizardfolk, at the pirate auction I noted their presence, they could be looking to hem in Destorianaxe's old stomping grounds to give her no retreat from her current battlefront. Lastly is the yuan-ti, your people must surely have some plan in the area, while your mission doesn't harm me and my mate that is not to say we're not a free ride to get in depth Intel on the elven civil war."

Lady Cobra tensed on his shoulders as he finished his thoughts, a light smile on his elven lips, "So it is your people, it was the most likely of the four to be honest, having a pure blood and a half blood both here on the fringes struck me as odd but when put in line with the elven civil war it makes sense."

"Lord Xing Lei this unworthy female bows before your greatness, it is our people seeking to unseat the elves, does this cross your purposes?"

Xing Lei shook his head walking on as if nothing had changed, "I'm here for my mate and our friend, ditch the royal trouble and leave as quick as possible, though now thinking about it, the royal brat should now be in the hands of your fellow agents should she not?"

The pythons head turned away not answering but Xing Lei could well understand what that silence implied, "Since I don't have to worry about them anymore I just need to collect those important to me."

The snakes head turned to look at him again and hissed softly, "Lord Xing Lei, why do you care so little for this situation? From our understanding of the people this far north, an invasion by a new force should worry anyone that learns of it, yet you seem unconcerned about anything of the sort."

Xing Lei laughed and tried to gauge where he needed to turn next, "I'm not invested in these nations. Human or inhuman it's all the same. My homeland has pulled stakes and moved elsewhere but even had they stayed I doubt your people pose a concern to Destorianaxe. I'm a wanderer, I will eventually settle someplace to raise a family but until that time I've no interest in licking the boots of any mortal Emporer nor the need to cow the lot before my own feet. In due time I'll seek your leaders and they can bow or resist, be sure they know I'm coming in the future, it will make the transition easier in the long run."

The python stared at Xing Lei in silence, to so blatantly claim that in the interm he had no concern for empire shifts because down the road it sounded like he'd go out to make them kneel regardless before his own might. Was this truly the thoughts of a kobold? She and Umber had seen him as a higher existence within his race yet would one of their own leaders so casually discuss the future subjugation of nations by himself? Certainly not! Such talk was the ravings of the mad or foolish, yet as she clung to his shoulders she had to admit she could well see her peoples pyramids crushed beneath his taloned foot.

As they approached the guarded entrance of a gated mansion she laid limply against his chest and considered plunging her fangs into his neck, the madness he boasted so easily of however made her scales crawl. She recalled the death of Blackheart, a kobold ripping the head off an orc, would her own head provide any more resistance than her former master's? Shivering she laid motionless in thought doing her best not to vomit on his shoulder and chest as fear inched tighter and tighter around her heart...