Xing Lei, Assassin for Hire?

Shortly, back in their room Xing Lei entered quietly and made his way over to check on Osilliaice and Alustriea, both were in their own temperment barrels not being overly thrilled at the heat that assailed their bodies. When Xing Lei entered Osilliaice chuckled, "Short meeting. I take it my mate was using his aggressive diplomacy again?"

Xing Lei chuckled sitting on the edge of the large bath that took up a good quarter of the room, water already filled it and steam rose from it still. They must have filled it before getting in to cut short the transition between advancing and washing off impurities. "They wished to test my strength by attacking me with the technique I gave them. Since they wish to slap my face I can only bloody their nose... or well..."

Alustriea cracked an eye looking over, "You went overboard didn't you?"

Xing Lei chuckled softly and shrugged helplessly, "Just a bit, but the Matron Mother has no one but herself to blame for following the ninth path. Robbing the yang essence of young virile males to empower her techniques isn't a righteous path to begin with."

Alustriea blinked, "Ninth path?"

Xing Lei chuckled glancing aside for a moment before explaining, "When I first met Pellanistra I traded her a cultivation technique [The Shadowstalker Nine Paths], for those that follow a dark life style as long as they forsake sunlight they have nine martial arts they can choose from that infuses their bodies with dark aligned qi. Each path focuses on a main technique like unarmed fist, sword, kicks, vocal attenuation and so forth. For drow it seems an optimal technique and it ensures any of them that practiced it would never use it against the surface as sunlight will literally devour their flesh with even a single rank of success."

Alustriea blanched, "You're not going to teach us that are you?"

Xing Lei shook his head, "I know all sorts of techniques, I'll think of one best suited to you down the line, for now focus on training your bodies. I have to go deal with the aftermath." Rising he exited the bathing chamber and sat on the trunk by the end of the bed, it did not take long for Pellanistra to burst in with Calimar and his younger brother in tow. "Took your time, I take it your mother isn't happy?"

Pellanistra was smiling from ear to ear while Calimar sighed and explained, "MATRON Mother is fit to be tied. You embarrassed her before her entire family line, save for her consort of the moment. If her wetting herself is all we've ever been exposed to then we cound ourselves lucky, most however have seen worse. It's more First Sister Burryna and Second Sister, Priestess Malice that are out for your blood."

Xing Lei glanced to the wizard, "Are they likely to get it?"

Calimar shrugged, "Sister Pellanistra has brought you in to advise us on that technique as most of them have encountered troubles advancing, so likely they'll wait till they think you have served your purpose."

Xing Lei tilted his head, "You don't include yourself?"

Calimar shook his head, "My path is the arcane arts, it is enough without dipping into untried energy. Trying to do both will weaken me not strengthen me."

Xing Lei nodded, "Smart, and this fellow?" The kobold turned to look at the other drow behind Calimar, he'd noticed him studying his movements regarding the agility path.

The drow gave a roguish grin, "Nadal Luen, second son. Sadly my fourth brother is weapon master so I am but a wastrel of the family."

Calimar frowned at his brother butting in, before he could reprimand him Pellanistra chimed in, "Don't believe a word from his lips Kobolicus, Nadal is our local thief and archery protege. Sadly he's been trying to one up first sister with that palm thing you did but been failing. He wants first crack at your teaching."

Nadal gave a smile and licked his dark lips, "Or anything else you might want to teach me..."

Pellanistra frowned, "Down Nadal, I swear you're becoming more and more like Matron Mother every day."

Nadal pouted, looking quite crestfallen, "But sister don't you want to test out Kobolicus yourself? Let little brother play with him first, I'll tell you if he's man enough for your standards..."

Xing Lei blinked looking to Pellanistra who sighed and nodded, "Nadal is the one who most takes after our Matron Mothers libido. He's not picky. Half the House has shared his bed, or had him in theirs. Slaves and such included."

Xing Lei cringed and shook his head, "Think I'll pass then."

Nadal frowned and turned up his nose, "Hmph, you simply don't know what you're missing. I've been complimented as having the tightest buttocks this side of Cheth Rrihinn..."

Calimar face palmed, "Brother you are the only one saying it or taking pride in it."

Nadal laughed haughtily and licked his lips, "You're just jealous that I've not snuck into your room after your graduation from the academy."

Calimar frowned and coughed, "Excuse me, Sister, Kobolicus." Retreating from the room Calimar disappeared quickly from the sight of others.

Nadal was laughing at exposing his brothers dalliances, "Oh right, even if you won't welcome me in the bed of yours Kobolicus, set aside some time for me, I need that technique to face a rival of mine." Smiling he slunk out the door blowing a kiss the kobolds way.

Xing Lei shivered much to the delight of Pellanistra, "As deviant as he is even for us drow he's the closest thing to good you'll find down here. He lacks ambition preferring to be our wastrel but in the shadows he's exceptional at managing the house finances. He somehow always manages to find funds for our schemes and plans."

Xing Lei chuckled, "Including this one?"

Pellanistra looked confused, "Whatever do you mean?"

Xing Lei pointed to a corner of the room, "Your twin sister if I've seen her facial features right, though it is difficult to tell with her transformation."

Pellanistra turned so fast and snarled, "Aunrae?! You left your shitty little nest you wretch! When Matron Mother hears of this I wonder just what else shall do to you..."

A shuddering form appeared in the corner of the room, at one point she had been a beautiful drow, every bit a mirror to Pellanistra but now her body was twisted. Her rag covered upper body was situated on a bloated spider body from the waist down, her legs clicked audibly on the stone as she shrank against the wall corner, "Sister, all I wanted was to see the guest and hear his tales... please just a small mercy..."

Pellanistra snarled slashing her hand through the air, with a speed that denied her body she was before her deformed sibling and had slapped her. Blood flowed freely from the creatures mouth, her forehead opening revealing extra eyes that looked sadly at Pellanistra before jumping for the ceiling, through an unnoticed vent the misshapen body contorted and disappeared inside. Calming herself she shook her head, "Do not be mistaken Kobolicus, that thing is neither my sister nor a member of our blood, she is an outcast existence that Matron Mother tolerates, for her silk is valuable as is her ability to communicate with other driders. She has nothing to do with what I need from you."

Xing Lei nodded softly gazing at the vent, the multitude of Aunrae's eyes looked back once again hidden from her sisters perception. The red eyes watched the kobold with wariness, afraid of being exposed again. Ignoring her he focused on Pellanistra. "So what is it you need from me?"

Pellanistra smiled and sat on the bed casually leaning back to expose her body before Xing Lei, "What I want is simple, since this technique comes from you, you must also know a counter to its paths. Either teach me these counters or introduce mistakes into Matron Mothers path that i can exploit."

Xing Lei ignored the drow who so casually revealed that she wore practically nothing beneath the shawl draped over her shoulders, "You wish to claim the title of your mother?"

Pellanistra narrowed her eyes, "More. Matron Mother, First Sister and Second Sister must all be eliminated before i can claim her seat."

Xing Lei scratched his chin pretending to think, looking to the shocked eyes of Aunrae above, "Why didn't you do it earlier when all three were out?"

Pellanistra leaned forward frowning, "They all have defensive items that activate when knocked unconcious or rendered asleep, they lash at anyone who tries to attack them in a helpless state. No, they must die in the first blow. Not to mention killing in front of my brothers and sisters could lead to judgement from the ruling matrons. Murder is a perfect ascension method as long as you can't be proven as the knife holder, while i trust first and second brother to keep their lips closed, fourth brother is the toady of first sister, he'd defect to another house and call judgement on me."

Xing Lei sighed rubbing his forehead, "So I'm the assassin blade that is blamed for their deaths?"

Pellanistra smiled and shrugged, "What would you care, once the deed is done Calimar sends you back to the surface, I get the House and you never have to see me again. Works out for us all right?"

Xing Lei thought a moment, "I get my freedom and that's it? Poor compensation for an assassin."

Pellanistra smirked and leaned forward, "Oh hoping to milk something else from us? I'm sure i can satisfy whatever other... hungers... you might have." She purred seductively looking the kobold over with half hooded eyes.

Never had Xing Lei been less interested, looking at the flirtatious drow practically writhing on the bed he had to admit she was a beautiful creature, but she was very much a mantis or black widow, having 'fun' with this woman could well be the death of him. Shaking his head he coughed, "I noticed that your weapons are all made with a special ore. I want a tonne of it."

Pellanistra blinked and laughed, "Ooo you wish to rob the House blind in your attempted murder, silly kobold. One tenth of a tonne."

Xing Lei smiled crossing his arms over his chest, "Three quarters."

Pellanistra pouted looking put out by the amount mentioned, "One quarter and an unbelievable night with me..."

Xing Lei waved his hand "Half a tonne and thanks but no thanks my needs are seen to."

Pellanistra pouted again and sighed sadly, "Very well when Matron Mother and my older siblings are dead you shall have your half tonne of worthless rock."

Pushing off the bed she sauntered past the kobold lazily brushing her long dark fingers along his muzzle, "Sure you don't want me on the side as well dear Kobolicus?"

Xing Lei smiled, the action didn't reach his eyes as he watched her warily, "Oh I know my limits, a simple kobold like me bedding the future Matron Mother? Such a scandal would have to be permanently put to the grave, so no, I like living."

Pellanistra smiled and walked out, "Smart kobold, I knew we'd work together exceptionally well." Her boots clicked off down the hall leaving Xing Lei in thought, absently he looked up and spoke, "You can come in again Aunrae, she's gone."

A spideresk form slipped carefully down from the vent opening, gingerly stepping on the floor in case Pellanistra rushed back in. The drider trembled softly looking at the kobold, "How did you know I was there? And before in the corner...?"

"And in the throne room correct?" Xing Lei added tapping his temple, "Good eyes and instinct, I must congratulate you on achieving advanced completion of the first path [One with Shadow]. I suspect none of your siblings suspect you've trained the first path to advanced completion do they?"

The half drow half spider shook her head, her tangled mane of hair whipping wildly back and forth, "Ever since I was cursed the family pay me no mind, sneaking glimpses of the scrolls while the others were distracted was easy. Most recognize I'm there but see me as naught but a beast... wait... how are you understanding me? How am I talking with you!?" She skittered back, her bulbous body rubbing against a wall that refused her retreat any further.

Xing Lei chuckled, "Gifted with good eyes and a mouth for languages."

Aunrae shook her head, dark fingers digging into her nest of unkempt hair, "No the cursed language isn't even translatable by spells designed for such, none other than another cursed being should be able to understand these words, yet even they can barely form words now...Just who are you Kobolicus?!"

"Xing Lei, everything okay?"