Claiming Alustriea

{A/N}: As many have long guessed Alustriea would eventually get to this stage with Xing Lei, this chapter is about their relationship, for those who don't enjoy these scenes I apologize that you have to consider today's update a wash as this is another interlude that focuses on Xing Lei being the lecherous little reptile he is rather than story plot. As before if such scenes are not to your liking this is a skippable scene and the drow plotline continues on the morrow, for now... tissues on stand by! :)

Alustriea breathed deeply as she stood so close to Xing Lei, the calming feeling of his arm on her waist served both to reaffirm her choice but also to stir up her emotions even more greatly. Ever since she was a wee girl she had read tales of dasing heroes that saved maidens from dangerous darkness before sweeping the maiden up and carrying her off to be his bride. It was the same romantic thoughts most young women had growing up, that dashing rakish rogue, the prim and proper prince charming, your hearts desire made manifest. These were all common day dreams as a young lady fantasized about their future husband.

Never had Alustriea ever dreamed she'd be swept up in the adventure of a wily amoral kobold and his mate. Yet like the heroes of her old fairy tales, Xing Lei had assaulted the goblin base by himself, had rushed in and saved her from a fate that would have broken most beyond repair. There were always a few survivors pulled from monster lairs like the goblins base but these poor souls had experienced an aspect of life that almost forbade them from returning to normalcy.

In one sense Alustriea had experienced this. Watching her friends and companions killed, eaten or defiled she had nearly shut down within herself when an unlikely hero had swept in to save her from the literal jaws of her goblin captors. The way he destroyed those beastial monsters touched her, it ignited her cold heart and focused it on this odd little kobold. He was not a match to any of her old images of what her first love would look like. Xing Lei was neither handsome nor tall. He did not have shining hair or uncountable wealth, he was not even the same race!

When Leaf Dancer had fallen prey to the dragons influence and Xing Lei offered to have her join them in the hut she had almost blindly followed, but her sense of duty and propriety had held her back, such things had not held her back from pleasuring herself to the thought of the kobold who had saved not only her life but her purity. Yet still she could not cross that line then.

Years later another opportunity had presented itself but her mind had been clouded by false claims. Her trust waivered and she had even attacked her savior injuring him badly, yet when next he saw her he held no malice, he did not demand blood for what he shed. Yet again though her path left his.

When they met again Osilliaice had been quick to welcome her mate back, the sounds of passion had turned the smoldering embers of her desire for Xing Lei back into a roaring bonfire. A handful of years had passed since last she pleasured herself to the thought of joining the pair... and it was the pair now, Osilliaice's friendship had deeply woven itself around her heart, as much as she wanted Xing Lei she now wanted to share him alongside his mate.

So many memories crossed her thoughts as she stood before the person who she wanted, his mate held her trembling hand as she bowed her head. The mask hid the blush that burned her face as she stood to find the words, to sum up what the years of knowing the amazing if somewhat aggravating kobold truly meant for her, yet here she was silence hanging in the air again unable to cross that line again. Gritting her teeth she looked up and moved to speak when the face of Xing Lei grew in her eyes, a scaled hand snaked into her now white mane and pulled. Feeling the kobolds tongue pressing forcefully between her lips, so alien a kiss sent a shudder through her body, not because she had just locked tongues with a kobold but her fantasy focus had just kissed her...

As Xing Lei drew back Alustriea felt herself leaning forward not wanting the intoxicating feeling to end, she had shared chaste kisses in her recent youth, lips on cheek or in one case lips on lips but none of it prepared her for the forceful invasion of the kobolds tongue. A kiss from one she truly desired had blanked her mind, she wanted more yet at the same time she felt self concious feeling his saliva wet on her lips and chin.

Feeling a second hand upon her cheek, Alustriea turned to face Osilliaice who leaned in and kissed her friend tenderly. Unlike Xing Lei the lizardess' shorter muzzle made the kiss more 'normal'. The tongue was still larger, invasive... yet unlike a kobolds tongue more easily stroked her own. When the kiss stopped Alustriea panted softly, her mind was in a fog feeling herself trapped between the two reptiles who had seen she was going to chicken out and made the choice for her. Firm hands guided the dazed elf back onto the bed, laying her back tenderly, two sets of scaled hands made short work of the robe, peeling the less than attractive robe from her lithe body, bodice and breeches followed laying bare to the room her small peaks, the skin suit had turned her pert hills a rich onyx capped by a pair of deep purple nipples that stood proudly in the warm air.

Her long legs tried to hide the glistening lips of her garden, but Xing Lei's hands denied her this modesty, spreading her thin thighs wide exposing her hairless mound, in fact she lacked hair of any kind below her neck, Osilliaice made an offhand comment that such was normal for elves, even the male troops were only capable of head hair, even facial hair was not possible. She apparently had embarrassed a bunch of the guys who were bathing when she compared them against her mate.

Xing Lei chuckled and leaned down nuzzling aside her hands, his tongue slithering against her hairless flesh, tasting her. The shock of him licking her intimate place arched her off the bed, were it not for Osilliaice holding her back the young elf likely would have fled from the sensation assaulting her womanhood, it felt so different from her own fingers, so much hotter. The thought it was Xing Lei between her thighs bucked her body harder, the object of her affection that arrogant bastard was doing something so intimate yet dirty to her. Her mind blanked drowning in the sensation of that tongue pushing between her lower lips and defiling her purity that she had protected to this point...

Alustriea gasped in pleasure but was silenced as Osilliaice once again leaned over and kissed her, large scaly hands moving down to cup and squeeze her aching chest, the dark hills pressing up into her friends hands.The feel of claws against her tender flesh sent a shudder through her body as she licked and sucked on her dearest friends thick tongue. When Osilliaice let her up for air, wetness covered much of her cheeks and jaw, her moans rising in pitch with freed lips as Xing Lei prepped below.

Looking down Osilliaice smiled and stroked her friends pale mane, "It will hurt at first, but it gets better..." Shifting her gaze Alustriea looked down her body to see a naked Xing Lei, the kobold standing between her dark thighs. Through a set of folds in his scales an angry looking appendage had emerged, every bit a spear that he usually favored, pointed and ready to stab her deeply. Alustriea thrashed a bit trying to scoot back a bit, it was so alien compared to the harmless things her mother had shown her on the body of a servant. Those were limp pink things, hardly threatening but Xing Lei's was angry and aloft, a natural weapon that she knew was intended to go inside her.

She tried to press her thighs together, to fight back against the two. She recalled her fear the prior night and realized it had become a reality. Xing Lei did not keep her waiting as he thrust within her body, her eyes rolling as she felt the explosion of pain as her insides bled to accept that inhuman shaft within her tender body. Her body bucked and thrashed, Xing Lei held on riding through it, his body connected intimately before she lay panting, tears leaking from her red eyes. Osilliaice stroked her hair, calming her dear friend with soft whispers, reassurances that it felt better soon.

Then the kobold moved and Alustriea bucked again. Her fingers had easily slid inside that passage, and she could well imagine the smooth almost cute penis of the servant would glide in easy. Xing Lei's spear scalded her inner flesh, the fleshy barbs framing the pointed glans caught on the inner ridges like no human or elf manhood could. Her eyes rolled back as a climax ripped through her loins that shattered her consciousness. Like half a dozen tiny fingers caressing her inner sheath, not to mention the shaft itself, that angled glans poked against the depths of her sex that ignited a fire inside her.

Before long another climax tore through her as Xing Lei's manhood teased her sensitive inner walls relentlessly but quickly on its heels was his own release. She could feel that pointed tip guiding his seed into her depths, she gasped and collapsed on the bed shuddering and whimpering. The dreams, the fantasies had left out so many details, so many differences that her prior parental guidance had missed. Curling on the bed her body shuddered wrapped in her own arms as after shocks she tried to calm down, to reclaim her sense of self, but her body laughed at her weak attempt.

She laid there watching as Osilliaice welcomed her mate, so unlike her own coupling watching the two reptiles practically attack each other her pleasure hazy mind barely grasped the thought they had been gentle on her. Compared to what they were doing to each other could what she just experienced truly be called sex? More her mind wondered if it would survive what they were doing, the cries of the lizardess drowned the room as Xing Lei attacked her body, his own striking against the sturdy Lizardfolk like there were no tomorrows...

Slowly calming, Alustriea watched the two mating and softly touched her own sore garden, she could understand better now why Xing Lei did not treat her the same, her friends body could likely take that involved thrusting, the almost vicious riding of her muscled body. Looking at herself she closed her eyes and swore to get stronger, she wanted to be the same, to be equal with Osilliaice and vowed to become such as she settled in and for the first time didn't regret not being an active participant of the loud almost violent coupling shared between the reptile lovers...

In a shadowy corner a shadowed form cringed and backed further into the corner. What by the great spider was she witnessing? Aunrae covered her eight eyes. Her family indulged, usually a one sided taking of pleasure or some sadistic game more torture than pleasure but this? She swore to herself... scarred, for life unable to unseen the sight of a drow ravaged by a kobold then a Lizardfolk making sounds no living being should make under the assault of the same kobold... Dear goddess strike me blind and deaf please!