Divine Schemes

Xing Lei quickly led Alustriea and Osilliaice into the side chamber, glancing around it seemed to be the ante chamber of a set of lavish living quarters. Pulling the door closed he waited a few seconds before opening the door again, as expected the throne room was gone, in place of the drow the door had opened to a foul smelling sewer, the stench of rotting fish assailed the senses making Alustriea quickly gag. As Osilliaice saw to her friend Xing Lei turned and shattered the door, he wondered how pissed Pellanistra would be when she ended the Matron Mother and went to retire and found the sleeping chamber was now permanently an old sewer chamber?

Glancing to Alustriea and Osilliaice he nodded, "Get the potion in her, it's likely to be uncomfortable having that skin suit detach at the very least, I'm going to check out the matrons chamber before we get out of here." Turnimg for the opposite doorway the kobold carefully slipped by the numerous traps and wards like they didn't exist, marvelling at how drow seemed so over protective of their sleeping chambers, did any ever wake up and be half asleep try going through these doors and get blasted by all these mechanisms?

The sleeping chamber was a lavish room, fully expected of a royal. Glancing to the bed Xing Lei shook his head, the husk of a drow was tied to it, the almost skeletal figure was dead naturally. The Matron Mother had likely topped up her stolen yang energy before the battle had begun. Nearby the uniform of guard could be seen which made him shake his head. Moving around the room Xing Lei found much of interest, for an elf that had lived a handful of centuries the bedroom was rather overflowing with the various things she had collected over the decades.

Mostly Xing Lei swept the bookshelves clean, the normal tomes and grimoires would prove valuable, as would the matrons collection of weapons and armor. As for mysterious items he had to study more miscellaneous items carefully tossing aside the mundane things and taking the wonderous into his ring. Much of the clothes he left in the room untouched as he tilted his head, "So you tagged along?"

A shadow in the corner shifted as Aunrae skittered close, the drider clenched her hands together as the foul scent of the sewer assailed her, "I was to report to Matron Mother so I was waiting for her..."

Xing Lei shook his head then glanced to the wardrobe, pulling a rather fine corset of spidersilk from within he tossed the article to her. "The Luens may not have cared but most others will be bothered by nakedness, you should get in the habit of covering your dark elven half somewhat."

Aunrae held the corset gingerly in her arms clutching the silk against her bare chest, "But won't they be angry if I do that?"

Xing Lei shrugged, "Maybe? But do you plan to go back and find out?"

Aunrae tilted her head, her multitude of eyes watching the kobold curiously, "... go back?"

Xing Lei chuckled, "You came with our departure, we're no longer close to Cheth Rrihinn. From the smell we're in a sewer of some coastal city, exactly where Calimar sent us we haven't checked yet."

Aunraes eyes blinked, "I'm close to the surface?"

Xing Lei nodded though he held a hand up as Aunrae made to skitter for the door, "I advise you to get use to the smell, you will not be able to leave these sewers unless the moon is high in the sky."

Aunrae frowned looking at Xing Lei, "I have longed for the sun for so long..."

Xing Lei shrugged, "The sun is denied you. Not because you were drow or because you are as you currently are. You practiced the technique I gave your family, thus the sun is now forever beyond your reach."

Aunrae frowned and shook her head, "I want to see the sun."

Xing Lei shrugged and walked back to the ante chamber, moving over to where Alustriea was curled up on the floor, the skin suit was mostly removed though from her bloodied lip and raw looking skin to say she was in pain was an understatement. As he tended to his women Aunrae skittered past, Osilliaice was about to jump out to confront the drider when Xing Lei laid a hand on her shoulder and shook his head.

Calming down they watched the drider skitter out into the sewer disappearing into the dark before turning to help Alustriea pull off the remains of the doppelganger skin. Xing Lei was quick to channel some of his healing magic into the elf's body though she still grimaced in pain, having the foreign second skin rip itself from her own body had left her sore all over, she compared it to having a vicious sun burn all over her body, every inch of skin ached and itched maddeningly.

Osilliaice turned to Xing Lei, "What do we do now my mate?"

Xing Lei looked to the doorway Aunrae had fled through, "We follow her, getting to the surface is our priority. What happens after that? Well we continue on our way, we need to hunt up some more materials to finish our tempering."

Osilliaice gave a toothy grin leaning over to kiss her mate, "Just like old times?"

Xing Lei chuckled returning her affection as he stroked Alustriea's hair, "Maybe, still just one thing to see through."

Osilliaice tilted her head curiously, "The beast that ran by?"

Xing Lei nodded, "A poor girl with an unkind fate, others plans are about to be spoiled."

Osilliaice still looked confused at her mates vague explanation, he simply shook his head and motioned for her to carry Alustriea, no sense having her trudge through the sewers and risk irritating her raw skin. Glancing to the skin suit and mask he almost tried to take them into his ring then shook his head leaving the living disguise where it lay, perhaps in future they may need to disguise Alustriea as a drow again but seeing the hurt in her emerald eyes he doubted she'd ever willingly allow the thing on her body.

Walking out into the sewer they glanced around, normally they'd try to smell the air but the stench of rot and refuse choked the cramped tunnel. Instead Xing Lei wait a moment feeling a brief air flow from one direction and noted the worked stone had claw marks recently scraped into the dirty walls guessing it was the route Aunrae took, guiding the pair Xing Lei began tracking the driders path through the twisting sewers. After about an hour the sewer opened dumping the foul waste out onto a rocky stretch overlooking a coast line.

Glancing back a ways he saw a city looming near by, sails obscured the night sky line as a full moon shone down illuminating the landscape though the great white orb was dipping low in the distance. Nearby the drider danced on a grassy patch of earth reveling in her freedom from the foul sewers and the oppressive darkness of the deep caverns. The joy on her elven face was unmistakable but still Xing Lei looked on with a touch of sadness. A chuckle from behind made Osilliaice jumped, twisting Alustriea away as a drow walked out of the sewer behind them. The ancient looking dark elf wore an ornate robe and smiled at the trio, though it was more a smile of contempt than anything.

Xing Lei observed as Vorn GoDeep swept past walking towards the revelling drider. He made no move to stop the drow but instead pulled his lovers behind him, as comical as the sight of a three foot kobold standing protectively in front of a pair of taller females was he still did it, keeping his eyes focused on drow and drider. Vorn had finally gotten Aunrae's attention and the drider had warily backed away as the old dark elf walked towards her.

Vorn chuckled watching Aunrae's reaction, "You do not need to fear me childe, I am only here to welcome the return of my consort, which very much means you shall come to no harm."

Aunrae looked curiously at the old drow with the frown, "Your consort is coming? What does she have to do with me?"

Vorn smiled, though again it was a smile filled with ridicule. "Why you are to be her new mortal form of course." Chuckling the old drow reached up digging his fingers into his onyx face and pulled, a mask much as Alustriea had worn was torn from his head, the mask rather than the man screeched in agony as the organism was torn from the person's head with as much effort as one would doft a hat.

The figure that had so casually removed the skin mask was misshapen, to call him ugly would still be an understatement. Rather than dark skin his flesh was an angry red, his coal black eyes looked at Aunrae with deep seated lust and desire. The rest of the skin suit melted from his body, pooling around cloven feet. The ornate robe swelled as the formerly lean elven body became more muscular and broken. Aunrae cringed away from the monstrous being as Alustriea twisted in Osilliaice's grip, her emerald eyes widening as she screamed a name, "TYRIX!"

The monstrous humanoid turned, those dark eyes alighting on Alustriea with a twisted grin, "Ah one of my ex's children. How is Estrelie these days? Still pining away that I abandoned her?"

Xing Lei glanced between the two, this thing that claimed to be a drow was in fact the god of demons? Frowning his spear appeared in his hands and stood all the more between the dark god and his women. Tyrix observed the kobold with amusement, "Settle yourself mortal, I've no interest in you and yours especially after delivering me the vessel of my consort Quellia."

"Aunrae is to become your consort?"

Tyrix shook his head, those onyx eyes turned to regard Aunrae, "No, she is the mortal soul of the vessel. With dawns kiss Quellia who slumbers inside her will awake and this world will be our playground. For your hand in this I grant you your lives, while it would be tempting to defile one of my ex consorts children on one of her temple altars I'm willing to be generous this once, now piss off mortal, your eyes are not for my wife."

Xing Lei looked to Aunrae then glanced back to his lovers motioning them back, "I give you a warning Vorn... Tyrix, your plan is doomed to fail."

Tyrix snarled, "Oh does the mortal plan to play hero? Collecting a little harem for yourself?"

Xing Lei shook his head, "Not at all, while I regret Aunrae's part in your scheme, fate is a cruel mistress to you both. I need do nothing and your scheme will unravel on it's own, no need for heroics or interventions. Just dawns kiss as you look forward to will lead to great sorrow for you both."

Tyrix narrowed his dark eyes, "An Oracle are you kobold? Perhaps I should pluck those 'all seeing eyes' from your skull..."

Xing Lei walked backwards looking to the sky that was already brightening, "No prophesy, no teller of fortunes. Just an errant girl stealing power that will deny her greatest wish. In this case I can only offer her a prayer that she reincarnates better in future."

Tyrix frowned then glanced to Aunrae who looked confused, those multiple eyes glanced from the horror of the demon god Tyrix to the kobold who easily spoke of her forthcoming death. The drider wept as she turned to the brightening sky her eyes watching as a streak of light rose on the horizon, "I just wanted to live beneath the sun..."

Xing Lei pushed his lovers back, as dawn broke a ray of sunlight fell across the group. Osilliaice and Alustriea winced at the bright light while Xing Lei and Tyrix watched Aunrae for vastly different reasons. As dawn kissed Aunrae her body twisted, the spider body shrunk as the form of a half naked drow returned, Aunrae's voice fell away inside itself as a huskier voice came forward, "You've done it my love! I can walk the material plane once more!"

Quellia stretched under the first rays of dawn, her half naked body becoming more defined, her face unearthly beautiful. Red eyes becoming a rich silver in color that beheld a mortal world ripe for plucking. Glancing beyond her consort she licked her full lips, "Oh, offerings to welcome my return lover? How thoughtful. The reptiles are somewhat disappointing but birthing a new child in the blood of a child of Estrelie does rather turn me on..."

Tyrix wrapped his arms around his consorts body, "If such is your will, I had thought to spare them for their aid but considering this wretch of a kobold decreed that dawn would mean our failure I suppose he's earned a swift merciful death instead."

Xing Lei laughed, "Better you give such to your consort. Its begun."

Tyrix frowned and made to strike at the arrogant kobold when Quellia clutched his robe, "My consort...?"

Glancing back Quellia was hunched over, sunlight falling over her half naked body. When she lifted her face Tyrix recoiled, as ugly as he was Quellia's face was a ruin. Her flesh was practically melting on her body, her formerly divine beauty shattered as half her face had slid down the side of her skull, an eye slipping from its socket giving her an almost undead visage. Her talon like hands gripped Tyrix's robe clawing at him as she stumbled and fell against him, her body turning like a sludge that was being dragged down off her bones.

The dark god looked in in a mix of fascination and horror as the drow body dissolved, Quellia's tortured voice escaping in a deathly hiss as the flesh and organs seemed to melt off her bones seeking refuge away from the light that washed over her. In no time ad all a skeleton gripped the hem of his robe before even that broke down turning to dust upon the wind. Tyrix tried to grab his consort at last but even her essence slipped from his grasp, banished from the material world.

Snarling he lifted his fists in rage and meant to turn on the trio when his body jerked, the glowing tip of a mithril spear ripped through his chest, the bite of a saber tore through his lower guts as he turned to see the kobold behind him, Xing Lei's two most heavily enchanted weapons thrust through Tyrix's upper and lower back... "How...?"

Xing Lei looked sadly at the mess that Aunrae-Quellia had become, "Aunrae, unbeknownst to all, snuck in and learned the [Shadowstalkers Nine Paths] I gave her family. A great varied technique their whole house could benefit from. On the condition they forever forsook the sun. Such is what happens when a path user tries to stand under sunlight... like the shadows they stalk they are destroyed beneath the light."

Ripping his weapons aside, the last thing Tyrix knew was the kobold destroying his avatar on the mortal plane...