Defending the Camp

With Xing Lei nestled in his egg to evolve it left Osilliaice and Alustriea to secure the area, while his mate could have carried it, their next destination really wasn't one to be saddled with the large shelled cocoon. Thus they set about establishing a camp site there, for the umpteenth time the elf trekked back into the border town for more supplies so they could settle in.

This period of evolution however proved to drag on, days past in a rather mundane way. Alustriea spent her hours meditating while Osilliaice patrolled the area. She was most keen on studying the refugees, even approaching less armed groups to gather rumors and tales of the land they had just fled from.

It would seem some noble found himself a genie and made wishes, however rather than granting his hearts desires the genie twisted his wishes and now the genie was in charge. Between ensorcelled guards and mystic monsters the inhuman overlord was tightening his fist over the region. Several tribes were banding together to combat the thing but when the group had fled, most resistence cells had met overwhelming opposition.

Still while they were delayed waiting on Xing Lei it was a chance to slow down a bit and recoup. Between Alustriea's trying time amongst the drow and Osilliaice having a chance to finally take care of her elven armor both were rather glad to have a true break. Still, as the days dragged on both gave concerned looks to the egg. It was closing on a fortnight and still the egg was motionless, evolution took time to be sure, but two weeks? Neither Osilliaice nor Alustriea had ever heard of an evolution taking so long... though considering the contents should it be surprising?

Xing Lei was on his second evolution, most monstrous humanoids only ever achieved one, mostly for opting for immediate benefits rather than long term planning. Still the occurence was so uncommon neither could recall ever having even met someone who knew of it... and this wasn't his final form. What would he become after this, and like now would that evolution take months? Years?

Still they could do little else but wait. Alustriea continued making trips into town to restock, the extended wait for Xing Lei to emerge was wearing heavily on both of them. As the third week began Alustriea had rushed back to the camp surprising Osilliaice, the latter glancing from the frightened visage of her friend to the great plume of smoke that was now stretching high into the sky in the distance. Glancing back to Alustriea, Osilliaice tilted her head, "What happened?"

Alustriea frowned catching her breath, "Those weren't refugees. It was all a cover to get forces inside the town easier. It's an invasion force from the south. When I came in sight the city had only started burning with the tent town becoming an armed throng of soldiers besieging the gates. Seems that new tyrant in the wastes is not wasting any time in expanding his holdings."

Osilliaice was quick to start pulling on her armor glancing to the elf, "Tear down the camp while I guard, we'll move Xing Lei's egg back, we are all far too close to this war front to sit back and hope it passes us."

"Truth are in your words great scaled one."

The pair tore their gaze from each other to look to the near by rise, half a dozen soldiers in ragged robes stood with curved swords bared as the gang of invaders stared at the pair. Their leader had removed his ragged robe revealing a dark suit of armor, a mixture of leather and chain that hugged his body. His dark eyes swept over the pair in grim amusement. "Didn't I tell you brothers there was a bounty to be had near by?" A malicious look fell on Alustriea as he gave a cruel sneer, "Alright girl, lest you want your great scaled friend there to pay with her life, you will return to camp with us."

Osilliaice snarled holding her spear ready as the half dozen brigands spread out trapping the pair with the river at their back. "Get back Alustriea, I'll handle this lot."

Alustriea frowned and stood arms raised not in surrender but rather with intent to cast shaking her head, "WE'LL take care of them you mean."

The soldier frowned his curved blade sweeping forward, "You heard them my brothers, looks like we get entertainment tonight and some lizard meat to bribe the commander. Go, bring these two down." Surging around him, the five other soldiers rushed forward, blades raised as they hooted and hollered like common bandits. What made Osilliaice grimace though was a second group rushed up over the rise after the first wave, seemed even while roaming to pillage this captain was not leaving anything to chance.

Osilliaice strode forward putting herself before Alustriea as much as possible, her spear sweeping around to intercept a hand full of hard strikes from the marauders. Pushing the soldiers back as they swept against her position. Behind her Alustriea began casting, notes of mystical energy swarming behind Osilliaice sweeping around her body to hammer into the warriors as they pressured the lizardess. Still, try as she might, Osilliaice couldn't occupy all twelve of the enemy, as the regular soldiers were forcing her to dodge and weave amongst their slashing blades the captain had darted around with a frown.

"So the pretty wench is a witch in truth," Snarling the man lunged at Alustriea slamming into her and knocking her to the ground. Standing over her he pulled a curved dagger from his belt and sneered down, "Well, for what we want you for you don't need those troublesome hands witch!"

Screaming Alustriea crossed her arms over her face as the soldier slashed down at her, Osilliaice fighting harder to get to her friend, still as the elf screamed she felt the blade strike her forearm... and stop as if the man had struck a steel pole. While her arm ached fiercely, opening her eyes Alustriea saw her torn sleeve, yet her exposed arm was not bleeding. The soldier looked down bewildered at how his sharp blade had not even torn the elf girl's flesh, merely a dark bruise colored the flesh of her arm.

The mad melee continued nearby, Osilliaice snarled as she lashed out at the scruffy soldiers, her spear sweeping back and forth as she fended off their blades and lashed out at their wielders when she could, desperate to get to her friend, dreading what the captain might be doing her in the eerie silence. Alustriea winced feeling a pain in her arm but had the mind to strike back at the stunned captain, her arm stretching up as another spell slammed into the mans chest throwing him back off her.

"Alustriea! You alright?!" Osilliaice called as her spear finally managed to find the body of one of the soldiers, driving into his guts with fierce force, the eyes filled with denial at the brutal strike had enough life left to grab the shaft trapping the weapon as he fell back and his brothers pressed in forcing her to release her weapon.

Alustriea rose to her feet briefly inspecting her arm, badly bruised and aching as it was she did not feel like the bone was broken, her fingers still worked as she looked to the brigands captain that even now was climbing back to his feet, "I'm fine! He couldn't cut me!"

The captain pulled forth his large sword and snarled, "We'll see about that witch, let's see how your spells block my scimitar!" Lunging forward the captain lashed out at Alustriea forcing her to backpedal, as lucky as she felt to avoid the cut of the mans dagger she wasn't quite ready to test her limbs under the vicious looking weapon now slashing at her body.

Osilliaice couldn't believe what she had heard, Alustriea had apparently survived the attack but had been immune to the attackers weapon? Backing away from the advancing squad she narrowed her eyes and rushed forward, she had a hunch to try and needed to test it now disarmed as she was. Wading in gritting her jaws her arms moved to swat at the swung swords, the thin metal blades struck against her forearms and were smacked aside, even a lucky swipe of one blade slid across her midriff finding the seam in her armor... yet like Alustriea, the blades did not penetrate!

Smiling now she waded into the shocked looks of the brigands, while the lizardess was still careful to avoid any blades aimed at her muzzle or neck she fought with increased fervour, striding amongst the brigands with impunity. Keeping aware of her surroundings the lizardess grabbed one of the panicking soldiers lifting him over her head in a great show of strength. The others backed off fearing their brother in arms would be sent their way but instead the human missile was instead chucked with a scream at the distracted captain.

The pair fell cursing into the river as Alustriea flashed her friend a smile, creating a bit of distance she resumed her casting. Looking to Osilliaice as she now grappled freely with the remaining bandits that had not had the sense to retreat when the fact their weapons did nothing to their current target, Alustriea targeted the few that had shown the presence of mind to pull back seeking the safety of the hills distant side.

With panic setting in fully the marauders no longer tried to press their former assumed advantage against Osilliaice, more than half their number turned tail to run leaving their 'brothers' to distract the impervious reptile. Still the first cowards to run barely made it up the hill when the fastest to run jerked suddenly, a large spike of ice erupting through the mans throat dropping him as he was about to crest the hill, his limp body fell like a sack of potatoes tripping up the closest coward in line.

In short order Osilliaice and Alustriea had the brigands routed, the former was breathing hard as she looked to Alustriea and chuckled, "Fine spell Alustriea."

The elf shook her head, glancing down the river where the captain and his entangled brother had crawled out of the water to slink off into a small stretch of trees, "Wasn't any spell of mine, their captain had me dead."

"It was your body tempering."

The third voice snapped boths attention to the shambles of their nearby tent, both wore a relieved smile as Xing Lei sat on a log by their fire pit observing the pair. Both had to blink a bit though, Xing Lei was still a kobold but he was unlike any kobold either had ever seen before. Most notable was his size, had he been standing chances were high he was now closer to five feet tall rather than three, if not for the distinctive wiry kobold frame one might have mistaken him as a short Lizardfolk.

Even more alarming was the fact the ridges and scales had become more pronounced, the ridges atop his head and apparently down his back were bigger and more pronounced. While he had more draconic traits in his last evolution this time he looked far more primal. More akin to some throw back to kobold history than an evolution. Alustriea sighed and frowned his way, "How long were 6ou out of the egg?"

Xing Lei stretched motioning to the river, "When you gave their leader his impromptu bath."

Alustriea frowned, "And you didn't help?!"

Xing Lei blinked giving a helpless shrug, "Didn't appear that you needed it." Looking to the handful of bodies scattered around the camp he swept his hand motioning to them, "Seems your training has paid off."

Osilliaice laid a comforting hand on her friend's shoulder, "So we are now like you my mate?"

Xing Lei nodded lightly, "To a lesser degree, I imagine something stronger than the average human soldier would still hurt you or like in my case, one of them might weild a blade enhanced by magic. Those aside, normal humans with basic weapons shouldn't be a risk unless they target your eyes."

Osilliaice nodded trying her best to calm the riled Alustriea flashing a look her mates way, she was even more curious about his evolution now that he had emerged, to say he had a whole new charm to him would be a lie, while she'd still thank the Mistress someday if one of his evolutions made him proper sized, at least he was no longer eye level to everyone's crotch.