[R18] Comforting Alustriea

{A/N}: As likely to be expected from last chapter, this chapter deals with Xing Lei using his new spell to properly reward Alustriea's help. As with most chapters of this nature this is a heads up that there is no plot development as such, this is sexy times between Xing Lei and Alustriea and can be skipped if such reading isn't your foray, you won't miss anything other than some lovemaking that isn't restricted by a kobold body. Unlike last chapter there's no status page for his transformation this time, the stats of humanoid Xing Lei for sex is hardly as important as showing you why dragons are the ultimate badasses of this world. Now without a further rambling read on... or switch to MLP. ;)

Alustriea was flustered as Xing Lei teased her with her words, her long ears drooped a bit even as the tips burned. She'd be lying to say she hadn't been hopeful to see Xing Lei take a high elf form or even a Lizardfolk like Osilliaice, it would be nice to look up at him for a change, to be able to superimpose her dreams over the slight difference in truth. Such was much harder in his natural form, made easier with his latest evolution but it still gnawed on her sensibilities that she was still a little taller than her lover.

She almost jumped out of her skin when she felt an unfamiliar touch on her shoulder, rather than the rough, leathery scaled digits, actual flesh touched her shoulder where it joined her neck. Whirling her emerald eyes parted as she looked up at what could only be Xing Lei. Her mouth seemed to dry out like the desert sands as her emerald gaze swept his human face. Most humans she found rather ugly as they tended to keep their hair shaggy and unkempt, or ridiculously short and slicked back.

Yet something about the human Xing Lei captivated her, his face was face was rather unblemished, a notable scar could be seen at his temple but otherwise his pale pink flesh was like something chiseled from marble, so smooth and polished it almost shone under the pale moonlight. Xing Lei's eyebrows were much akin to her ears, thin sharp angle daggers above an intense pair of dark brown eyes that seemed to stare into her soul and made her body shiver.

Her hand reached up, stroking his cheek, her fingers touching his thin beard, a tight goatee cut, framed his thin lips and a fairly long beard braided into a single length hung down his front. The beard itself was inky black and loomed as if freshly groomed. Her hand wandered down his face and neck to touch his chest, the firmness of muscled flesh filled with warmth yet the size of his chest strained at the material of a robe that hung on his shoulders, the soft cloth was unlike any of the robes he usually wore. This material felt more akin to the silk that nobles or kings would use yet the design of his robe was simple, almost common.

Looking back up she tilted her head, no shaggy mane framed his head, in fact he seemed almost bald! Chuckling Xing Lei shifted his head to show most of his hair was indeed shaved off, what was kept however was braided into a length that hung down his back. "So what do you think Alustriea?" His voice was deep and powerful, while it wasn't overly loud as she might have suspected it still seemed to pierce through her.

With no answer forth coming Xing Lei took measures into his own hands quite literally, slipping an arm around her waist and pulling her to his chest, his free hand reaching up and as if for the first time stroking through her wheat colored hair. His fingers marvelling at the texture that his kobold touch could never appreciate before curling and pulling her into his embrace, his lips finding hers in the first true kiss he had had since being reborn.

Unlike the tongue in his kobold body, human Xing Lei's lips and tongue caressed her lips, stroking and devouring softly until she began to respond. Her slack arms wrapping around his neck lifting herself against his chest as she eagerly surrendered to his lips. Her emerald eyes fluttering closed as she gave herself over to the man who held her tight. Her closed eyes suddenly flew open as Xing Lei's hand at her waist slid lower to possessively grab her bottom, the feeling of actual fingers rather than claws massaging her posterior making her moan into his lips.

Those lips so eagerly tasting hers began to trail lower over her angled chin to her slender throat, his fi gets in her hair slipping down to loosen her robe as his lips brushed lightly over the skin of her neck. Goosebumps covered her skin, the sensitive of actual lips on her skin overwhelming her. While he enjoyed licking her skin, it was a rather interesting and messy experience. While even now he licked and kissed her skin, it felt less lusty and more intimate making her entire body respond.

As her robe opened slipping down her slender shoulders, it felt to Alustriea that Xing Lei's hands were everywhere. Exploring her body as if for the first time. A blush covered her cheeks clear up her sharp ears as he forcefully pulled open the wrap covering her per breasts revealing her stiff pale pink peaks to the cool moonlit air. Embarrassment of being exposed outside ran rampant in her mind, Osilliaice was by far the more exhibitionist than she yet as his lips closed on one of her nipples and suckled it tenderly, a mewl of soft pleasure escaped her mouth much to her shock.

Even as a kobold, Xing Lei seemed to love licking his lovers, but what he was doing to her breast now made her knees buckle, his teeth scraped the sensitive flesh pulling a loader moan from deep in her chest. Her slender fingers stroked the top of his smooth head, curling around the length of braided hair and holding tight as he lavished her part hills under his affection. She felt his hands guiding her down, pushing her back. With a near squeal of fright she found not the hard roof, but the palatial bed catching her half naked form.

Laying on the bed she looked at Xing Lei standing before her like some conqueror, while he looked over her half bare body before reaching down to rip the robe from her hips, the forceful disproving turned Alustriea over on the bed as her part bottom greeted the moon high above, crawling forward the tantalizing sight spurred Xing Lei on as his hands claimed her hips and pulled her back with a delighted squeal.

His strength lifted her up and she wondered what her lover was up to when she felt those incubi influenced lips greet her nether lips. Usually when his tongue invaded down there it was forceful, almost like being penetrated like another phallus, this time his lips were upon her flesh suckling and kissing making her body arch in new ways as he lavished her tender garden with hungry affection. In some ways she missed the invasive nature of his kobold tongue but when his lips encircled her hooded pearl and teeth scraped the sensitive cluster of pleasured nerves she put all thoughts of comparison away, her body flexed, thighs closing on the sides of his head, no longer so wary of being poked by an errant facial ridge and held tight as a climax shook her suspended body.

Panting she felt his grip loosen letting her slide down into the security of the moonlight bathed bed when she felt him crawl up behind her. Alustriea turned, looking into those dark eyes that seemed to shine under the moons pale illumination, more importantly his robe was gone revealing his slender yet muscular body. No scales, no leathery hide, just pink flesh that captivated her hazy vision. Her eyes wandered over his body seemingly chiselled from marble before sliding down to see his dragon at attention.

Regardless of his form his endowment made her shiver and worry would this time be the one where that deadly weapon tore her body asunder. Unlike when he was a kobold, this spear wasn't an angry pulsing red with a sharp tip meant for stabbing into the inner most depths of her womanhood, rather it more matched his lightly tanned body, a healthy flesh tone with a blunted tip that this time threatened to bludgeon her into submission.

Still, her hips lifted, teeth scraping her lower lip as he eased behind her before roughly sheathing g his weapon in the warm wetness of her sheath. Her body arched at the sudden intrusion, her head tossed back as the heat she expected was somewhat muted yet also assaulted her pleasure filled mind in all new ways. The nights quiet broken by a shrill cry of pleasure as two fleshy bodies collided, one pinning the other down ravaging the lithe elf beneath its savage passion.

Alustriea gripped the bed, her nails tearing at the sheets as Xing Lei laid claim to her body. Her worries and doubts shattered as she felt his body attacking hers so intimately, unable to bare any resistance as her slender elven form writhed beneath his body before at long last he too growled and bit her shoulder, another new experience for the elf which caused her mind to temporarily blank. Her body however continued on its charted course tipping over the edge in the echo of Xing Lei's release.

Collapsing forward, Alustriea drew in deep breaths, her lithe bare body shuddering in a wave of minute aftershocks as her body fell free of his to lay on the torn bedsheets. Her body curled up as she tried to get the shaking to subside, feeling Xing Lei's warm body embracing her from behind. A sigh escaping her lips reveling in the difference of curling up against his muscular yet soft skin rather than his leathery scale self. Glancing over her shoulder she looked into his dark eyes as he leaned over to kiss his lover again, her lips tender under his quick kiss.

Laying down again she felt him shudder, the soft warmth of his chest replaced by a touch scratchy hide. Still smiling though she turned to kiss the kobolds muzzle stroking his rough face. "Thank you Xing Lei."

Nodding lightly he held her close despite the roughness of his true form, laying with her in comfortable silence as the moon continued its flight across the cool desert night...