
Xing Lei awoke in a strange room, that in itself was not surprising, the large egg however in the next cot over caught him off guard. With his expanded senses he could tell it was Osilliaice going through her evolution, the pulse of vital energy within was steady and strong. Whatever doubts his mate had had prior to his break through had apparently been put to rest. Settling back on the simple bed he tried to collect his thoughts, observing Destorianaxe in flight had sprung a moment if enlightenment upon him. Why it had? He was clueless, it was not the first time he witnessed a dragon flying, he had experienced the sensation himself.

Yet falling free, watching Destorianaxe lording over the skies above had triggered his instincts. Something about the whole situation had spoken to his dao and blasted through the obstruction that had kept him in the third tier of cultivation. Breathing slowly, Xing Lei felt the rush of qi flooding through his body. It felt thicker, almost like an entire world was condensed in his blood, flowing through river like veins to feed his body with limitless energy.

Thinking back to the tribulation he exhaled slowly. The heavens truly did not desire to let him see the apex. This was the first of three gates, yet the third bolt had been beyond anything he knew before. In his old life, the three bolts had come in quick succession. There was no build up nor did the difficulty expand so greatly, each was powerful to be sure but not to the extent of this third bolt. He had only experienced its like at the second gate... or the bolt that erased him.

Swallowing the saliva in his maw, Xing Lei pushed off the bed and looked around. The surroundings were silent, not even the movements of attendants could be heard beyond the room. Near as he could figure, this had to be a hospital of some sort, but the absence of other patients or even doctors made him wonder just what had been happening while he was unconscious. Where was Destorianaxe? Shaking his head he calmly stepped to the door and pulled it open, noting the empty hallway was just as silent as the room. He had thought perhaps they had discovered formations to ensure soundless recovery but such was a fantasy. The hospital seemed empty. Even the city beyond lacked the noise of the training town...

Wandering the hall Xing Lei poked his head in each room he passed, like the hall, emptiness and silence greeted him. Frowning in his mind he hurried his exploration, seeking an exit to the building. The unnerving silence was starting to get to him. Turning a corner he found a more stout door, one that could likely lead him outside. Wrenching it open he pulled back from his attempt to go forward... for what lay beyond the portal was not the training grounds, rather a star scape surrounded him, the medical building seemed to just be floating in a void!

Gripping the door frame he stared into the starry reaches, just what was going on? Xing Lei was about to close the door when he sensed something behind him. Glancing back a draconic man leaned casually against the corner wall. "Good you're up."

Xing Lei narrowed his eyes, turning to face the figure. "Whom are you? And where is this?"

The draconic figure glanced around, "Well, to me, it looks like the hospital they dragged your body into. Astral travels however can be highly misleading though. It's more likely just a construct of your mind to give you a solid foundation for this little head to head."

Xing Lei tilted his head, "Astral travel? My spirit is free of my body? I failed the tribulation?"

The figure shook his head waving his hands urgently, "Oh no no no! You passed that trial marvelously, you've inspired my children exceptionally with your performance. I just stole your essence to have a little talk since I feel clarifications are in order."

"Your children? Destorianaxe and her people?"

The figure nodded looking quite self proud, "Mhm, my childr-" Before he could finish, Xing Lei's fist had connected to the draconic man's jaw smashing him through the wall behind, shattering the building like a glass vase. Tumbling head over heels in the starry sky the figure rubbed his jaw, tugging the dislocated jaw back into alignment. "Well can't say I predicted that response."

The figure narrowed his eyes but quickly shot upwards as Xing Lei hurled out after the being, the kobold chasing after the figure like an angry hornet. The Dragon God, for who else could this draconic figure be, darted away from his pursuer. "Really. I don't see what grudge you have with me, why do you seek to visit violence upon my essence?"

Xing Lei didn't answer, his eyes were locked on the darting draconic form that swam through this astral sea like a fish. His own movements were getting better as he adjusted to the properties of this existence. Truth be told, he wasn't sure himself why he struck the first blow, something about the Dragon God seemed off to him, like an aura soaked in blood and vileness. Despite the almost benign reaction, Xing Lei felt this was a mask to hide an ugly face from the world.

The Dragon God continued to twist and turn, slipping from the kobolds clutches again and again, "You should just submit you know. I am the Dragon God, I am your lord and Master, it is by my will you even exist, it is by my desire that an absurdity like yourself continues to walk my world, yet you strike me? Know your place childe!"

Xing Lei ignored the words, more certain than ever this was an evil entity. Perhaps he was the Dragon God who had supposedly vanished, but more likely this was an assassination attempt using a guise that any true kobold would have submitted themselves to. Still, despite the years of living as one, he had never surrendered to the instincts of the body he wore. He was Xing Lei, not Dull Scale. The Dragon God was just another higher tier existence, not a being who demanded his illogical reverence.

It made this encounter even more suspicious. The Dragon God should know this draconic reverence spiel would not work on a former human cultivator. Yet still he danced about spouting words any dragon blood would be hard pressed to resist. Yet these assurances and half truths slipped over Xing Lei with no more stopping power than a mild summers breeze. All he needed to do was catch his target and the truth would be revealed... but saying such was easier said than done, his opponent was exceptionally faster in this state than Xing Lei, darting around so casually as if he could act with but a thought should he choose.

With each miss Xing Lei growled, the almost serene look on the Dragon God was annoying him. It really shouldn't however, yet he felt his formerly calm emotions twisting all the more as the casually dodging entity continued flitting about. Each time the entity expressed its disbelief that this rude kobold was giving him no leeway to speak, after all, all he desired was to talk. To guide the kobolds path now that he had stepped into a greater stage within the world. Was it so wrong? Why was he getting upset that one older and wiser wished to impart this childe with divine guidance?

Xing Lei was having none of it though. The words sounded sweet but behind them each word was laced with other motives. Coercion, compulsion, dictating, arrogant. So much intent behind such 'good will' was laced with dark intent that it grated on the kobolds nerves. Drawing to a stop his eyes narrowed as the Dragon God stopped as well, that draconic visage tilting curiously, "Have you given up? Are you ready to accept the path your master has laid out for you?"

Xing Lei breathed slowly letting his frustration slip from his mind, it was clouding his judgment and that seemed to be exactly what this Dragon God was banking on. The angrier and more rage filled he became the more his control slipped. Narrowing his eyes, the kobold looked the Dragon God up and down. The smug, draconic looking man stood barely a stones throw from him watching Xing Lei with undisputed mockery. Was this the methods of the Dragon God that he had been told of?

No. It wasn't. According to Destorianaxe, the Dragon God was a schemer, he dealt with people like a good natured helper, offering deals that could be repaid later. This one demanded and mocked, all behind a facade of good natured friendship. Exhaling slowly Xing Lei matched the gaze of the Dragon God and called over.

"Tyrix. Your game is up."

The Dragon God reacted as if physically struck, the good natured visage began to melt revealing the evil sneer of the chaotic demon god, the scaled form slipping from his muscular crimson body as easy as one changed their clothes. "I suppose I pushed too hard hrm?"

Xing Lei crossed his arms and smirked, "Just a bit."

Tyrix chuckled and flexed his arms, a mantle of inky blackness draped over his muscular shoulders. With a wave of his hand a pair of chairs with a table came into being between them. Gesturing for the kobold to join him, the demon god sat himself in one chair then snapped his fingers, a naked succubus stepped through the starry sea delivering a jug of wine and two cups to the table before retreating. "Come, sit. No more games. While yes I wanted to sway your heart, failing that I still need to come to an accord with you."

As Tyrix poured the blood like wine he looked to Xing Lei who swiftly sat opposite the God. Lifting his cup the dark god saluted the kobold, "Congratulations on surviving."

Xing Lei lifted his own cup warily, mirroring the gods toast before carefully inhaling the scent of the wine. His sixth sense was not ringing in alarm, he felt no ill will from the demonic god so tossed back the fluid. A rush of heat swept down his throat. Coughing slightly Tyrix laughed, "Balor's bloodwyne. A deliciously hot wine with a strong kick if you aren't careful. Few would willingly drink with me so carefree, why do you?"

Patting his chest and coughing out a tongue of dark hellfire Xing Lei looked at the god evenly, "I don't sense your blood lust any further, if you wanted me dead, poison is hardly something you'd bother with. Since you don't seem peeved that I banished you and your consort you must be here for more important matters."

Tyrix laughed and slapped the table, "Ha! Knew I liked you. Water under the bridge about our avatars, we'll try again in a few millenia, we have all eternity to make the world ours. You'll be dead by then, course some other hero will likely be around... it's just how these things work. Though avoid my consort, she's rather miffed and less sociable about these things. The hotheadedness of youth after all, a few more eons and she'll take things like that in proper stride."

Filling his cup and sipping the wine slowly, "But I digress. I pulled your sleeping mind to the astral plane for more than rehashing past business. I wish to discuss your future plans. Just what are you aiming for?" Tyrix leaned forward, his onyx eyes stared at the kobold across from him with interest, it had been a long time since something so unusual had surprised him. All the gods had watched the kobold's trial, many were terrified, others indifferent. Tyrix... was amused. He didn't create the lightning, yet it existed without his purview, just what was the essence of this mortal?