
The portal seemed to grow more radiant as more figures began emerging from the doorway, much like the initial eight these were clad from head to toe in golden plate mail only each suit of the four beings that arrived was intricately detailed. Each carried a halberd whose axe like head was not bathed in starlight, rather each was as dark as the abyss, seeming to devour all illumination in their presence. Most notable of all, unlike the original eight, these four had two sets of wings upon their backs. These wings were not pristine feathers either, rather each set of wings burned with hellish flames, though none seemed to give off any heat, rather the comfortable warmth from the golden ones before became almost chilly.

Xing Lei righted his stance as the seven warriors retreated, those eight, with the leader not looking any worse for wear from its impromptu flight stood back ringing the elaborate four who strode forward, their weapons at the ready. As one the four in toned, "You will lay down your weapon and come with us."

This dull command seemed flat without any emotion but it rolled over the area like an ocean wave. The soldiers, militia and mob beyond collectively set down their weapons and kneeled enmasse upon the frosty cobblestone. Osilliaice and Alustriea knelt nearby, both dragoness and spectral elf trembled as they were silent before the command of the four. Xing Lei however was unmoved, his eyes narrowing as he witnessed everyone else in range obey their order without thinking.

Staring at the four that steadily advanced, he moved forward to meet them. Unlike the straight forward eight, these four broke around him, passing him by like he was air. With two to either side a pair of halberds each framed the necks of Alustriea and Osilliaice. Four visored helms leveled towards Xing Lei, "It has been determined that you value these souls. The prisoner will stand down and surrender. This is the prisoners only warning."

Xing Lei started towards the four but the eight soldiers swiftly imposed themselves between the kobold and the Generals with the two hostages. That same leader lifted its blade, "You are coming with us, do not resist further."

Glaring at the golden figure Xing Lei looked past to the unwavering blades by the throat of either Osilliaice or Alustriea. Growling low he returned the spear to his ring and stepped back, "Very well I'll accept your invitation."

The eight golden figures moved forward to encircle Xing Lei, unlike their earlier claim they did not chain him. Glancing back though, he saw why. The four generals framed Osilliaice and Alustriea escorting them several steps behind his entourage, while the blades were no longer at either throat, each of the figures looked ready to strike should he try to resist again. Growling inwardly he marched towards the portal as the original leader held aloft its crystal, "Justicarr One, the prisoner has been arrested. Open passage to high heavens position six."

The doorway fluctuated as the normally star like shimmer took on a golden radiance before the parade of figures vanished from the plane of ice. Were the trio to have been left behind they would have the chilling visual of the throng of people still kneeling around the portal area, even as the winds and sleet fell upon them, none moved. Those that would came later were chilled to the bone to see hundreds dead, still kneeling before the shimmering portal, each one frozen in the posture of supplication having never been given the order to rise...

* * * * *

Lead by the contingent of glowing, winged warriors Xing Lei looked around rather curiously. The adjusted doorway had brought their little parade to a building that very much resembled the one in which he had been dubbed Kobolicus. The ancient stone passage lead, as expected towards an open arena but unlike that far away kingdom this arena was much smaller. In fact, the arena floor was merely the size of a room some twenty by twenty feet. It was still open air but from the doorway he exited there was no seating behind, rather there were three viewing galleries, each was occupied by a range of figures in somewhat loose garb.

Xing Lei was marched out onto the open sands while the four esteemed generals lead his companions down a side hall, when he made a move to object the original leader shook his head muttering softly, "Do not resist, innocents will not be hurt."

The kobold frowned as the eight separated leaving him to the open sands as the figures above finally took nite of his presence. A loud laughter echoed from the right gallery, a powerful voice yelling across the way, "Ha! You said he'd kill your paltry little angels, pay up, I've won our bet!"

Xing Lei was easily able to pick out the winner in the right gallery, the large beastial man with dark red skin and curling black horns was stood at the rail, his cruel smile and mocking gaze was cast across the arena to the left gallery where a tanned man with a closely cut beard stood with arms crossed. The latters shining armor was very much akin to the golden armor of the soldiers who had escorted Xing Lei in. The first could only be Tyrix but as for the latter? Xing Lei had paid little heed to the higher beings other than the ones he had direct meeting with.

The brilliant figure that Tyrix gloated over gave a snort, "This trial is not yet over brother Tyrix, who is to say this aberrant being won't kill my children before we're done? Thus the bet continues."

Tyrix face palmed, his long nails scraped over his red flesh like nails on a chalkboard, "You wretch! We agreed the bet was for him resisting your children's arrest and murdering the lot! That wording applies to his pre arrival! Sandril! You damned midget, you heard the bet too come on you little shit, live up to your purpose!"

Further back on the left gallery a rather rotund halfling was stuffing his face, ever careful of the bandage that covered his fat, injured nose. Shaking his head Sandril gave a rather smarmy smile towards the demon god, "I heard no such thing Tyrix, perhaps in your old age you are becoming forgetful?"

"God of Honest Deals my red arse! God of fucking selective hearing is more an apt descriptor of you, you little shit! FINE! Yo! Xing Lei, Helatrax over there bet a barrel of ambrosia that you'd murder those glow lamps he sent to invite you here, do me a solid, don't kill a single fucking one until after the trial alright?!"

Tyrix's yell brought the attention of others to look down on the kobold, many were in discussion with each other while Xing Lei himself looked up with rather detached boredom, it would seem he was being put on trial for injuring the halfling and the blind fellow? Or was there something more going on? He recalled that Damak seemed to mention something about outside interference, perhaps this little dog and pony show was attributed to that blindfold wearing fool bringing this crap down on his head.

His yellow eyes shifted from gallery to gallery, his eyes raking over the looks each 'god' were giving him in turn. While he had paid little attention to the divine of this world he had heard some things. The left gallery seemed to be the Council of Light, the humanoid aligned higher beings. The right was unquestionably the domain of the monstrous gods since Tyrix was there hurling insults towards the opposite. Focusing his gaze ahead he saw the neutral higher beings, Zee was sat at the head giving the kobold a cheery wave in place of the Dragon God who seemed to have gone AWOL.

Coughing over the rather rude remarks Tyrix was throwing his way Helatrax stood forward bringing his tanned fist down upon the edge of the rail with a loud bang. While the 'good' and 'neutral' gods seemed to focus on his action it was obvious Tyrix wasn't finished and yelled out a few choice comments about the divine heads parentage and how it related to a whore in a donkey show, with Sandril's father likely being the mule! Coughing again the human God glared at the smug looking Tyrix before his voice boomed out, "Thank you my fellows for attending on short notice, we requested your presence to address the current turmoil raging across our creation due to the entity we have apprehended to stand judgement today."

Helatrax stared down at the rather bored looking kobold, "Would that the Dragon God have been here to account for one of his brood we shall continue regardless. Mortal! You stand accused of tampering with our holy creations, causing undue harm to our peoples all for your own self serving goals. Brothers Damak and Sandril stand witness that you have revealed yourself as an abhorrent spawn of one of our forefathers, likely to sow chaos and destroy all we have built when casting them out eons past! Upon hearing these charges, how does the guilty wish to plead for mercy?"

As the left gallery went silent the mid and right galleries erupted, Zee snarled, the lovely woman regressing, fur sprouting from her delicate features as her sharp claws cracked heavily against her husband's throne arm, "Objection! Is this a trial or a show execution?! You've not even let my brothers blood even speak against these charges!"

Tyrix across the way slammed his own meaty fist against his seat and snarled, "Aye, you cheats are always quick to accuse and condemn, Damak and Sandril, god o' liars and god of fucking selective hearing as your key witnesses?! May as well claim he's the spawn of the old one while yer at it and nail a squid to his chin fer proof!"

Xing Lei blinked watching between the neutral and technically evil gods as they rallied and roared against Helatrax's charges. The human God sighed raising his hands patting at the air his deep voice calling out over the clamor, "Silence! Silence all of you! Fine, you want proof then let's divine the proof before all to bare witness that this is a seed of chaos and not your normal kind Tyrix before you try to mince words over how I describe him!"

As the gods and goddesses reclaimed their seats Helatrax frowned looking down upon Xing Lei. "Mortal, two thirds of the divine hierarchy have deemed to hear your side, thus I will rephrase my question, how does the obviously guilty mortal plead?"

Before Xing Lei could speak a hazy mirror appeared above his head, upon it a young kobold was shown to advance with obscene speed having emerged from an egg full grown. His fighting prowess unheard of compared to others of the similar seeming age. The mirror showed a young Dull Scale achieving greatness in the tribe, saving the young Alustriea, sparing Fleet Spear the humiliation of becoming the head warriors prize. The slaying of his fellow savage kobolds and standing unphased before the might of Destorianaxe revealed.

"Our first proof, unnaturally borne he came into our world ready to destroy, to wreak havoc amongst his kin, slaying the formerly accepted leadership of his tribe and defying his creator! Mortal, of the first charge of killing own kin and kind, of defying your leaders for personal and purely carnal gain how do you plead?!"

Xing Lei crossed his arms looking at the silent figures that were reviewing his life choices and laughed before calling out loudly, "Guilty as charged!"

Both Zee and Tyrix had been ready to add their support to throw off Helatrax's show trial but with the kobold freely admitting his 'guilt' of the first charge they both felt themselves tongue tied staring at the defiant kobold. For Xing Lei he made no move to deny his beginnings. He indeed spent no time as a kobold child, he freely rescued elf and huntress for his own ends. He freely killed Gruck and Grull because the two were fools. Accept Destorianaxe as the Mistress? To hell with that! Xing Lei prayed to no divinity beyond his own legacy of reaching the apex. Was he guilty of what this pompous God said? Sure, and he wasn't ashamed of it!