Godswar [Some Lewdness]

Xing Lei could feel his blood staining the torn clothing he wore, even as a kobold he bled red, his clawed fingers pressing at the torn scales as he backpedaled away from the advancing figure of Halatrax. The war god had his attention solely fixated on the kobold, the bastard sword of light gripped in his fist cut through the sand he passed as the godly human walked slowly toward the wounded kobold. "There is no escape mortal. I am Halatrax, god of war. You are not my match."

Xing Lei grimaced glancing at his spear, the two halves had been separated so easily by that godly weapon, he doubted any of the drow blades in his ring would be any better. His eyes flicked around, he needed something to fight back with but other than sand, there was nothing he could improvise with. He was also running out of room, the small arenas back wall with its closed gate was at his back, a quick glance saw the angels and archangels waiting in rank and file to charge in at their creators order.

Looking over Halatrax's shoulder he spotted a potential help. "Umelix, as dwarf friend I call in a favor from the patron of Ottar, I need a spear!"

In the stands above, the galleries were now intermixed. Good, neutral and evil were all fighting, Halatrax had bought allies from all three pantheons, while they were lesser gods compared to Halatrax, Tyrix and such they were still gods and could pressure the others while Halatrax cleaned up the reptilian loose end. Still the dwarf god Umelix could not ignore the request, after all the kobold HAD been of great benefit to his kin so even just on the case of Ottar he owed the reptile a boon at least.

Giving Gruck, the god of goblinkin a swat with his hammer sending the ugly greenskin god sailing, he manifested a fiery anvil, the mighty hammer slamming down upon its surface. A spear head of shining silver metal rose upon the flaming anvil as Umelix looked to one side where an elven woman was trading blows with a shadowy drow like god. "Estrelie, if yer quite done playin' around with that idjit Omoul, I need a haft from one of yer good trees!"

The elven goddes punched the shadow elf god in the face, the insane gleam in the blackened eyes of the latter mad god dimmed slightly as Estrelie waved her hand. Near Umelix a sprout tore through the godly stone by his feet, growing into a tall tree with silvery bark and golden leaves before returning to her rather one sided ass kicking of the mad shadow elf god, Omoul. Umelix reached out to tear off a branch of the godly silvertree, running his coarse hand over its length it straightened into a smooth and straight spear haft which he promptly afixed to the silvery head. Testing the spear for a moment he chucked the weapon at Xing Lei.

The weapon tore past Halatrax like a bullet, slamming into the sands at the kobold's feet. The sand around the impact zone was burned into smooth, blackened glass. Xing Lei glanced to Umelix but noted the Dwarven god paid him no more attention, the stout god had torn up the rest of the silvertree and was using it to beat a returned Gruck into the ground like a living seed. The kobold reached out to pluck the god made weapon from where it swayed, the deadly heat from the sharp head assailed his hand through the haft, yet still he pulled it forth, cradling the haft against his side and pointed at Halatrax who had, oddly enough, waited.

"Do you think yourself worthy now mortal? God forged spear in hand, you think you can match the great I, Halatrax, god of war? You ignorant fool." Smirking he lifted his free hand and swiped it down over his head. A plumed, open faced helmet covered his scalp, his eyes glowing like twin golden fireballs in the deep shadows of the head covering, "You have no chance mortal."

Striding forward, Halatrax's feet crushed the sand turned glass as his body moved at a speed no being should ever achieve. The air shattered with an explosive boom as he crossed the few feet to the kobold and backhanded the reptile sending Xing Lei sailing through the air. Where he expected to hit wall, Xing Lei instead sailed a decent distance before falling to the sand ground. Looking up, he was no longer in that twenty by twenty arena. No, now he was in a true arena. In the stands, huge godly beings battled each other while in the empty arena Halatrax seemed to shutter step towards the fallen kobold.

Every step left an after image, each few feet shattered the air with a sonic boom. Halatrax was both moving slow enough to be seen yet fast enough that the air litterly popped in his passing. "I am a god mortal. As an outsider, you have powerful tricks. But against my power, they are but tricks in the end." His next step brought him before the kobold, a shining golden plated boot swung up slamming into the kobold's side. Like a field goal kick, the kobold ball was sent flying again.

This time, despite the feeling of a few broken ribs, Xing Lei twisted in the air and managed to land on his feet. The pain ripping through his chest still made him wince. How long had it been since he faced something of this strength? Destorianaxe maybe? She had held back but still planted him in a wall and broke just about every bone in his body. This time he faced a being that didn't hold back out of concern but to torture his victim. Grimacing he readied his spear, this time rushing forward towards the shutter stepping war god...

In the stands above a pair was sat at the rail watching the events unfold, as if the conflicted gods around them were of no concern. Tyrix and Quellia were wrapped around each other lewdly, the drow goddess had her dress bunched around her slim waist and was riding the demon god in a mad lusty way. Tyrix thrust into her with abandon, his hips cracking the godstone seat he was perched on, taking his woman as if the fight around them had not been happening.

Every so often the pair switched positions, usually when a god came to find issue with either, the pair mocking their adversaries as they just shifted how they went at each other with wild abandon. Gripping her long white hair in his meaty fist, Tyrix bent the lusty drow goddess over the rail and slammed into her from behind, the pair watching as Halatrax and Xing Lei collided again below. Through her pants, even with her hair pulled Quellia looked back at her demonic lover gasping out between pants, "What will you do?"

Tyrix panted, giving her shapely onyx backside a thunderclap of a spank. The red flesh of his hips striking her full obsidian backside as he peered over her where the two fought, he gasped out roughly, "Do we really need to discuss that this moment?"

Quellia panted, gripping the stone rail as her body shuddered, a climax as the beastial pounding along with the sheer absurdity of being fucked in the middle of a godly civil war threw the chaotic goddess over the edge screaming like a banshee, "YESSSSSS, TELL ME!"

Tyrix shuddered resting over his dark goddess and sighed. Couldn't he just get his rocks off in peace? Sighing wistfully he glanced to the side, his hands sneakily slipping through the open sides of Quellia's dress to fondle her pert breasts. While the drow goddess tensed up on him his mind was distracted by Lusana, goddess of the moon had Damak in a side headlock and was punching the face of the lewdly smiling blind old fart.

Roughly squeezing Quellia's breasts, bringing another throaty moan from her full lips, she did not realize his grip was due to watching that sly old geezer rubbing his head against Lusana's ample side boob. Sure he was getting punched in the face but Tyrix knew that old geezer was secretly a machoist. The moon goddess likely thought she was punishing the lying old asshole but in truth the wily old man was getting off on being her punching bag!

Tyrix sighed feeling Quellia's chest. Elven tits just weren't the same! He missed his days as creation god and fondling those fun bags of hers... Shaking his head Tyrix came back to what he was doing, focusing on the kobold again. With a rather feigned regret he slipped out of the messy drow goddess, not bothering to pull her dress back down. "Likely help my brother. Or the kobold. Not sure yet." Shrugging helplessly he vaulted over the rail dropping into the arena.

Quellia shuddered, raising up on shaky legs, she pulled a curved dagger from the sheath on her hip and stalked off towards where Estrelie and Lusana were curbstomping Damak, Lusana having been informed by the high elf goddess of the old guys true intents. It was time to cull her lovers distractions. Getting rid of his ex and his mistress would ensure Tyrix was hers forever more unless he suddenly developed even more deviant desires. Glancing towards Loss who was cringing away from where Zee was disemboweling Gilgas for lending Halatrax their pantherfolk children, perhaps it was time to cull ALL potential threats to her love life...

Below the battle locked pair separated as a third joined their little duel. Halatrax eyed his brother Tyrix warily as Xing Lei kept his guard up. The kobold held no illusions that the demonic god was his ally, but wether it was two versus one, or a three way free for all was yet to be determined. Halatrax however sighed shaking his head looking to the beastial demonic god, "Barn doors open brother."

Tyrix grinned glancing down before tucking away, "What, I can't air dry it brother dear?"

Sneering Halatrax warily kept his wayward brother and the kobold both in front of him, "Brother nothing could dry that off, if its not your new wife its one of your many mistresses, I honestly don't know why you don't just walk around naked half the time."

"Because, dear brother, are you saying you would not aim for it off hand were it hanging in the breeze?" Tyrix laughed entwined his fingers and cracking his knuckles, "But enough of this foreplay, we killing this kobold, or are we settling our family soap opera first?"

Halatrax grunted watching Xing Lei back off further from the potential grouping of the war god and demonic god, his spear was like an angry hornet, the vicious point weaving from pointing at Halatrax to pointing at Tyrix. The pair advanced slowly on the kobold, the war god's every movement was steady and firm, his approach was like a great wall warding off attack. Tyrix in contrast was almost lazy, he casually strolled beside his brother like they were not even in battle.

With a war cry Halatrax lead the assault, the shining bastard sword cutting at the kobold with unnerving swiftness, the war god swung the blade like it were a dagger, light and easy to control. Behind the vicious cut Tyrix blinked out of existence forcing the kobold into a tight pinch as the spear intercepted the sword, and didn't get swept aside, the demonic god appeared to the side swinging a vicious sucker punch at Xing Lei's injured side.

Grimacing Xing Lei felt that fist slam into his side with all the firmness of a club, the air was blasted from his lungs as his body bent sideways and was tossed away from the godly duo. Tyrix laughed shaking his hand slowly, "Like punching one of your statues brother, you got a spare sword to lend me? I'll break my fingers punching him!"

Halatrax glowered to the side, "Where's the sword Estrelie made for you?"

Tyrix shrugged, "Had one of my minions hide it on the mortal plane, you know Quellia would use the thing to dig latrines for goblins if I kept it. Since they hid it, I'm not lying when I tell her I don't know it's location."

Halatrax sighed, "What about the minion?"

Tyrix stuck a thumb in his rob lifting it, "I wear him better than he did."

An inhuman screech rang out from the distance, "I KNEW THIS BITCH GAVE YOU A TOKEN!"

Tyrix groaned slapping his meaty hand across his eyes, "Fuck me."

Halatrax laughed, "You ditched Estrelie and married her brother, you get no sympathy from me."

Xing Lei shook his head looking at the pair. THESE were higher beings? Clutching his doubly wounded side he propped himself up as the two gods casually discussed their home lives like he was air. Glancing to the stands Quellia, Estrelie and Lusana were in a bloody catfight, the trio were ripping and tearing at each other. While all three were bleeding their wounds were quite superficial, in fact they were losing more clothes than pounds of flesh. The other gods had stopped to watch and place bets, like this three way fight was something absurdly common.

"And now you know why I needed you."