The Immortal Kobold

Xing Lei knelt upon the sand for the first few strikes, for a cultivator of the half step apex, the first few bolts were a fly's fart in the wind. While the four gods going on this journey of suffering with him were losing control of their bodies he was preparing his will power to battle the blind heavens. He paid them little mind, the screams that continued to herald each strike was a testimony that the Dragon God was right. Even this tribulation would not kill the gods.

As the snakes gave way to weapons, Xing Lei lifted his spear to meet this strike, force against force. Throwing his techniques and abilities at the heavenly strikes, meeting that destructive force with his own. Taking a breather he was able to see the ruin his break through had caused. Halatrax, Sandril, Damak and Tyrix had all more or less given up. The gods in the stands watched with horror as this trial became something out of their hands.

The only goddess who wasn't watching with horror was Zee. She sat on her husband's throne smiling down at Xing Lei. It stood to reason she was in on everything thus Xing Lei smiled back before turning to meet the lightning armies of the high heavens. Throwing himself into the sky he met the army as a general, striking down the forces of power that sought to obliterate him for the second time. Regaining his strength between strikes, he rested on his knees, his mind slowly coming to terms with each bolt that blasted his body.

He wondered what it felt like. That final bolt. In his old life he was dead so he had nothing to compare it against, with immortal victims along for the ride he'd have surviving witnesses to the agony his original failure had resulted in. Grinning inwards he swept his gaze over Halatrax, weakly lifting a white flag. Before the war god could seek a parley the next forceful bolt crashed down, the glassed sand turned to dust, the ground beneath sank a few feet under the impact as the kobold grit his teeth. Yes, this was the feeling, it was coming back to him, this pain, he knew it well.

That final all destroying bolt was coming.

Settling on his knees the skies rumbled angrily. Perhaps it was Xing Lei surviving or more likely the fact the four gods alongside him dared to revive after their deaths. The heavens were angry. Well that was an understatement. The five tribulation takers stared into the sky, one with hope, four with dread as lightning claws gripped the dark clouds and tore a hole through them. An emense lightning dragon roared through the heavens, its anger and rage bringing takers and watchers to their knees. Was this a forefather summoned to end all existence?!

Its jaws opened wide, lightning erupted from that maw torching the arena ground, Halatrax barely even whimpered as the breath reduced his body to dust particles. Sandril screamed and tried to run before he painted the dirt red. Damak shuddered and accepted the deadly baptism with a smile. Tyrix laid limply, his body blasted to ash under the assault. Fours streams of lightning ravaged the ground then seemed to rush together towards Xing Lei.

Rising from his knees the kobold lifted his spear in challenge.

Behind him the ghostly outline of a man took shape. Pepper hair hung down his robed back. A wispy thin white beard hung down his chest from his chin. Knife like eyebrows gave his hard set eyes an even more dangerous look. The old Xing Lei stood behind the reborn one, two spears raised in defiance of the heavenly dragon. Two voices overlapping as the cultivator of two ages screamed forth at the dragon.

"I challenge you high heavens! Come at me!"

The four gods revived already quaked under the shout. Sandril screamed, his voice a high pitched squeal as if a pig was being slaughtered. His now thin body shattered into motes of light that swirled where he had stood before stabbing down into the earth. Halatrax roared and similarly shattered, his voice lingered even despite the roar of the thunder, "You want to die, you can do so on your own!"

Tyrix and Damak remained, baring witness like the other gods as the thick streams of lightning converged on the kobold and his ghostly double. Unbent Xing Lei stood with spear thrust high into that torrent of lightning that felt like a vicious river slamming into his short frame. Blood leaked from the corners of his maw, from his ears and nostrils, he even wept blood as he stood his ground denying the dragon. "If that's all you gave then... FUCK OFF FOR ME!"

That yell shattered the air, with bent knees the kobold launched himself deeper into the torrent, his spear leading the way as he soared into the heavens to confront the dragon of tribulation lightning. The gods and goddesses below watched as that short reptile challenged a catastrophe level beast, soaring ever upwards to meet his destiny high above all others. Tyrix leapt out of the arena glancing around, unsurprised Quellia and the other dark god's had fled the field. Unlike Sandril and Halatrax they had merely returned to their own domains to weather out this storm.

The remains of the Council of light stood together with the mortal pantheon, despite Estrelie glowering at him he moved to stand beside Zee. "He planned all this didn't he?"

The beastial goddess sprouted a long pair of rabbit ears that flopped down over her face, "I know nothing of which you speak brother Tyrix."

Tyrix snorted and gingerly crossed his arms over his bare chest. Much like the others his clothes had not survived the onslaught but rather than seek covering he stood proud, besides, even though every inch of his flesh it he'd in fiery pain he was rather preoccupied with Lusana taking rather liberal stares at his manhood. No sense chasing off a potential comforting pair of arms to nurse him back to health after all! Still he nearly gave a scream much akin to Sandrils when his ex wife Estrelie strode over and less than gently grabbed him by the literal balls. "Erm... I'm sorry honey... could you... you know... let go. I kinda need those..."

Before the gods could dissolve into one of their usual little dramas an eruption of power exploded in the skies above. A supernova swallowed up the lightning dragon, sucking in the rumbling clouds returning the skies to their pristine blue. Many breathed sighs of relief while others sought Zee with their eyes asking, "It IS over right?"

Rather than answer them Zee lifted an arm that cascaded with rainbow hued scales, her fingers pointing to a shining golden sphere that slowly floated down from the explosion of power. The orb seemed to radiate a strength unfiltered by any of them. Even Tyrix focused his gaze on thus sphere despite the non too gentle pressure of Estrelie still squeezing his balls in anger. Grunting softly, the demon god looked at Zee, "What is that? Another of his tricks?"

Zee shook her head, a wide smile upon her lips, "My consort's son joins us finally."

Tyrix frowned then glanced skyward, "Xing Lei? Wait. He bears that scheming bastards blood... DIRECTLY?!"

Zee laughed, her voice like a hyenas as the pitch escalated. The other gods and goddesses all looked at Zee yelling, "You knew?!"

Zee shrugged, "Of course I did. This was my consort plan all along after all. Halatrax has abandoned the high heavens, he has forfeited his status as god of war, thus I nominate Xing Lei as his replacement."

Tyrix stared blankly then broke out in roaring laughter, his dark eyes watched as the divine egg of a new born God, an apex immortal slowly fell towards them. Shaking his head, he pulled free of Estrelie leaving behind one of his nuts as he left. It would regrow. But looking presentable before their new brother was a single chance, perhaps with the kobolds leanings he might choose the dark pantheon rather than sit on the Council of Light.

For the others gathering around the egg was with a sense of trepidation. Unlike Tyrix who could be as shameless as a dwarf when it came to working things for personal gain, they all had stood by as this latest addition to their family was almost killed. Few believed that Xing Lei would emerge with good graces towards them all. Zee however waited patiently as the egg dissolved dumped a kobold out from its confines. Unlike the prior Xing Lei, this current kobold had scales of polished gold, his eyes were red and he was again back to being a mere three feet tall. Yet the power in that tiny body seemed to eclipse Tyrix's own.

Glancing around his eyes settled on Zee, "What's going on?" Stopping there Xing Lei tilted his head. His voice carried an almost intrinsic echo, sounding hollow and distant, yet each word thrummed with unchecked power.

Zee smiled a Cheshire cat grin, "On behalf of my consort and our fellows let me express our congratulations on your break through, and a hearty welcome to our dysfunctional little family."

"God hood?"

Zee nodded happily, "Mhm, and further more with Halatrax fleeing the field so far as to renounce his own god hood to seek asylum amongst the mortals, I've nominated you for the next god of war. With no dissenters or challengers I guess congratulations on your new appointment are in order. Tyrix has left to find you a welcoming gift so don't disappoint our big brother by abdication."

Xing Lei stared at the beastial goddess with a rather incredulous stare. The way he had been hoodwinked into god hood aside, planting him as Halatrax's replacement stunk off the Dragon God's plans. Glaring at Zee he was about to object when she shook her head, "Before you scream murder at my consort I think you'll want to head to your new domain. There's perks to be had playing along with my consort that you in particular will appreciate. Go on, go on, we'll clean up here."

Shooing him along the kobold vanished from the arena to appear before a familiar emense cavern in the base of a solitary mountain. Rather than a tribal village, a simple log house occupied the cave. As he stepped closer the front door opened and Osilliaice accompanied by a flesh and blood Alustriea leapt at the shining kobold wrapping him in their arms. Wrapping his arms around his mate and wife he hugged the pair close. "So this is the perks she mentioned? You two are staying with me?"

Osilliaice looked to Alustriea, the elf blushing as she shook her head. Seeing Xing Lei's face droop a bit she giggled mischievously, "Accccctually, more than us." Gesturing over his shoulder, the dragoness and elf stepped back as Xing Lei turned curiously. His eyes widened as a trio of beauties stepped close. His eyes swept those familiar faces, his first wives in his old life... but what were they doing here?!

Frowning a beauty of pale white skin and long black hair was beside him in an instant, grabbing him by the horn and yanked it upwards hard. He remembered this action vividly, his first wife would always tug his ear harshly when his eyes wandered. Her sweet voice was like a smooth wine as she smiled innocently, "Dear husband, do explain to us this situation. After bedding and wedding third sister you swore she would be the last, yet now we find our dear older brother has found two more sisters for we three? Please senior brother, explain to us this failure to adhere to your promise..."

In his heart Xing Lei sighed, while he knew the days of peace would be few he did cherish the Dragon God's gift. For he had found his apex, his old and new family, a power for which he had no ability to challenge...