1 Reincarnation

Cyan yawned as he leaned on the counter at the gas station he worked at. It was 4 a.m. and the morning rush wouldn't begin for another 2 hours, and he had already gotten his various tasks done earlier in the night. Feeling bored he went outside to smoke a cigarette, after all the store hadn't had a customer in the last 30 minutes. And the nicotine would help keep him awake. Taking a large drink from his red bull Cyan opened the door and stepped outside.

The taste of smoke filled his lungs as he took a drag from his cigarette. The burning sensation was in sharp contrast to the bitter cold wind that was striking his face. In the distance he saw a man wearing a ski mask coming his way. "Lucky bastard" cyan thought to himself as he enviously looked at the covered head of the approaching man.

Throwing his cigarette on the snow covered ground, cyan held the door for the man as he entered the store. "How are you doing today sir? The mask keeping you warm? Unfortunately company policy states you can't wear it in the store, to help prevent robberies"

The man smirked, as he reached behind his back. The cold metal of a 9 mm pressed against Cyan's face as the man said "well what do you know? This is a robbery." A loud bang was the last thing that Cyan heard as his dead body fell to the ground.


When cyan woke up his head felt fuzzy, his vision was blurry and he could not see anything but darkness around him. He had been rudely awakened from his slumber by a fierce pressure. Like his body was being forced through a hole much too small for him. As his body contracted a whimper escaped his lips and the pressure finally subsided. A strange voice greeted him.

"Congratulations Vivi it's a boy!"

"What's a boy? And who was that speaking?" Cyan thought to himself as he could feel himself being swaddled in some sort of blanket. "And more importantly who is Vivi? Why does she smell like a dog?"

The strange voice again sounded, though it seemed more distant this time. "Have you thought of a name yet?"

The woman who was holding him spoke, her voice somehow comforting to Cyan. "I was going to name him Ember, after his dad, but now that I'm holding him a different name comes to mind. His name will by Cyanide, Or Cyan for short. "

The man's voice sounded again. "Naming him after a deadly poison could be a form of bad luck. But I agree the name seems to fit the little guy. His fur is much darker than his siblings, and he appears more bestial as well. In fact I see no humanity in his appearance, only that of a wolf."

"Where there be a problem with his development? " the woman holding me asked, her voice filled with concern.

"Physically he is a wolf, and he will develop as one. Mentally however he is still a of your werewolf clan. He will have the mentality of a beast man, though he is a wolf.. he will only be a little... different."

A growl escaped Cyan's throat as he heard those words. "Who are you calling a wolf? I'm a human you hear me a human being!"

The dragon chuckled at the little wolf's growl, obviously he understood it. The wolf's mother once again spoke "thank you for your help your imminence. I don't know how I will repay this favor."

"Your thanks is unneeded, however for repayment when your little pup there reaches a year old you must send him to me, I will take him as a disciple."

The woman nodded vigorously. "Of course your imminence, it is my entire clans honor to have my son become your disciple. I have ham in ascend the mountain the day of his first birthday. But won't he be a little young?"

"This little pup of yours is special, he has an old soul, I would take him today, but he needs the nurturing of his mother, and time to adjust to his body."

"He is a reincarnater?" The woman asked in awe.

"Indeed. A human one even. This entire world is new to him, and I'm sure he will bring great drama to our little world." The dragon chuckled as he spoke. However the humor left his voice at his next words. "Do not spread his status as a reincarnater, it will only bring his own demise. That goes for you as well Cyan. Do not let anyone know of your status here."