8 A brilliant plan

Two months had passed, and the speed of their increase to stat points had slowed down to a crawl. However they had made impressive gains none the less, currently their stats were:

Name: Cyan Wolfbane

Clan: wolf

Age: 8 months

Level: 0

Evolution points: 0

Strength: 7

Dexterity: 8

Constitution: 8

Intellect: 13

Wisdom: 11

Cunning: 8

1) Daisy

Str 9

DeX 7

Con 5

Int 4

Wisdom 4

2) Pugsly

Str 6

Dex 5

Con 9

Int 5

Wisdom 4

3) Bloopers

Str 5

DeX 8

Con 5

Int 5

Wisdom 6


Str 5

DeX 5

Con 4

Int 8

Wisdom 7

Cyan had confirmed his theory that the stats gained through achievements were not counted towards the totals, and he assumed they would not be counted in level advancements either. Cunning appeared to be a stat exclusive to him, at least the other members of his pack had not gained it yet.

For the last month he had been toying with an idea, and decided that today he would put it into effect. He looked over his pack, they had grown bigger. Their sizes varying depending on their stats. Chica was still much smaller than the others, but her actions showed she was much smarter than they were. Bloopers was long and lanky, much faster than the others. Pugsly was a thick boy, not fat, just thick. His size overwhelmed the others, standing much taller than them. Daisy seemed neither big nor small, not thin nor thick, however she was much stronger than the rest, and only bloopers was faster. Her only downside was her intelligence was a bit... lacking.

Cyan nodded to himself as he examined the pack, they had every base covered. Mentally he began to communicate with them. "Alright guys, today we are going to try something different. I want you guys to go hunting without me. Chica will be in charge. I will follow you from a distance, watching your progress. Do you have any questions?"

A series of images and scents entered his mind as the wolves communicated their concerns. Amid the projections was also a small, shy voice. "I don't know if I will be up to it Cyan."

Cyan grinned, sending comforting thoughts to the pack. "I am not leaving you guys or abandoning you. However in two months I will have to go to the dragon. Who knows what he will have me do. So I am setting up a chain of command. I will have you guys report to chica, while chica reports to me. I am and always will be your Alpha, you are my pack and I love you guys."

The pack seemed confused, but they wagged their tails happily hearing that he was not abandoning them, and that he loved them. After all, he was the kindest alpha they had ever had. He made them wait for three days with pugsly while he was injured just so he could heal. Any other Alpha would have abandoned him. This action had made all of them fiercely loyal to him, but none as much as pugsly. He went out of his way to protect his alpha, not letting any harm come to him. When they heard his orders they were concerned he was going to leave them, and they were excited to see he was trusting them on their own.

"Alright Chica" Cyan sent "you have seen me lead them into battle several times over the last 2 months, I know you have been watching. We will take it slow. The sun bathing lizards are a good start. They are herbivores, and move slow. As long as you avoid their strong attacks you should be fine."

Not giving her any time to think about it Cyan started to walk in that direction. Behind him 3 of the wolves happily pranced behind him, still on their emotional high from his words, but behind them chica looked worried as she slowly room up the rear.

When they arrived at the giant rocks the lizards sun bathed on she had a determined look on her face as she took the lead. "Pugsly it will be your job to distract them. They are slow but you have the best chance at survival if you some how get hit. Once you have it's attention bloopers and daisy will attack from the rear. I will stay away giving you orders as things change. I am not as quick witted as out alpha, and would get distracted if I directly join the fray. I need distance to properly observe and adjust as things change. "

Cyan nodded as he listened to her battle plan. It was simple but direct. He did not expect anything else from her. She had a high intelligence and wisdom, so she could properly analyze the situation. Her weakness however was that she lacked the cunning attribute, without it her plans were doomed to be simple. That however was not a problem, as most of the simplicity was the best option.

The fight went as expected, pugsly tanked the lizard while Bloopers and Daisy attacked from behind. Halfway through she had them separate and attacked it from three sides, as the lizard began to ignore pugsly. The lizard fell, dropping a red strength type beast core. He let Chica absorb it to celebrate her victory. They had done some experiments earlier and It did not matter who absorbed the orb, the stat distribution was always the same. However absorbing the core was a pleasurable experience, and he often used it as a reward.

The results from this fight were different though, giving him a few notifications.

Cyan grinned at his ingenuity. His idea had granted him extra points in cunning, bringing it to 10 and his physical stats were closer to being maxed. From this point on he could hunt independently, while they farmed stat points for him. Inside his mind he laughed evilly.

"Very good guys, now continue, there are several lizards here for you to kill."