12 the Big Bad Wolf

Cyan could not help but chuckle to himself as he saw the gorgeous bat woman wearing the red cloak. He had used his claws to make room for her wings. "What's so funny? The girl couldn't help but ask as he had been chuckling for several minutes already.

"Back where I come from there is a story of a beautiful young girl in a red cloak who encounters a wolf in the forest." He proceeded to tell her of the story of little red riding hood.

"So are you going to eat me then? Me big bad wolf?" The girl asked, her timidness slowly disappearing

"I can only wish" he muttered under his breath.

The girl blushed as she realized the double meaning of her words, growing silent. She finally broke the silence after several minutes of walking. "Do you really think I'm beautiful?"

Cyan nodded, as his eyes wandered over the girl. "Very much so"

She blushed again "my name is Beka, as you can see I'm a beast man, I came here because I was ostracized my by village for being a bat. Bats were seen as a bad omen there. I grew up in an orphanage, my parents had been adventurers, but were killed on one of their dungeon dives. I want to join the ranks of adventurers and avenge their deaths. I'm a rogue class."

Cyan listened to her story attentively nodding as appropriate. "Its nice to meet a beauty like you Beka, your village mates were close minded to not accept such a wonderful girl. My name is Cyan and my story is similar. My village had prejudice against me because of my more... bestial appearance. I was forced to leave my siblings to protect them, and soon gained these wolves as my pack. I am a beast master. "

The woman nodded listening to his conversation. "I can understand, we are birds of a feather. So what are your plans?"

"My master wants me to join the adventurer's guild, I haven't really thought much after that."

"Same place as me then, we can go together!"

"You're not scared I will eat you?"

"What's there to be scared about? You would have to catch me first!"

Beka took off running through the woods, the cloak flapping up as it flashed her bottom. Her wings began to flap as she took off into the air, flying through the intermingled trees. Cyan gave her a head started as he started to give chase, her scent lingered in his nose, her trail seemed like a runway with how easily it stood out in his mind.

The forest was a blur around him as he expertly moved through the forest, track the bat girl who was "attempting to flee". In the distance he could her bare shape hanging from a tree, obviously she thought she was hidden, and she would have been, had the red cloak not hung so carelessly underneath her. He chuckled to himself as he approached the tree, pretending to be lost.

He looked up, hearing Beka speak. "Oh grandma what big teeth you have" she giggled as she dropped to the floor.

"The better to eat you with my dear."

"Oh my!" She said with fake shock, her cloak falling to the floor. "A smirk appeared on her face as she spoke "well you better eat me until your satisfied.