23 Clearing the First Floor

The final skeleton fell, and as Cyans vision returned he slowly walked towards the battlefield. The right side of his body was scorched, the smell of burnt hair filled the small passage. Thankfully the burns were not serious, just abundant. After surveying the battlefield he checked the notifications he had received.

His Amateur Archery had leveled up twice, bringing his perception up to 4. He nodded to himself, that surge of power he had recieved was real, not just his mind playing tricks on him. He hesitated for a moment before summoning the pack. The four wolves appeared, 3 of them circled around the fourth who was laying on the stone ground with a bone arrow lodged in his shoulder.

Using the fountain water from his canteen, Cyan cleaned Pugsly's wound before carefully extracting the arrow. Blood once again poured from the wound, But after pouring more water over the wound Cyan applied pressure. Inwardly he though that they would need to bring medical supplies with them in the future, to help with cases such as these.

Finally he looked around at the rest of the group, his voice resembling a snarl as he spoke "The tactic worked great, none of us died. " He looked down at pugsly "Those mages are still two powerful for us though. I highly recommend we try to level up again before we go down to level 2. We need to be able to at least fully clear the first level before it resets at night. According to Sir Burr and Russ the second floor will have an additional type of enemy, The ghoul. "

The group nodded at him, his words made sense to them. "Let us go back to the safe room, we will rest there for the night, Give puglsy wound a chance to heal enough for him to move without tearing it open Unfortunately he will not be able to participate in combat for a while, but we will not be leaving him behind. He will take up a position in the back, acting as a rear guard. He can notify us if something strange is occuring to our rear."

Like that the group returned to the safe room. It became their base of operations as they continued with their purge of the first floor. Time passed as it always does. Every battle with the Mages brought slight injuries to the pack of Cyan. But with their tactics and team work they were able to keep the injuries to a minimum.

A month later Cyan cleared his latest notification. His archery had leveled up to 7, Hisnperception had risen to an equal number. He was now Ble to fire at a rate that surpassed the archers, and his accuracy had increased exponentially. He was no where near the ability of a trained sniper, but his accuracy rivaled a trained soldier who specialized with a bow. Most of his shots hit the Skeletons, making a one shot kill. This boosted the efficiency of the group by a large margin, but he was under no delusions that he was an amazing archer. These skeletons simply did not have the mental capabilities of regular prey, making their movements easier to spot, which in turn made them into easier targets.

If they had encountered prey who had more intelligence his accuracy would plummet, probably down to only hitting one out of four or five. This was fine however, he was only acting as an archer for this dungeon do to it's set up. When they returned to the surface he would have to seek out some training. The experience he had received as a pup was not enough to battle these beasts.

The group had leveled up a week ago, but they were still grinding on this floor. Their progress was not yet fast enough to clear it in a day. They had not yet found the passage tongo down, Beka had theorized that it would only appear when they cleared the floor.

The group they had just defeated contained two mages. Their current strategy was slightly different than it was before. Cyan would distract them with his ranged attacks, His enhanced perception and newly risen Dexterity gave him all the edge he needed to dodge the arrows that rained down on him. He would whittle away at their numbers while Beka stealthed in from the back. The increase in level had made her stealth more effective against the mages, as long as they were distracted they would not notice her approach until she killed one of the skeletons. This led her to attack the mages first, though in groups such as this after the first mage fell the second one would be on guard.

This is where the pack came in, after the mage fell the pack would rush in, adding more pressure to the remaining mage. When it made a mistake it would be fatal for it as Beka would strike at that moment.

When the final skeleton had fallen a portal appeared behind it. It was very similar to the portal that had brought them into the crypt. Cyan realized the situation immediately as he stared at the portal. The had finally cleared the first floor. They still had a few hours until nightfall, he suspected that the portal would disappear then.

He asked beka to fill their canteens, they would be departing when she returned. The wolf pack sat at his side panting. Puglsy had finally healed, his position in the rear was still his however, as a rear guard was always needed.

As he waited for Beka to return he checked his stats.

Name: Cyan Wolfbane

Clan: wolf

Age: 1

Level: 3

Strength: 48

Dexterity: 48

Constitution: 40

Intellect: 60

Wisdom: 64

Cunning: 10

Perception: 7

1) Summon pack

Summons your former pack to fight by your side

2) beast king aura (passive)

Wild beasts at or below your level will not actively attack you unless provoked

3) subjugate (passive)

Defeated beasts will acknowledge you as their king, following your commands obediently.


Increases wound regeneration by a factor of 1/10 of constitution.


Increass proficiency with a bow, raising perception by 7.