25 Beast king

Outside of the dungeon only two days had passed. Time flowed differently inside of the dungeons, which is what made them such a valuable commodity. A month inside the dungeon was equal to a day in the outside world. Time seemed to standstill in the dungeon, and remarkably a person would not age faster no matter how long they stayed. A month in the dungeon would only age them the day that passed in real time.

Burr yawned as he looked at the dungeon before him, he seemed to be waiting for something. He did not wait long when two figures appeared out of the Dungeon. A rather large wolf man and short bat girl. Behind them trailed a pack of wolves. The wolves were led by a comparatively smaller wolf whose eyes gleamed with intellect.

"Right on time as expected my lord, I'm assuming you figured out the secret to the ghouls? Only magic damage can kill them. and you are sorely lacking in that department."

Burr looked at the young beast king in front of him. He truly knew nothing of this world, he needed a knowledgeable advisor. Who would fit better than this three headed firebreathing dog?

"I can help you in that regard, unfortunately it will come at a price. "

Cyans snarling voice greeted the three headed pugs ears. "And how is that? do you plan on coming with us? without a mage we can advance no further. The last two weeks of our experiments had proved that."

Burr and his brothers shook their heads. "Unfortunately we can't enter the dungeon, nor can we stop guarding it until the dungeon has been purged of the evil that had taken over it." The three headed pug paused for dramatic effect. "But that does not mean you're out of luck. There happens to be a way you can bring an apprentice level mage with you."

Beka looked at the dog slightly annoyed "And where exactly are we going to find an apprentice mage in the middle of nowhere?"

Burr lifted his paw pointing at Cyan. "Right there. Don't tell me you haven't noticed that his class isn't really normal."

Cyan nodded listening to the pug speak. "I have no real mastery. I have my pack, and the subjugate skill, oh and I got a regeneration skill when I was dying. I've learned apprentice markmanship through practice, as well as gained stats in both cunning and perception which are supposed to be class exclusive stats."

Burr nodded. "Tell me what do you know about your class?"

Cyan shook his head. "Other than the fact that I can still summon my pack and can somehow learn exclusive skills and stats nothing."

Burr sighed and started walking towards the old church. "Come with me, this is going to take a while. "

But used his breath to light a fire in the fire place. The warm atmosphere was a pleasant change from the monotony of the dungeon. He even went as far as to bring out some rations for the entire group, including the pack. The pack seemed especially appreciative of this, and soon found themselves liking the pug more and more. Chica however looked at the rations warily, not letting the pack eat until the pug took a bite first.

Burr pretended not to notice her behavior and began to eat his food with fervor. Chica relaxes visibly as she watched, cautiously biting into hers as well. Only after she had determined it was safe did she allow the pack to eat. Burr smiled as he watched her behavior, and could not resist the urge to speak. "You take your position as Alpha seriously, it is commendable."

Chica nodded at him. "Big brother Cyan left me in charge of the pack, I have to do my best to not disappoint him."

Cyan watched the two with a twinkle in his eyes, carefully nudging Beka who was sitting next to him, happily eating from the rations she was given. He spoke to her mentally "We are gonna have to keep an eye on those two"

Beka could barely contain her laughter as she responded "Don't ruin it for them, let it happen naturally" Speaking outloud she said "It's so nice to eat some real food and not just that dungeon water. Thank you Sir Burr and Russ."

Cyan nodded "The water is filling but lacks taste. Even these field rations feel like a feast after surviving on that bland water for two months. Speaking of has the guild sent anyone? it's been awhile since we arrived."

The pug laughed "It has been two months inside the dungeon, But only 2 days have passed here. Don't tell me you haven't noticed? I told you that the monsters respawn every night, and yet didn't their numbers seem to dwindle while you were in there?"

Cyan thought for a moment before slowly nodding. "I had not thought about it, but thinking back that is correct"

The pug smiled. "This is one of the many reasons the guild, no everyone, values dungeons so much. That and the resources that can be gained are the two biggest motivators for claiming new dungeons for the guild."

A long silence grew over the group as they finished their rations. Cyan stared quietly at the fire, amazed that something so normal could be done my magic. Eventually he once again spoke. "So tell me about my class. Tell me what it means to he the Beast King."

Burr grew silent as he too loked into the fire. "Classes are split up into four different ranks. These classes are Normal, Specialty, Commander and royalty. Normal classes have all the abilities that the archtype can have, but they are at a fundamental level. Through hard work and focus they can raise them to an intermediate ranking, and example of this ranking would be a regular mage."

"Specialty type classes are focused on a single area. an example would be my fire mage class or Bekas assassin class. They are masters of their area of expertise, but do not recieve as many skills as the normal class, and those that are not of their specialty can only ever have an apprentice level."

"Commander type classes have an advanced potential in a certain portion of their classes skills. For example an elementalist mage would have advanced potential in the four basic elements. This potential would be lower than a fire mage in fire magic, but above a regular mage for the same. The draw back is they are unable to do any types of magic this is not element related."

"These three classes are the most common ranks of the classes. They are relatively balanced, so their power distribution is around the same. A regular mage can do more than the others, but they arnt as powerful. A specialist mage is amazing at fire magic but sucks at everything else. An elementalist is great at the four elements, but can do nothing else. "

"The royalty classes are different. The are each born with only 2 skills, Subjugate and their respective aura. The royalty classes are split into 2 categories. The first is the prince/princess. They have the potential to completely master everything of a specific class. If a prince was born as a mage prince he could master every single aspect of being a mage. His power would sore over all other mages. Each race has a total of 5 princes or princesses. Each of them are born as they royalty of a specific class."

"The other category, the kings are queens are even more powerful. They do not belong to a specific class, rather they can reach an advanced ranking in all classes. A king will not be as good at fire magic as a fire mage, but be on par with an elementalist. He will not be as deadly as an assassin but will be far more deadly than a simple rogue. Each race has only a single queen or king. This keeps the balance of power. However for the last 1000 years humanity has enslaved the beastmen, killing the next king or queen as soon as they are born to maintain their control. This is why it is imperative that you grow strong quickly, and disguise yourself as a beast master until you can expose your real strength."

"A beast master has 3 ways of learning a set of skills. The first is to practice from scratch. your learning will be fast, but it still takes time. Magic is even harder to learn than archery or sword play or the like. The second way is to awaken it like you did with your regeneration. This can only happen with passive skills, and you must be in desperate need and the right frame of mind."

"The third way is through your subjugate skill. If you defeat a member of the race you are king of and accept their submission you will unlock a skill usable by you that they possess. However this skill is random, but it will always be something you can use. This skill has its limits however. You can only ever gain 10 skills this way. So it is best to think it over before you do."