34 The fourth floor

It might not have been all day, But Cyan did lay there for awhile. His body was not responding to his requests, his only explanation was the lighting strike he had taken to the chest. He did not panic, He had no reason to. He was slowly regaining feeling in his body. Already he could move his tors and fingers. If he had a source of water undoubtedly his body would heal faster, however Beka was already far away. From what he could tell she was making more grenades from the staffs the mages had left behind.

She returned after a few minutes, placing a dozen grenades next to him. "Turn these ones into ice grenades" She spoke as she once again walked away. Thankfully she had placed one into his hand. Cyan could not move his body at the moment, but his mind was working fine. He began to circulate his mana, letting it flow into the orb in his hand. His proficiency has in comparison to when he first started, so the process went slightly faster.

By the time he had finished the first orb he was able to sit up. The stayed there for 2 days, letting his injuries heal. In that time he managed to.fill the 12 orbs completely and raise his mana flow to level 5. They had all together a total of 25 grenades. Unfortunately ten of the mages staffs had been damaged beyond repair. With 12 ice grenades and 13 acid grenades they advanced to the portal. The final floor awaited them.

The familiar feeling of their bodies being transported somewhere else flooded their bodies as they stepped through the portal. It took almost no time for them to recover as they appeared on the final floor. In front of them was a large throne, on it sat a female ghoul, next to her was a staff with an orb of multiple different colors.

The longer they sat there the more unusual the scene became. The ghoul stared at them, She appeared as if she wanted to speak but It's mouth seemed to be sewn shut. Her eyes kept darting to her hands, and that's when they noticed she was chained to the throne, her arms legs and even head were bound to the throne, not allowing her to move.

A masculine voice came from behind the throne. "Little pup I see you managed to get this far, But you will not get any further. The undead princess must remained bound."

From behind the Throne stepped a young man. He had long black hair and red eyes. His skin was completely white. "Ergi here had betrayed our undead race, daring to question our superiority. She even went as far as to remove the sacred vampire race from our holy book. For this she must be punished, Wouldn't you agree? Cyan the beast King? A subject must follow the needs of their people, and I Jaque the vampire prince am the one to set this misguided fledging right."

Jaque stepped forward, his movements agile and quick. in the blink of an eye he stood before Cyan. "If you dare to oppose the undead royalty you will not like the consequences." He thrust out his hand, throwing Beka towards the wall behind him.

"The dragons would like hide our existence from the world. The creatures that stood up against the self crowned Emperor level royalty. But they don't know that I know their secret. They could only gain their emperor abilities by stepping over the bodies of other royalty. I am not limited by their rules. I the prince of thieves have found a way to overcome these limitations. And it starts with her, and you if you interfere. By defeating other royalty I can cast off these limitations. I can learn anything! I can rise to become a new emperor."

The vampire prince paces as he raved, His eyes going mad with fervor as he spoke. His movements were quick and graceful. His long claw like fingers pointing out like sabers as he spoke.

"What say you Cyan The beast King? Will you join me on my quest to the top? I can use a capable subordinate. Or will you defy my like the ghoul princess here? Becoming another sacrifice to my inevitable rise?"

Cyan looked at the monster before him. Its speed was much higher then his own. Each movement it took looked deadly. But the pride in his heart would not allow him to waver. He would be the king the beastmen needed, only then could his family truly be free. If they had been free maybe they wouldn't have abandoned him. If they had power maybe they wouldnt have to hide in the mountains. If they had a leader perhaps they wouldn't have to cower in fear at night.

Cyan did not respond with words to the insane prince, rather her clenched his fists and charged. Only through struggle could he be free!