Chapter Twenty-Three

"Aki, I have arrived!" Jamie yelled as he entered Akira's classroom, slamming the door open with a loud squeak, getting the attention of the students that were in the class.

Akira looked to see it was Jamie and sighed closing his book and getting up. He walked over to Jamie and closed the sliding door. "Do you have to be so loud?" Hitting Jamie's forehead with a flick.

"Yup because today is an important day! Meet our new friend Ueda-san!" Jamie shouted as he put his arm around the shy boy. Akira and Kiyoshi stared at each for a while when Kiyoshi felt his face heat up and looked away so did Akira.

"Look at him he's so pure and adorable," Jamie claimed as he began to walk to the roof.

"By the way, he's very shy as you can see so maybe let's not force him to talk today." Jamie whispered putting his hand over his left cheek to whisper this information to Akira.

"So I got payed yesterday and brought snacks since I'm kind and my paycheck was more that decent this time and I'm so happy!" Jamie shouted excitedly. Akira glared at him knowing what work he did but said nothing since Jamie looked so happy. Sitting in a circle, Jamie tossed the snacks in the center. "Eat my starving children." He joked as Akira rolled his eyes and grabbed some chips and opened them taking his book out. "Choose something Ueda-san! My treat!"

"Um I'm n-not sure if I sh-should si-since you bro-brought the-!" Kiyoshi said a little fidgety.

"Don't be silly grab something it's okay, I'll feel bad if you don't get anything." Jamie said with a warm smile and taking a sip of his fizzy drink.

"Hmm, tha-thank you. . ." Kiyoshi said as he picked up what he figured was a candy bar.


"Unlike someone, I have to study so excuse me."

"There is literally someone we have to talk to, so put it away!"

Akira rolled his eyes as he kept his book and his phone buzzed it was his current girlfriend, Misumi she started a call.

"Hey, what's up," Akira said with no interest whatsoever.

"We are supposed to eat lunch together where are you?" she said as her voice became pouty. Jamie stood talking with Kiyoshi about classes and how he should go to the music room since it's hardly ever used.

"Right I'm kinda busy right now we can go tomorrow." Akira asked as he scratched his ear, "I'm going to be busy later so don't come over."

He hung up the phone before she can say anything.