She’s too cute!

In a densely packed market area, a purple 4 armed winged baby could be seen darting around market stalls, whilst being chased by a bearded old ghoul.

As it traveled, it came across a group of 4 legged humped creatures and zigged zagged underneath their legs, causing the creatures to go into a frenzy.

The animals started breathing fire, setting ablaze the wood and fabric stalls around them. The surrounding crowds started screaming and shouting, as one after another, all the stall's caught on fire.

Chaos ensued , whilst the baby flew in and out the tightly packed crowd bumping people into stalls, onto the floor and some even crashed into the walls.

As the baby flew and giggled, an old mans voice could be heard above the screams

"Someone catch that vermin" An old ghoul running with a sword could be seen chasing after the baby, followed by a group of guards and a butler.

The guards split into groups upon arriving in the market, some handled the crowd and some helped in stopping the fire, whilst the rest stayed with Dr Tian.

"Everyone! help me in chasing down that vermin, it's the cause of this fire " Dr Tian had managed to assemble a small crowd of the stall owners and began chasing the purple baby through the marketplace.

The baby looked back at the growing crowd and clapped its four hands. It continued to fly deeper into the city, until it came upon a busy square that had a fountain in the middle.

It immediately dived into the water and started splashing it everywhere in glee. It waved it's hands around, causing the water to rise into the air.

The water balls that had formed, started shaping into beetles that quickly flew around the fountain and into the busy square.

The people in the square were left dumbfounded by the scenes in front of them, some of the beetles would crawl up their robes and garments or just burst all over them upon contact.

They were brought out of their shock by the large roars of an armed mob. Within the mob some beings had swords, brooms, pans and one people or two people were holding staff's.


In the palace, the empress was resting upon the throne with her eyes closed. 'What is that'

She rose up from her throne and vanished from where she was standing.

She reappeared in the east side of the city, to see a house sized earth wall erected in one of the squares.

As she looked down, she could see a large crowd behind the wall, surrounding three bodies. On the other side, she could see a crying 4 armed purple baby, that was causing the earth and water around it to transform into thousands of beetles.

She floated down towards the baby. "ZWZT" with a chant and an outstretched arm, a blue orb encased the purple baby and the beetles. "TWZA" She waved her hand at the earth wall and it receded into the ground and she was left facing the crowd.

"Its the Empress"

"Oh my…"

"Hail the Empress " the crowd immediately bowed upon seeing the empress.

"Can some please explain what has occurred here?" Zhari scanned the crowd, waiting for some to come forward.

Dr Tian stepped forward and kneeled down " My empress, this is the cause of that vermin, it ate all my spiritual herbs, damaged my shop and caused a fire to rage through the marketplace, destroying many people's livelihoods "

The crowd all nodded in agreement at his words.

" The palace will compensate you for your loss! The guards will help rebuild the marketplace, we will send more people to assist later...farewell" Zhari could see that the crowd was starting to physically shake.

She warped back into the throne room with the baby and beetles in tow.


Upon returning to the throne she turned around to look at the baby, only to find it was now sitting on the red carpet and all the beetles in the orbs were gone.

Looking at the orb, that had contained the baby, it now had a large hole, the area around the hole looked like it had corroded.

" Oh such a cute baby" Ray appeared from behind the throne and immediately ran towards the baby, picked it up and started tickling it.

"Can we keep the baby?" Ray looked towards Zhari with wide eyes, as she rubbed the baby against her cheeks, whilst it used it's 4 hands to play with hair and face.

"No we are not keeping it … it used some form of magic in the city.. I want to study it, It could be a creature made by the other lords" Zhari walked past Ray and back up to the throne.

"Guards, summon general Lee" as she said those words, one of the statues standing next to a ceiling tall pillar, disappeared from its place.

"Awh,Who's so powerful! You are! Yes,You" Ray started blowing raspberries on the babies stomach and twirling on the spot, with it raised in the air.

Laughter and giggles filled the nearly empty hall. As the baby laughed more and more, tiny flickering balls of lights appeared in the air and began bobbing around.

"Oh! My! God! ...She's too cute!" Ray twirled even more with the baby, amazed by the sight before her in the air.

"Who said it's a she?" Zhari quickly interjected, whilst a small grin appeared on her face as she watched the lights dance from up high on her throne.

"Where do you think she came from? " Ray had sat down with the baby on her lap, smothering it's cheeks with kisses.

" Not sure yet, but it will useful to us"