Golden Eyes

" Did it work?"

As Zharis step forward and looked into Gregg's eyes, a man dressed in a red & black fabric armour with silver detailing appeared near them, he was standing next to a statue of an armoured soldier.

"Your highness" General Lee bowed and waited for Zharis to speak.

" I need to you train my new pet" Zharis pointed to Gregg, who was being clutched tightly in Rays arms.

General Lee looked at Gregg with a puzzled face. " Of course my empress, if may ask, train it for what purpose? And will you require me to put it under a soul contract?like the other beasts"

Zharis turned her attention to General Lee. " I need it to be able to kill Level 10 beings with the flick of its fingers ... You have one year"

General Lee felt sweat pore down his back, after hearing Zharis request "M,m,m, empress.... I hate to be the ...That's not possible, please reconsider the time frame, as it took Master Wace, nearly 14 years to reach Level 10 with a trove of resources, let alone yourself..for this cre...."

Zhairs raised her hand halting his speech, She looked at Gregg, who was being drowned in kisses by Ray again.

" General Lee, this creature is potentially already as powerful as me... no, from what I've seen….. this could be the greatest weapon on this continent " Zharis walked up close to Gregg and stared into his eyes.

"Sadly it's a dull sword…. all we need to do, is sharpen it....and you will do that general, within one year"

General Lee felt even more concerned hearing her plans " But my empress, a creature that powerful should be bound to a slave contract ..I am"

"To me" As Zharis spoke, her golden eyes flickered with a low yellow light.

General Lee watched the 4 armed baby, sprout wings from it's back and hover out of Rays arms and float very stiffly to Zharis. His mouth hung open at the sight and his eyes dared to escape from their sockets.

He stammered for breath before speaking " Empress, you should have had the Court Magicians assists with the binding, something could have gone drastically wrong"

Zharis walked up to General Lee with Gregg floating along beside her, a gentle hand was placed upon General Lee's shoulder whilst she softly looked into his eyes. " Be at ease, I'm fine...I will do whatever it takes to see this world burn and this is just the start… this pet will be another piece in my arsenal, so train it well "

General Lee took hold of the baby in his arms. "GHWZR'" upon speaking, a blue circular inscription appeared below his feet. His body and Gregg's were immediately covered in a yellow glow that absorbed their bodies, leaving burn marks on the floor as they vanished from sight.

Zhairs stared at the burn marks as they disappeared and slowly walked up the steps to her throne with a slight wobble.

" Ray, advise the city that there will be a festival to celebrate the rebuilding of the market area... and oh… get Gloria to hang a purple babies head for all to see on the east side walls "

"Yes, your majesty " Ray frowned and dispersed into a cloud of black smoke.


{ Gregg pov }

I finally managed to drag my eyes away from the golden eyes looking at me. I felt groggy and heavy when did, I had to take a second look, at the holder of those eyes.

The first thing that hit me was the bone crown that formed around her silver hair, then her skin which reminded me of the night sky in the outback, followed by her black lips, that I had a strange urge to touch.

'Something is wrong with me' To distract myself I looked around to see, I was currently in a large weird palace with a medieval fantasy vibe. A long red carpet draped the floor, with arched stained windows bringing in a low light to the room and candle light chandeliers lined in the air. ' Place looks like hogwarts'

' this is not earth.. did I die?' I could feel my heartbeat start to pick up speed and my chest tightening, at the thought of answering the question ''Breathe, remember your training...gather intel, assess the situation, make a plan '

"Hey, where am I?" I turned my attention to the redhead maid who was rubbing her face against my cheeks, whilst the golden eyed lady was talking to this weird looking old man, a scene which made me feel strange. " Hello! What is this place?"

" Awh aren't you cutie" the maid said to me, as she looked at me with her red eyes and a wide smile, that showed two sharp teeth.

"WTF! Look can.."

" awwhhhh, Who likes to chrip chip! " the maid immediately started tickling me, making me laugh.

" Wa…" ' Why I am so sensitive'


I was plopped onto her lap after her assault "Listen! Where I am! What is this place"

"Chhip, chrrip to you too* She smiled as she replied to me

' what the fuck is chrip…..she cant understand me'

{ Gregg Pov end }

Ray looked down to see the baby wide eyed with an intense stare directed towards her " You need a name! Don't worry yours truly will do the honours..hmmmmmmmmm….you are now BimBim, what do you think?"

"...No, no, no, no… Gregg! G R E G G " Gregg wiggled and shouted, but he immediately remembered his language predicament and sighed internally.

Ray looked down to see the baby chirping away " Ah! You like it too! BimBim is too cute"

"I am a grown ass man!" As he, felt his sanity escape to pure rage, Gregg felt a surge of energy start to rise from every part of his body in tandem with the rising anger.

' What is this' Gregg paused upon feeling his body turn numb with a light tingle, he felt like he could touch everything around him. Just when he was about to examine himself more. Zharis came up to him in her white silk dress.

"To me"

Her voice brought him out his thoughts and her voice felt like it could sooth all of his pain. From his back, he felt 4 arms stretching outwards and moving until his body was hovering towards the golden eyed woman.

He kept looking at her as he moved 'Priority one: I need to learn more about this woman'

Forgetting to pay attention to the conversation, he only stopped looking at Zhairs, when he his body was nearly pulled to the ground and a yellow glow appeared from beneath him. 'Magic! This place had magic!'