New book.

Hey all im wrighting a new book. It is going to be an original. This new book is going to be short, like 500ish words a chater and each chapter will take like a weak to make. If you have the time check it out.

A Systems Virus.

The first chapter is gona be released on jun 25th

chapters 1 and 2 are done, but not the final version and wont be untill i compleat the book.

the ending of this book came to an abrupt end because i lost the motivation to wright i might rewright this book when i am better at creating a story. i like this book i really do, but i suck at certion things that are key in this book, so when i can fix those problems i will come back and finish this book properly.

ps texted this on my phone sorry about tipos and other said stuff cuz im lazy.