Let’s get to explaining!

Zion woke up the next morning

Zion: "haugh good morning world guess it's Friday now?" He then proceeded to jump out of bed and get a kickstart on his day "I should get familiar with the layout of the house I guess"

In the kitchen he found the girl standing there with what seemed to be a small electric stove "I guess some people can't get the real one" Zion had been spoiled his whole life not much he didn't have

The girl looked up a smile on her face as she saw the little red Yorkie prance into the kitchen "looks like someone decided to wake up" she said in a joking voice

Zion still couldn't think of the best way to communicate with her "Anything I say just sounds like barks to her and a typing with my paws is really inconvenient" she seemed to understand what was going on in his mind as she said "Oh don't worry about it I'll cast a little spell that will allow you to speak in English"

Zion sighed in relief "guess that's that" he thought to himself once this spell was cast there was a lot of explaining needed. Zion was so happy about being able to speak again he seemed to skip over the part about it being a spell.

...After breakfast

"Ok let's start the spell casting," said the girl who Zion had yet to find out the name of. Fwoosh the air in the room began to swirl around the pattern if the light that had appeared before them she started to chant in a language that Zion could guess as Latin "How strange what is going on here?"

She spoke softly "gratiam facere voluntatem tuam fac mecum astern Dii sedentis antequam loquaris" a golden light shined and the golden essence began to flow into Zion

It felt cool as if he was sipping he worlds the finest water chilled to a perfect temperature "Speak" the girl said and he sure did "Yo what the fu*k I'm gonna have to leave you on some extraterrestrial sh*t" Zion was shocked she just chanted some word and he actually started speaking he had to learn these spells

"So you got some explaining to do here, Zion" he took a second to react mesmerized by the way his name rolled of her tongue just like her he thought "I believe you do as well but let's just start with names I'm Zion and you are?"

"Call me Riko, I'm 17 3rd year at Williamson Magic High" Zion processed her word Magic High this confirmed it this world has magic and maybe many more fictional things " what's next dragons, wizards, and immortals?" He thought to himself

All he managed to say was "Oh how crazy I'm 17 too" he had so many questions but they would have to wait as she was faster "What are you? How did you come here? You must be a human right? Spirit beast don't have ages you can't be one right?"

He followed up with answers "I'm a human from Earth, I was just running when I was transported here and what the hell is a spirit beast?"

"Ah not sure how this happened" Riko answered, "Ok then it's my turn where am I and what's up with the spells and spirit beast?"

"You are currently in the 7th sector of The continent of Zhou we are close to the Magic high school and university"

"Hmm interesting," said Zion

Riko continued "In this world, there are spells you can cast by chanting as well as other things like cultivating martial arts and magic weapons"

Zion "...Woah..."

"So Zion looks like the form you are in has some relation to spirit beast in the scrolls of Tabi he mentions a man who takes whatever form he pleases walking as man, flying a bird, and his special trademark dogs"

"This is a lot to take in your saying I may be able to turn human again?" said Zion in a shocked voice

Riko replied calmly hiding the excitement of having a special case discovered all by her "Yes, we should start cultivating you a foundation immediately lucky you, it's summer break!"

"Yes I'd like to start as well I can't remain this tiny dog forever" sighed Zion

"Then it's settled you will stay with me, today read the books I provide they will give you information on our world, tomorrow we train," Riko said with a slight smile appearing on her face

"Looks like she's enjoying this more than me," Zion thought

... The next several hours proved difficult I mean try flipping pages with paws only then would you understand.

" I've read up on this world seems to have a strange culture while spell casting is done in Latin the native language of Zhou is English while they seem to have a Japanese lifestyle"

It seemed the top priority was turning into his human form once this was accomplished he could use his martial arts and sword skills to protect himself. Maybe he could learn spell casting as well and join his oh so familiar Riko in school.

This was a successful day for Zion his language barrier was gone and he might actually be a special bein.