Things go south

Mathew patiently waits behind the wall until his teammates give him the clear. Mathew walks out from behind the wall and his teammate give him a pat on the back.

After patting Mathew on the back Jared says "a job well done, as usual "

Jared is the team leader and Mathew's role model. Jared was the one who brought up Mathew as a choice to join the N.H.I. To the previous commander. Jared was the backbone of the N.H.I.

Isaac speaks up " don't be so cocky, we have to get back to the front lines before things get out of hand"

Isaac was the quietest if the team. He was the technology master of the N.H.I. So he carried all of the teams electrical equipment. He also was the one to call when it came to stealing data because Isaac is a excellent hacker.

As if on command the teams comms were filled with frantic chatter. The commander on the front lines was frantically calling for air support before the connection was cut entirely.

Mathew's home country Manterine had been at war with their neighboring country Sarthin for more than ten years. Millions of lives had been lost including Mathew father. The war was long and harsh with the constant introduction of better weapons and other wartime devices. The N.H.I. Was the most advanced team on the planet at the current time.

The team was shocked, it was the first time in three years that the front line commander had called for reinforcements. The team didn't have time for the shock to go away as for the air raid sirens began to blare causing chaos to ensue. The team instantly began to scan the horizon for the enemy planes. It didn't take long for their scanners to pick up the group of b-21 bomber planes

James spoke after assessing the situation " they aren't drones, which probably means the enemy sent the planes ahead to scout the city's defenses."

Isaac was confused " wouldn't they rather send in drones than people. The lives of those pilots will be in grave danger as soon as they come in range... wait... they are going too fast! Even under normal circumstances we could track them at close range, my scanners can't even pick up the trajectory!"

All of the teams suits could track extremely fast vehicles due to the suits advanced sensory systems. The team was surprised when they couldn't track it. Mathew was the only one with a vague ideas of where it was heading.

Mathew became concerned " the bombers nose was tilted downwards."

Isaac thought for a split second before he knew what was happening "ITS A SUICIDE BOMBER, GET DOWN"

Immediately the team dropped as they felt a strong current of wind rush past them and felt the ground rumble from the impact of the bomber. Then a second hit then a third. After a minutes wait, the team, one by one, stood. The wreckage was immense.

On a hill down the street stood the capital building, the house for the government and president. They watched the last bomber crash into it.

The entire team was in shock once again, there was silence for a few minutes before Isaac finally spoke

" Manterine has fallen"