Elements Of Fey

I had just reached the edge of the forest when I immediately spotted the already familiar head of white hair. Amy was still in her pink outfit from before, but her hat was nowhere to be seen.

"I'm here." I told her.

Amy nodded and turned around, gesturing for me to follow her. "We're going somewhere important tonight, but we have to walk there because as you can see, I do not possess wings. I'll talk to you on the way. You probably have many questions, but they will all soon be answered, so do not worry."

I stayed silent as a form of consent and we started walking.

"Firstly, the fey are not fairies or pixies. We are a group of magical beings of the same species and origin but in different forms. There are four element forms of the fey in total, and our magic power is determined by which element we belong to. You may have already gussed it, but the four elements are the elements of nature; Water, Fire, Earth and Air. Do you understand?" Amy explained and looked behind to make sure I was listening.

I could not tell if we were taking a different route from the route that would lead to the tree that housed faeries as everything looked the same.

"How do you know where different places are in this forest?" I asked out of curiosity.

"We will get to that later. Now, as I was saying, the fey are separated into four different elements. We have different forms and abilities based on the element we belong to. Each element of fey have physical modifications of some sort and a passive and active ability." Amy continued,

"For example, the Water fey have scales and hidden gills that allow them to breathe and move without restraint underwater as well as a passive ability to communicate with all kinds of underwater life. Passive abilities are always activated, and the Water passive ability grants any underwater animal that swims close to a Water fey artificial human intelligence, allowing them to speak with us fey. Their active ability allows the them to control and manipulate water to their command within a two hundred metre radius."

I took a moment to process everything Amy had just said to me and told her she could keep going.

"The Air fey's passive ability is their wings that enables them to fly. Faeries that belong to the element of Air have the most defence value as their active ability allows them to control the air to form winds. There are limits to how much wind Air fey are able to conjour up as the magic energy consumed is a large amount. This limit applies to all active abilities of the four elements." Amy said with a serious look on her face, her aura changing instantly from warm to fierce.

I pursed my lips and sucked in a deep breath. The limit of magic energy must be important if Amy could look so scary while talking about it.

The sun had set a little while ago, and the moon was rising slowly. I did not know how long we had walked for, but I was surprised that my body did not feel a single bit of lethargy even though I did not get much rest earlier that day.

As if she could read my thoughts, Amy said, "If you push out too much magic energy at once, it triggers a massive energy drain on your body called Endrypoint. During the process of Endrypoint, you could lose your active ability forever, which is dangerous to all faeries."

"Physical attributes of faeries are enhanced even more at night under moonlight and we do not get tired easily during the night. Our bodies are also able to heal even faster than our normal speed of healing, which is already quite fast compared to humans. If you ever hurt yourself by accident, you will be able to witness it for yourself."

"Now, let me get back to explaining the last two elements of fey." Amy continued,

"There are the Earth fey, which are faeries like me. Our passive ability allows us to communicate with animals and we have extremely good hearing that are better than the majority of fey. For our active ability, we are able to manipulate the size of everything that we can see around us. There is a catch to it of course. We can only manipulate the size of living beings with their consent, otherwise, we would only be able to do so with items around us."

"Lastly, there are the Fire fey. This element of fey is the most unique, powerful and rare. They have a combination of two souls. One of an animal, and one of a faerie. Their passive ability allows them to gain the attributes of the animal their souls are conjoined with. Thus, the reason why I said the Earth fey had better ears than the majority of faeries. Their active ability allows them to create fire and morph into a mystical form of the respective animal in them." Amy finished and stopped.

She then informed me that we had reached the place of destination. I wanted to ask more questions but she had avoided all eye contact with me and shook her head to signal she had said enough.

We were in front of cliff with a waterfall flowing over its edges. The waterfall was small but strong, and the crashes of water into a shallow pool below it created a spray of white mist.

It was nicely secluded and a beautiful sight as flowers and moss were growing around the rocks and grass surrounding the pool.

The grass and soil nearby were wet with spray from the waterfall, giving off a pleasant earthy scent. An opening between the trees around the pool allowed moonlight to reflect off the surface of the rippling water.

I did not notice anything strange about the waterfall until I saw Amy walk around the pool and stepped onto the rocks. She gestured to me to follow her before suddenly disappearing behind the waterfall.

I raised an eyebrow and followed after, admiring the hidden cave behind the waterfall.

The cave was lighted up dimly with lamps hanging from its ceiling and the floor was covered with damp moss.

We walked for a few minutes before I saw light at the end of the cave.

"We're here. Now, what you're about to see is the faerie kingdom. In there, there is someone I want you to meet." Amy said to me and walked out of the cave.

I hesitated for a second. Do I really want to embrace this life? It was not as though I had a choice, so many weird things had been happening the past day, and I could not just ignore the fact that what Amy said may very well be true.

I clenched my fists and sucked in a deep breath. Squinting my eyes, I strode into the light.