What's On That Room?

So far there was no undead appear on us but still, we need to be cautious as they might be dangerous lurking in the dark. Vicar walk slowly and he always looks in the corner as an undead might come from there. At one point, Vicar stop and pulled out the map to see whether we were near the exit already. 

We walked a little more and it looks like that we were already near as we could see a board that has been stick at the wall that stated Necromancy Test. Suddenly I feel a chill, the feeling of been watching by someone becomes more real. I thought that it was just a feeling but I could tell that there definitely someone else with us. 

Vicar suddenly looks behind as if he felt something after he looks behind. He looks at his surroundings and I could tell that he was relieved of some sort. I ask him why he was looking behind and he answers that he felt that he been watched by someone. 

"Wait! You felt that too..."

"You mean that you also felt that."