Yet Another Trouble!

While we were fighting the elite skeletons and had already taken down four of them, we noticed that there were other types of skeletons behind the elite skeletons. It was the first time we both saw that type of skeletons as we only had seen basic skeletons and the elite skeletons. 

We couldn't take a good look at it as we were still busy fighting the rest of the Elite Skeletons. But when we about to deliver our attack to one of the Elite Skeletons, a sudden fireball flew towards us. Vicar was hit by it and get burnt. 

Vicar was screaming as he take damage by the fireball and right now he was on fire. Tane realized that Vicar was hit by the fireball and immediately rushed to Vicar's place. I don't know why there was a fireball all of the sudden but I would have to guess that it was from the other skeletons that we had seen.