What's happen really?

"You know that you the one that makes Eli like that! If not she would just die peacefully..." Vicar said that, even though he seems to ignore Eli all the time, he did care for her after all. 

"I know that I'm the one to blame but I really love my dead wife and couldn't accept her death." Sir Allen said that as tears coming out from him. 

Somehow I don't whether why but I think Sir Allen's personality keeps changing every time we met him. At first, I thought he was one caring dad and suddenly it changed as he insisted Aliss marry Linceo. At that time I really thought that his true personality was arrogant and selfish as I see how he reacts to the people of the slums. 

So which was his true personality then, maybe it's because I don't know him well yet. I only met him a couple of times and give my opinion on him based on how he talks with other people around him. I should learn about him more as I think I had made an error in my judgment on Sir Allen.