Tour Of The Dunkirk Neir

Vicar also heads back to the room just to put on the clothes that Desiric lend him. After that, he took the towel and went straight to the bathroom to take a shower. With the direction that has been provided by Nedo, we managed to find it easily. 

Vicar just took a quick shower as he didn't want to waste the time to explore every bit of places on the Dunkirk Neir. Just only took a few minutes for Vicar to be done as he then returns to his room, put on the clothes that Desiric lend him. 

The clothes were a perfect fit for Vicar, I guess Desiric was right after all that these clothes were the exact size for Vicar to wear. After that, Vicar went to look for Nedo as she promises Vicar earlier to give him a tour of the Dunkirk Neir. 

Vicar couldn't find her at the crew quarters so I told him that Nedo might be on the deck. He then goes to the deck to check whether Nedo was there and she was. Vicar immediately approaches her and began to make small talk with her.