A Town?

Fortunately there something between the cracks of the rock wall that Vicar could hang on and somehow avoid being impaled by the stone spikes below him. Vicar was very lucky indeed but I wouldn't say that he was completely in a safe situation right now. 

I know that he must have lost a lot of stamina back then because of the running and walking he has been doing before. Because of that, I doubt that he will able to hang on for much longer and we somehow must think another way out of this problem or Vicar could die if he doesn't have the strength anymore. 

I began to look something on the rock wall and perhaps there something that could save Vicar from death. I then noticed a big hole that probably could fit Vicar, it was just on the right but still, it's pretty far. 

"Vicar! You see that small hole there if you could go inside of it... you will be safe." I suggest Vicar do that as this was the only chance that he could survive this.