Chapter 16: Rescue

Hao Nan crouched beside Lu She's lifeless body.

"I thought of you as a friend..."

He turned to Lu She's spatial ring which had the blueprint that his master needed. He took off Lu She's spatial ring; after a moment of feeling around the insides, Hao Nan's brows furrowed in frustration.

He murmured, "It's not here..."

The ownerless ring was then worn by Hao Nan's other hand as a dog-tag of a former ally who turned.

Hao Nan looked at the unpolluted, clear sky with moonlight and starlight. The red cloud, now almost completely faded away, delivered an ominous feeling that caused Hao Nan to quickly leave.

The fight did not last very long, but, still, it was odd how no guards showed up after the fight. After all, the travel time was about the duration of the fight.

Feeling unsettled, Hao Nan decided to jump onto the roofs of the surrounding 2 and 3 story buildings in order to travel faster. This form of traveling was only reserved for guards during emergencies as a convenient form of fast travel. The law enforcement, filled with cultivators, was excellent in response time since there was a fast lane for superhumans.

However, today, there was no one.

An elemental stage, even at the peak, could not cover the entire city with spiritual sense.

Hao Nan ran through the city by using the roofs of the buildings. Soon, he reached one of the taller, 4 story buildings.

His pupils dilated in shock.

The city lord's grand residence, a seven-story pagoda that had the arrogance to reach for the sky and stand out amidst other buildings, was on fire. In the center of the city, there were flames as if the residence was the sun and the city were the planets. Only one area was as brightly lit as the center. Above the burning building, two tiny dots stood apart from each other whilst in midair. Without even having to look, Hao Nan already knew that one of them was the city lord.

Only cultivators at the Dao Domain stage could fly. However, Hao Nan was still inwardly shocked at the appearance of another Dao Domain stage, and, from the looks of it, the new higher stage cultivator was not here for tea.

'Rhino Charge'

Hao Nan launched off the roof of the building. Pieces of tiles were shattered and sent flying from the shockwave left behind by his speed. With just one jump, Hao Nan traveled about a tenth of the total distance to the city lord's residence.

Hao Nan landed again, this time on the streets. Another usage of Rhino Charge left a deformed and ruptured road that would need extensive repair.

In the first place, Rhino Charge was an earthly inferior ability that was used to break enemy lines during war or skirmishes. The instantaneous burst of speed and power allowed Hao Nan to quickly cover the distance to the arson site.

As Hao Nan used Rhino Charge more and more, he noticed a group of people in hooded cloaks trying to sneak around.

Hao Nan landed in front of the four.

"Acting all suspicious and mysterious, where do you guys think you are going?"

Nan Feng revealed himself.

"It's us, sir."

"So it's you guys. Still, why are you all dressed like this and sneaking around."

Ye Tian also took off his hood and explained the situation.

Hao Nan angrily spat on the floor, "Lu Ka's gone too far!"

The four did not say anything while waiting until Hao Nan finished with his string of curses. After he was done, Hao Nan looked at the 4th person.

"I don't remember your squad having a fourth member."

"This is Zhang Qiang, a trusty... friend. Although, he is a coward."

Without caring about the indignation on Zhang Qiang's face, Hao Nan turned to the other members of the squad.

"Follow me."

Ye Tian cautiously persuaded Hao Nan otherwise, "Sir, I don't think we will be of much use?"

"We'll see what you can help out with."

_Damn it._

Superior's orders were absolute even if they were illogical. Ye Tian knew that Hao Nan didn't want to harm the group, but Hao Nan's sense of loyalty was clearly greater than his cordiality.

The four were to be forced into the path of death.

Perhaps one could say that Hao Nan was selfish but who wasn't, especially when the most valued thing was in danger. Was Ye Tian's group virtuous for leaving behind the benefactor who took them out of the slums?

Ye Tian could only prepare himself for what was coming. Beside him, Nan Feng's shoulders seemed to loosen and relax. It seemed like the decision to leave was a psychological burden to him. Yu Ling did not care much while Zhang Qiang's pale face seemed like he would piss his pants anytime now.

"Follow me closely." Hao Nan commanded.

The five rushed down the streets to the city lord's residence while Hao Nan anxiously kept a close eye on the two figures in the sky.

The fight had not yet begun.


In the dark skies, two men were in a stand-off with the moonlight illuminating their figures and wind faintly blowing their robes. On one side, a red-robed, young man, with long, black hair and handsome features, floated. On the other side, an embroidered, golden-robed City Lord Lu, with long, white hair and wrinkles around his eyes, floated.

"City Lord Lu sure is healthy," mocked the red-robed young man.

"You jest. I am merely an old man who is nearing the end of his life. I wonder what brings such an esteemed, Dao Domain guest."

"I'm here to claim this city for the revolution."

"Another one of those dreamers..."

"Your reign comes to an end today."

"I have faith in the empire."

"The empire won't save you."

"Young man, ignorance is truly bliss. I feel for you."

"Open your eyes, old man. Who is truly the ignorant one here."

"We will see… It is not smart for a young man like you, with so much potential, to dream of a world ruled by the many. It would be disorganized, and the common are too dumb to rule. Throw away your foolish ambitions."

"Potential? Don't make me laugh! In this world, potential means nothing. Do you even know that I was born a commoner? Yet, that made me less than a fool, drowning in debauchery and bathing in resources just because they were born into a noble family. To get here, I've made too many unnecessary sacrifices. It's all the empire's fault."

City Lord Lu frowned, "The empire does what's best for orde-"

"SHUT UP! What do you know?! Those with power and status throw their weights around. Title has become more than talent. Corruption has become rampant and the people like me suffer while nobles are too engrossed in their own lives."

"We have a system to allocate resources to talented commoners."

"Yet, you guys don't have a system to punish nobles that bully and steal from commoners. The merit system is useless when the rewards are stolen. I'm tired of people like you. You nobles only know how to talk and don't know anything!"

"You are self-righteous. If you go against the empire then many lives will be lost!"

"It is a worthy sacrifice for the future generations! I've had enough of you, old man! I should've brought enough time for my forces to take the city walls! To hell with your blabbing!"

A sphere of qi expanded from the red-robed man's body. From afar, it looked like a red-orange, translucent sphere. It was the famed ability of Dao Domain stage, a domain. A domain's attributes was usually that of the cultivator's since the domain was formed from one's qi.

The core usage of domains lay in the boost of power that cultivators received from the domain modifying the natural qi around cultivators. Both the abilities and bodies of cultivators can be strengthened. These power boosts, although significantly reduced, could also be used on other cultivators.

Seeing the red-robed man's domain, the city lord also released his domain, a silver one.

The two domains met at the center and did not extend into each other. This created an odd image akin to two soap bubbles merging yet not quite merging.


Hao Nan looked into the sky. It was beginning.

The group had already made it close enough to the two Dao Domain cultivators.

'Rhino Charge'

Hao Nan launched from the ground towards the red-robed cultivator. However, City Lord Lu waved his hand which sent a wave of air that gently pushed Hao Nan back.

A stream of fire blasted past where Hao Nan was heading.

"Tch. He got away."

A long, red-haired lady in red robes walked out from the shadows of a street and jumped onto the roof of a building. She noticed something from the corner of her eyes.

'Hm? I thought I already blasted those two. How did they survive?'

As the thought left her mind, she lost interest and sent another stream of fire towards Ye Tian's group of four.

Ye Tian urgently warned, "Get out of the way!"

Zhang Qiang screamed as he scrambled out of the way, "Mommy!!!"

However, Zhang Qiang was neither as fast nor as strong as the trio thus he was not going to make it out in time. He looked up at the incoming attack with despair.

Suddenly, he felt a force grabbing his robes and he was pulled away from the blast.


He looked up to see the face of a young girl. Weeping tears of joy, he hugged her leg with gratitude.

"Thank you for saving me!"

Yu Ling swiftly pulled him off and kicked him away with a look of disgust.

By now, Hao Nan had already landed and glared at the red-haired lady.

The city lord, who did not take his eyes off of the red-robed cultivator, ordered, "Hao Nan, you will take on that woman. As for the others who followed you, they will go escort out the Lu Clan members still inside the burning residence."

Hao Nan nodded before turning to Ye Tian's group, "You all know what to do. Go! I'll take care of this woman."

The red-robed cultivator sneered, "They really think you are weak. Show them what you're made of, Huo Hua."

The red-haired lady, named Huo Hua, grinned, "Roger that, Boss!"

The group of four quickly ran to the City Lord's residence while, behind them, intense eruptions of qi displayed the fight that ensued.


_This is definitely the core of all the action…_

The bodies of guards lay everywhere. A thick layer of blood covered the ground with at least a hundred bodies that were everywhere in the city lord's gigantic courtyard.

Get the remaining Lu Clan members out? Were there even any left?

"Stay together. Safety is the most important thing. As for rescuing, we'll see how many members can be rescued," advised Ye Tian.

The four ran through the open-air, wooden hallways. The expensive wood that rich nobles enjoyed had now become their undoing. The lily ponds to the side reflected the chaotic fires that were sweeping across the buildings in the distance.

Now, it was not just the bodies of guards that lay everywhere but also servants. The number of servants, that the Lu clan owned, made the halls horrendous to pass through as blood and bodies lay everywhere. If they were buried then perhaps gravestones would fill the entirety of one's vision.

Nan Feng kept shouting as the group moved through hallways, "Is anyone alive?"

Soon, the group made it to the residential area of the Lu Clan. The open-air hallways led to an open-air corridor. On one side, there was open ground with plants, trees, and flowers, and, on the other side, there were rooms. Ye Tian compared these corridors to the exterior corridors of multistory motels back on Earth.

Nan Feng broke down the doors of a room.


It couldn't even be called a room, it was more like a courtyard. The inside had a square garden with more doors at the edge. After some more door breaking, the group went through each of the rooms which were bathrooms, living rooms, and a bedroom. There was no one.

Zhang Qiang grumbled, "See, this is why these nobles deserve to die. Such luxurious living spaces."

Nan Feng ignored him, "Let's keep moving."

After moving through a few more of these courtyards, the four heard a faint shriek in the distance.

Hearing the distress call, Nan Feng swiftly led the charge.