Chapter 18: Bestial Armaments

Lu Fan emotionlessly stood at the doorway, looking down at the group on the floor. He didn't say anything, except coldly watch them.

Ye Tian tensed up at the sight of Lu Fan. From Ye Tian's perspective, this person who wanted to revive an old serf-like system couldn't have any good intentions towards the group. Lu Fan was neither a sympathizer to Ye Tian's group of commoners nor did he feel towards the City Lord's faction. However, the act of killing Hu Hei said otherwise.

Ye Tian was still wary of Lu Fan's intentions. As a form of last resistance, Ye Tian slowly got up with the assistance of his sword as a walking stick.

_Did he come to save Lu Lan?_

With a wave of his hand, a jade bottle appeared in Lu Fan's hands. He threw it towards Ye Tian.

_A poison concoction?_

Seemingly hearing Ye Tian's thoughts, Lu Fan broke the silence, "Medicine."

Ye Tian caught the jade bottle and opened it while carefully whiffing a small amount. He wasn't taking any chances. While distrusting a gift was rude, Lu Fan didn't seem to care at all.

_Wasn't this guy extremely prejudiced against the lower classes? Why did he give enough rank one healing lotion for everyone?_


"You're welcome."

Lu Fan then turned around to leave.

Ye Tian stopped him "Hold on!"

Lu Fan paused, "What?"

"Do you know what's going on?"


"Why are you doing this?"


"You're not a part of the City Lord's faction, right?"

"... Leave. Take Lu Lan with you."

Lu Fan was not giving any answers, and Ye Tian was not going to continue the futile questioning. However, an old memory of Lu Fan resurfaced.

"Do you know Lu Yin has been gone for a very long time?"


Lu Fan did not reply and slowly walked away.

Before Lu Fan fully disappeared, Ye Tian yelled after him, "If you find him then please make sure he's okay."

Ye Tian was lost in thought as he watched the Lu Fan disappear through the doorway. Soon, the line of thinking was disrupted by the groans of the injured. Ye Tian quickly went to apply the lotion to everyone, saving himself for last. The cool, minty sensation on his injuries almost made Ye Tian let out a moan of relaxation.

Scabs were forming at a speed that was visible to the eye. In a matter of minutes, the group was ready to head out.

"Where do we go next?" Nan Feng asked the perplexing question.

"How about... we leave?" asked Zhang Qiang, hiding his eagerness.

Ye Tian didn't like it. He had just settled and had begun to call this city his home. The idea that he would no longer have a fixed place to retreat towards was unsettling.

Ye Tian didn't want to say it, but the city could fall. More importantly, Ye Tian looked at Lu Lan and Lu Ning.

_How do I break it to them? That all their friends and family may die. That we're going to abandon this city._

_… Screw it! Living is more important, isn't it?_

Ye Tian ordered, "We're leav-,"


Everyone looked at Lu Lan.

"I don't want to leave."

Surprisingly, Lu Ning was the first to challenge her, "Big sis Lan! We have to leave now! It's too dangerous!"

"But… the city and the people are in danger!"

Ye Tian was having none of this dead weight. He stormed over to Lu Lan until the two were face to face.

"Look, I don't care. Me, my friends, and Lu Ning have all risked our lives for you. You're coming whether you want it or not."

In her entire life, Lu Lan never had a person this close to her face nor was she ever dismissed in such a way. Her eyes began to glisten from the tears that were forming. Seeing this, Nan Feng quickly stepped in as the good cop.

"Stop it, Ye Tian."

Nan Feng turned to Lu Lan to comfort her.

"Miss Lan, you don't have to worry about the city. I'm sure the commoners won't be dragged into this. There's no reason for anyone to go after them. As for the city lord, I'm sure his wishes would be for you to leave as well. After all, we were dispatched to escort you out."

"I… I don't know what to do..."

"Come with us, okay?"

Lu Lan sniffled and nodded.

_We have to go now. Any more of this and maybe even more enemies will show up. By that time, I don't believe there will be a second Lu Fan to save us._

Ye Tian allowed Lu Lan to recollect herself before giving the order to move out.


'!!! The aura is gone…?'

There was still no time to think about the aura from the city lord's residence.

Hao Nan's brows were furrowed in frustration as he dodged every fireball sent by Huo Hua. He focused on every incoming fireball while predicting the next fireballs. The entire fight had been Hao Nan dodging while Huo Hua attacking. There was not much for Hao Nan to do as he was more of a melee fighter than a ranged fighter.

'I do have one trump card… but I need her to stand still. If she dodges my attack then I'm done for.'

Even if Hao Nan rushed up, Huo Hua was experienced at fighting melee cultivators like Hao Nan. She had quite a few escapes and could attack whilst moving away.

Fighting was not just about killing each other but also managing qi efficiently. Being blasted by Huo Hua costs far more qi than dodging. As a result, Hao Nan has been on the defensive which was also an offensive style.

'How is this woman not dried up yet?!'

A random bolt of light streaked across the streets. The light that radiated from this bolt was illuminating the surrounding area as it flew.


An explosion of light flashed at where Hao Nan stood.

After the immediate explosion, a silver bubble of metal was covered with blue streaks. These streaks, akin to plant roots, crawled everywhere with wave-like movement.

The bubble of metal shortened to a hemisphere that appeared similar to a giant teacup, albeit with plasma flying off of the teacup.

Hao Nan growled, "Lu Ka..."

An old man in blue robes slowly walked forward from the shadows of the streets. He grinned with a partial set of decayed yellow teeth that would scare even the most experienced dentists. His wrinkly bag of skin carried thin, sickle eyes that would even put the eyes of comedy masks to shame.

"Was it me? I think you got the wrong person, Hao Nan."

Hao Nan spat on the floor, "Shut up. You're the only person here with Yin Fire."

Suddenly, Hao Nan's metal hemisphere transformed into a full bubble as he was enveloped in red flames.

"I think you're forgetting about me~" teased Huo Hua. However, her playful tone changed upon seeing Lu Ka.

"Oh? Mister Lu, according to our agreement, you should have shown up sooner, especially when it was your person that released the signal. Is this insubordination?"

"Ho Ho! Miss Huo is sure feisty. Unfortunately, I'll have to disappoint you. You see, I was busy bringing you a pleasant gift."

"Oh? What kind of gift?"

Lu Ka brought out a head from his spatial ring.

"YOU BASTAAARRDDD!!!!!!!" Hao Nan roared.

It was the head of an old man with a cleanly shaven beard and neat, long hair that was the color of snow. On his face, an appalled expression could be seen with furrowed eyebrows and an open mouth, from cursing the murderer.

Hao Nan recognized the head. If Lu Yin and Lu Fan were here then they would recognize it too… After all, it was their father, Lu Bu.

Upon seeing Hao Nan's furious expression, Huo Hua giggled, "I like it! I like it so much!"

'Rhino Charge'

Hao Nan leapt at Lu Ka, but a fireball blasted Hao Nan. An explosion of flames sent Hao Nan flying out of midair and into some buildings.

Lu Ka chuckled, "Don't get too excited now, Hao Nan. Hm? The temperature..."

"I saw that."

A voice that sent shivers down spines rang out from the shadows at the side. Both Lu Ka and Huo Hua turned to look at the newcomer.

"Lu Fan… you're here?" grinned Lu Ka, but the smile was wiped off once Lu Ka saw what was around Lu Fan. "You… You're at half-step Dao Domain stage?! No wonder it was getting cold."

The black and red-robed Lu Fan slowly walked forward. He carried an indifferent face, but it made his anger all the more terrifying. Anyone could feel that he was a soda bottle that had been shaken, and the cap was about to burst. The ground around Lu Fan's feet was covered in frost while a visible drop of temperature could be felt from afar.

"Humph, I'd like to see what you're made of, especially with that arrogant look," grumbled Huo Hua.

She sent a fireball at Lu Fan to test the waters. The fireball traveled with ease as it homed in on Lu Fan.

"So you're not actually worth anything you conma-"

Huo Hua's comments were interrupted by her gaping mouth. The fireball, that had traveled without any hindrance, had slowed down as it entered the range of where the frost lay. With every increasing foot, the fireball's momentum decelerated at an exponential level. Some ice crystals had also begun to form at the front of the fireball.

Soon, the fireball had come to a complete stop, encased in ice and half a feet away from Lu Fan's face. It dropped and shattered into pieces.

Now, Huo Hua and Lu Ka were terrified. It was not every day that they saw a Dao Domain in action, much less a half-step Dao Domain. A half-step was much rarer as these cultivators were only half-step for a little bit until they stepped into Dao Domain. Today, the two learned that even half-step was not to be underestimated.

As Lu Fan advanced, Lu Ka held his ground, but the increasing pressure of death slowly scared Lu Ka back. Every few steps that Lu Fan took, Lu Ka took a step back. Suddenly, a voice rang out in the distance behind Lu Ka who turned around with an ecstatic expression.

Lu Fan didn't care. All he cared about was the murder of his father, and he would make sure that Lu Ka's death was a stifling and slow one.

The voice drew closer as a young man ran up with a ring.

"Father! Father! Here's the weapon!"

Lu Ka snatched the ring.

"And the clans?! Where are they! TELL ME!!!"

Shaken up, the young man trembled and pointed, "T-They're right there!"

In the distance, three lines of guards ran in formation with each line being led by an exquisitely robed old man. Each old man had a wooden medallion with a clan name engraved unto it. Unbeknownst to the city lord's faction, the Xin, Mu, and Hu clan had, joined Lu Ka!

Lu Ka punched the young man, knocking him to the ground, and proceeded to kick the living daylights out of him.

"Useless fucking shit! It took you so long to bring them here! Don't you know I just lost face because of you?!"

Without caring about his groaning son, Lu Ka, with a quick change of expression, roared in laughter at Lu Fan, "Lu Fan! I can't believe it! You are so arrogant that you couldn't even finish me off before reinforcements arrived! Now, you'll die like a dog, just like your father!"

Huo Hua was different. She looked at Lu Fan with fear.

"Mister Lu, as per our agreement and since you have shown up so late, you'll take care of this man. I'll take care of Mr. Ironman."

She quickly left, in fear of Lu Fan deciding to eliminate her first. The sight of her futile attacks, like pebbles that disappeared into lakes, had shaken her confidence at taking on Lu Fan. What better to do than to leave the partner with such huge trouble.

Meanwhile, Lu Ka's son, Lu Sha, got back up with a panda eye.

"D-Dad, can I take some troops and go capture my fiancée?"

"Tch, you're always such a sore in my eyes. Take a few and get the fuck out!"

Lu Sha quickly took a few guards and left.

Lu Ka then took out a set of black, metal gauntlets from the ring that Lu Sha brought. The odd-looking gauntlets didn't fit with Lu Ka's robes as they looked like something out of a sci-fi movie. There were many lines and patterns on the gauntlets which were many times more than what was normally seen on inscriptions. At the center of the two gauntlets, there was a circular hatch.

Lu Ka opened the hatch and inserted rank two demon beast cores into each of the gauntlets. Once inserted, the circular hatch began to spin while sending out light. The gauntlet whirred into life.

Seeing this, Lu Ka could not help slam into the floor with his fist.


Cracks in the ground spread everywhere. Some parts of the ground even ruptured from the force. The tremor forced the guards to try to stay balanced and not fall down.

It was, shockingly, a strength that surpassed the elemental realm!

Lu Ka laughed, "These bestial armaments sure are revolutionary! It's a good thing that they are in my hands now."

One of the fancily dressed old men laughed, "Congratulations to the new City Lord Lu! Your strength is indeed heaven-defying."

Lu Ka grinned from the praise before commanding, "Hu, Xin, and Mu clan! Formation! As for you, Lu Fan, prepare to die!"

Lu Fan narrowed his eyes, "A mere paper tiger! Do you think you are the only one who has troops? Imperial Order! Assemble!"

Seemingly merged with the shadows, black-red robed guards disconnected themselves from their ethereal forms, in the darkness, and into corporeal beings.

Lu Ka sneered, "Whether or not I am a paper tiger. You will see it soon."

As soon as Lu Ka gave the order to attack, Lu Fan's troops also began to charge at Lu Ka's troops. From a bird's-eye view, a tide of white rushed to clash with a tide of black-red.