Chapter 20: Tunnel

In a brightly lit store, Vivian paced back and forth, beside the wooden counter, in her embroidered, light green robes. Her delicate complexion was occupied by crumpled creases between her eyebrows, brought on from incessant worrying. Behind the counter, little Hua yawned but did not say anything. It was not the time for casual remarks.

Like a sudden thunderclap, the closed shop doors burst open with Ye Tian's remaining group streaming into the room. Before any words, Ye Tian quickly closed the door just as fast as he had broken in.

At the sight of Lu Lan, Vivian's frown immediately ceased while her shoulders loosened.

"Big Sis Vivian!" Lu Lan cried out as she jumped into Vivian's bosom. Feeling Lu Lan's distress, Vivian comforted this poor kitten with a hug while Ye Tian warily looked around the store with all its lights on.

_She was expecting us?_

Noticing Ye Tian's scrutinization, Vivian explained, "I received information earlier about what had happened at the city lord's residence, so I was worried all night about Lu Lan."

Ye Tian nodded, "We have to escape now. Lu Sha is chasing us."

At the mention of that name, Vivian's face stiffened into a block of wood, "Little Hua can take you to the underground route. I'll keep Lu Sha busy."

Looking around, Vivian felt something was amiss, "You're not escaping with your squad?"


"Oh… I'm sorry..."

"No, it's fine."

Trying to steer away from the topic, Vivian walked behind the counter to take something out from one of the drawers. She took out a piece of paper, a brush, and a bottle of ink. After writing some things, Vivian took out a wooden medallion from another drawer. On the medallion, there was an engraving that said Windstom, Vivian's surname.

"This letter and medallion can help you guys get into the Rising Phoenix sect through the help of my uncle, Dor Windstom. Little Hua will escape with you guys and be your guide."

"But Miss! What about you!"

"I'll be fine. Go!"



It was one of the few times that little Hua had ever been yelled at. Without any more objections, she led Ye Tian's group away with misty eyes.

The five went into the dusty storage room and stopped in front of a seemingly normal, wooden box amidst other boxes. Then, Little Hua moved away the giant, wooden box to reveal a hatch.

"There's a one-way tunnel that should lead you to the outskirts."

After that, Little Hua handed Ye Tian a spirit stone lamp, charged with an unused spirit stone, and didn't move.

"You're not going to take the lead?" asked Ye Tian.

"Hmph, I'm not going to leave my miss."

For some reason, Ye Tian felt as if a dagger was further driven into his heart. Without many words, Ye Tian opened up the hatch. A blast of musty smell reminded Ye Tian of wet and old socks. One by one, the group descended through the dirt stairs to the underground tunnel.

Ye Tian lifted up the lamp to shine the surroundings. It was a narrow tunnel that was around two yards in width and 7 feet in height. Some wooden beams by the side that supported the tunnel, although Ye Tian didn't know if they were reliable.


Startled, Ye Tian turned around to see that little Hua had shut the hatch along with what little outside light there was.

_No choice but to move forward now…_