Chapter 29: Pride

Directly from Ye Tian, lay two men, one overweight, one thin. Draped in blue canvas with purple clouds, their decorations designated themselves as elders of Auskier. They sunk into their chairs comfortably while tasting tea, brought out by Ji Xuan. The cheaper kind. Her plain room, devoid of colors, made the tea more expensive.

They had come knocking on the Rising Phoenix sect's residence. What they came for, Ye Tian wasn't sure, but he was soon about to find out whether they were here to mock or talk.

"Haha, Ji Xuan hasn't changed at all in these years." a plump elder's voice laughed heartily. His words won the attention of Ye Tian as he glanced at Ji Xuan. She remained silent.

He went on, "And you must be the famed Elder Ye, the one who achieved elemental realm at a record-breaking, young age!"

_My feathers aren't ruffled that easily. Try harder._

His plump cheeks glowed vibrantly and white teeth shone blindingly. From his wide grin, Ye Tian felt a long-time family friend. Ji Xuan did not.

She gave a perfunctory smile, "Elder Hao's personality is still as energetic as ever."

The lack of reciprocity didn't affect him one bit as he smiled on, "These days I'm getting older and more laid-back."

Beside Elder Hao, the other man's brows twitched, breaking from a living statue. He couldn't be bothered by the small talk.

"Elder Hao, We are on serious matters," he reminded.

"Geez, way to ruin the mood," Elder Hao pouted. His impression didn't impress anyone.

"This is my junior, Elder Kun. He can be a little cold and unruly sometimes. I hope you guys can forgive him."

Elder Kun ignored Elder Hao and pressed on important matters, "The date for the Soaring Heroes competition has been moved forward."

"What?" Ji Xuan frowned. "It has never changed. Not even in my father's time."

Ye Tian cut in, "When and where did you get this information?"

"We just arrived today and were being guided to our residence when the guide had received a message from the city lord's servant." Elder Kun answered.

"It changed today? Odd." Ye Tian frowned.

Elder Hao agreed, "Right? Why did the city lord do such a ridiculous thing? The ceremonial banquet to begin the true Soaring Heroes competition requires the 4 sects to be here by tradition. What if one of our sects ran into issues while traveling? After all, we got delayed this time by demon beasts."

_Looks like they don't even take the first week seriously._

"You guys were also attacked?" Ji Xuan asked.

"This is the second matter I wished to talk about. We were continuously attacked throughout the journey by demon beasts. The situation has turned critical," Elder Kun frowned.

"Has the situation devolved into such a state?" Ji Xuan frowned. As a devout cultivator, she frequently indulged in closed-door cultivation for years at a time. Even the empire falling was recent to Ji Xuan as if it had happened yesterday.

Elder Hao shook his head, "It's terrible. Demon beasts run amok in almost all the provinces. I've already heard of over half the villages in the wild being wiped out. There are horrifying stories of mercenaries being sent out to check on a remote village that hasn't responded in a while. When the mercenaries arrived, all they found was a ghost village with skeletons piled up and gnawed clean. Similar stories can be found everywhere."

"In the provinces with fewer demon beast territories, refugees are filling cities. And in provinces with more territories, well, there are no refugees since they've all ended up as dinner in the middle of nowhere. Towns are falling. Cities are struggling. It's only a matter of time before..."

Elder Hao cut off. He didn't even want to think about what could happen next.

No one said anything. They were busy with their own possibilities. And these were the executives of major powers, the ones that controlled wind and rain, yet they sat there silently, uncertain and worried.

Ye Tian dived into his mind, trying to find memories of his books. One of them had been about demon beasts and their locations.

_Yang Mi province... How many demon beast territories were there? I think... 5?_

It was a large number when compared to other provinces which had 3 territories on average. However, on the high end of the spectrum, the province with the most territories had 7. Ye Tian shivered at the prospect of demon beasts overrunning the provincial capital.

It would mean the deaths of millions.


Zhang Qiang stopped at a wooden shed. It didn't stand out from other houses. The colors camouflaged the buildings into an uprooted version of the dirt streets. Or perhaps it was due to the darkness of evening that had painted everything black.

He reckoned the old building was so fragile that he could blow it down with a move or two. Besides the wreckage, there was a sewage smell.

In his hands, Zhang Qiang carried a leather bag which contained a fragrance that seeped out. From the corner of his eyes, he noticed that the boy frequently glanced at the bag. How the boy didn't lose his appetite was a miracle to Zhang Qiang.

"This is your house?"

Stung by Zhang Qiang's noticing, the boy embarrassedly turned his greedy gaze away and nodded.

Irritated by such a weak response, Zhang Qiang snapped, "Keep looking, don't turn away. It's yours."

He shoved the leather bag into the boy's hands. The latter was caught off guard by his outburst and stumbled backward.

Zhang Qiang blankly stared. He had used a little more strength than he had intended. Blaming his short fuse on the foul smell of feces, he acted as if nothing had happened.

"Let's enter first. The food there is for you and your grandmother."

The boy, although slightly resentful, led Zhang Qiang into the one-room house.

It was dark, but some holes had let in light. For the two, it was no problem. One was used to it, and the other was a cultivator.

Zhang Qiang noticed an old woman, in the corner, sitting on a rickety chair and weaving bamboo baskets. Beside her, a daily quota of bamboo was almost used up. The challenge to finish by night was accepted by her deft hands that materialized the basket in minutes. Her head lifted to see who had entered.

The old woman's eyes squinted and her wrinkles shifted upwards. She smiled, "Xiao Shun, you're back."

It struck Zhang Qiang. He had not even bothered to ask the kid's name. But he figured there was little need or reason. After all, this was just a simple, anonymous gift to some strangers that he would never see again.

"Grandmother! You need to use the stove or else you'll get sick from the cold."

Xiao Shun set the leather bag on a nearby wooden table

He then rushed to put wood into the stove by another corner. He kindled the flames with tiny pieces of flint and steel.

The grandmother's joy grew as she looked at Zhang Qiang, "Is this your friend?"

"Grandmother, he's… a good person. He brought us food."

Soon, the warmth started to flow throughout the tiny shack. The flames also helped provide lighting to the room.

After creating a comfortable environment, Xiao Shun took out a steamed bun for his grandmother. She took the bun and turned towards Zhang Qiang, "Thank you."

He returned a nod. The acknowledgment that they could begin feasting on what he had brought them.

The two sunk their teeth into the bun. But it was a small bite. Seeing them cheerfully nibble away, Zhang Qiang was at a loss. These buns didn't have any filling. It was just bread, but it was something the two cherished dearly.

"You're not suspicious of who I am? I could be a bad person."

"Why should we?" The grandmother smiled. "We have nothing."

Zhang Qiang was astounded by this blunt admittance of their own poverty. Few had the humility to put aside their pride and degrade themselves, especially in front of a stranger.

They were figments of his own past. His chin couldn't help but move slightly upwards with pride. He was the success story, an anomaly. The idol that mothers and fathers hung above their child's bed.

The grandmother's gaze was drawn towards Zhang Qiang's robes where a flamboyant phoenix spread its grand wings in arrogance and scorn towards the heavens. His gaze followed hers. A smirk couldn't help but tug the corners of his lips.

'Ask me who I am. Come on.'

To his disappointment, the grandmother didn't ask anything and went back to eating. He began to feel anger growing. Her dismissive attitude had triggered him.

'How dare you. Do you feel that you are better than me?'

He looked at the buns the two were savoring with all their attention. The soft, snow-white flesh of the bun was more important than the pride of his life.

'Is that more important than meeting a legendary cultivator, especially one that stands amongst other cultivators?!'

He couldn't take it anymore. His sanity was being drained. Something had to be done before he completely snapped.

Zhang Qiang asked, "Most would feel shame about their circumstances. I'm curious as to why you are so honest?"

The grandmother looked at Zhang Qiang for a moment, "Good question."

She looked towards the ceiling as if trying to remember something. Then, her eyes closed to reminiscence in memories before opening again.

"Pride controls us. It creates a persona that must be sated by lies. Lies that require sacrifices of who we truly are."

She looked at Zhang Qiang in the eyes. There was a certain type of sanity in hers that terrified him. It threatened and purified his very existence. At that moment, he felt stripped away of all his powers and will, "In my younger years, I have committed far too many mistakes."

The grandmother stroked Xiao Shun's hair and continued, "This is who I truly am, a poor peasant, in form and heart. Now, I just want to live out my remaining years with my dear grandson."

She looked at Zhang Qiang, "I hope you do not commit the same mistakes I made, young man. Throw it away."

He gulped. Had she noticed? Was it the slight tilt of the chin? The scorn that glinted past his eyes?


That night, Zhang Qiang lay in bed, awake. Guilt and regret flooded his mind as he recollected what he had done that day.

He had acted imprudently towards Xiao Shun and shown his pride.

There was no way he could sleep. It was on his mind.

He got up and left the house to find Lu Ning.

Knock! Knock!

Lu Ning opened his room's doors and held up a lamp to find Zhang Qiang standing there.

"What are you doing? It's midnight." Lu Ning yawned.

"I want to spar."

"But it's midnight."

"I want to spar."

"... Fine."

The two walked out into the open ground in the middle of the residence. Lu Ning rubbed his drowsy eyes and looked at Zhang Qiang to make sure he was Zhang Qiang. After all, Zhang Qiang had always tried to avoid practice and sparring. Today, he was actually seeking out this activity.

"You can come first," Lu Ning announced and got into his stance.

Zhang Qiang rushed forward as soon as Lu Ning had finished. He was itching for a fight. His abruptness jolted Lu Ning awake as he realized Zhang Qiang was serious.

Lu Ning deflected a punch to the chest. A second punch immediately arrived after. This time, it was to the face.

Lu Ning dropped down. The punch flew over his head.

Returning the favor, Lu Ning delivered an uppercut to Zhang Qiang's stomach.

The punch landed square in the center of Zhang Qiang's stomach.

It was soft.

Lu Ning was alarmed.

'This idiot didn't use qi to form a defense?!'

Zhang Qiang was sent crashing towards the ground. He rolled over and began to puke out his dinner.

Lu Ning rushed over with astonishment, "Why didn't you dodge?! Or at least use your qi for defense?!"

Zhang Qiang wheezed out, "You're good. You got me. Caught me with my pants down too."

"No, I didn't. You took that straight on."

"No, you're too fast. So fast that I couldn't even see the punch coming."

Lu Ning reached out his hand for Zhang Qiang, but he didn't grab it.

"I'm good. You can go now."

Lu Ning looked at Zhang Qiang with confusion before shaking his head and going back to his room. Whatever masochistic fetish that Zhang Qiang had, Lu Ning wanted none of it.

Zhang Qiang lay there.

'Damn, that felt good.'

The guilt and regret were gone. Everything was gone. Every emotion was no longer there. Only pain cleansed his mind. He lay there gasping for breath.

He knew what he had to do.


The shoddy door creaked open. The same old woman sat in the corner and weaved bamboo baskets. She looked up at the visitor and smiled, "I thought you weren't coming anymore?"

Zhang Qiang grinned, "If I don't bring you guys food then how am I supposed to feel good about myself?"

The grandmother frowned, "We don't need charity."

"It's not." He put down the leather bag onto the table. "It's our lunch."

He took out a bun and started biting into it. He handed another bun towards the grandmother. He had the choice to eat an extravagant lunch at the best restaurant using Ye Tian's money. But today he felt something else.

"Where's Xiao Shun?"

"He's out cutting wood."

"I'll go look for him. Do you know where he is?"

"If you walk down the street and make a right turn. You'll soon see where he works."

Zhang Qiang took the directions that were given by the grandmother. He walked through the busy markets. Soon, he came to a large open ground. Men with well-built bodies were glistening with sweat as they chopped wood in the middle of the afternoon.

In the middle of tens of these men, one fragile child with twigs for arms stood out of place. Yet, his strength was the polar opposite of what he looked like. His tiny arms grabbed a hold of the ax that was larger than him. He lifted it high above his head and swung down. A crisp thunk sounded the splitting of a log.

Zhang Qiang watched on with amazement. He was mistaken. The kid was no paper tiger as he had previously thought. Underneath that fragility, immeasurable toughness willed itself to raise the ax.

The other woodcutters took notice of this colorful visitor. One of the woodcutters, a large, muscular man, approached Zhang Qiang.

"May I know what this noble lord wants from us?"

Zhang Qiang looked past the man. Xiao Shun had taken notice of Zhang Qiang.

"Nothing, carry on."

Zhang Qiang left the woodcutting area and waited at the corner of a street right outside the area. He didn't want to trouble Xiao Shun with anything. The boy was bright enough to figure things out.

Minutes later, Xiao Shun turned around the corner.

"Why is mister here?"

"I brought lunch. Let's go eat it at your house."

"Hold on."

Xiao Shun left again for a moment before coming back.

"I don't normally leave at this time, so I had to ask boss Han."

Zhang Qiang nodded in understanding. The two walked down the busy street back to Xiao Shun's house. The two places weren't far apart, for Xiao Shun's own convenience.

"Does this boss Han treat you well?"

"Yeah, he was the only one who was willing to pay me well. Although he can be a little demanding sometimes, it's nothing I can't take."

"I see, that's good," Zhang Qiang looked at the chips of wood that stuck to Xiao Shun. "You know, I was once a woodcutter like you."

Xiao Shun's eyes transformed into full moons.

"Really?! No way! You're lying."

"It's true," Zhang Qiang chuckled. "I once lived in a small shed with my grandpa. He was… very different from your grandmother. He always pushed me to do things I didn't like, but those memories were the dearest to me when he… passed. So, treat your grandmother like treasure, okay? Because she is."

A wave of black suddenly knocked Xiao Shun out of vision. He was forcefully thrown onto the ground. As if unsatisfied, the blur let out a snort and continued to move. Onwatchers quickly moved out of the way.

"Hold it!" Zhang Qiang yelled out.

The silhouette of black stopped moving and turned around. He was a plain, average-looking youth. There was nothing special, except for his dead eyes that locked onto Zhang Qiang. On his black robes, long, curled lines, signifying gusts of wind, rose up from the bottom.

Zhang Qiang was no foreigner to those symbols. The Dark Wind sect.

"Roasted Chicken disciple, what do you want?"

Zhang Qiang knew the rumors about the Dark Wind sect. Their reputation was stained with cruel methods of throwing disciples into death matches for the strongest to emerge. Some even speculated that the sect was once a devil sect.

To even stop a Dark Wind disciple was enough to win Zhang Qiang the title of the bravest. But it was not enough to calm his anger.

"Watch where you're going!"

The Dark Wind disciple eyes narrowed, and he drew his sword.

"So you have chosen death."

Zhang Qiang looked at the approaching figure.

Nothing could save him. Status and backing were nothing in the present. The Dark Wind disciple merely had to cut him down and apologize to the sect. Zhang Qiang's pride had been crumpled and shoved straight up his ass.

He was truly fragile at this moment. Something he had thought he lost.

But fragility was not an excuse for inaction.

Zhang Qiang raised his fists. He hadn't brought a weapon with him.

The Dark Wind disciple could care less. His sect's teachings were to kill and win through any means possible.

Bystanders quickly retreated from the scene, leaving an open area for this fight. However, the fight would not happen as a middle-aged man, dressed in Dark Wind robes, walked into the open area.

"Luer, stop."

The Dark Wind disciple sheathed his sword and gave Zhang Qiang the death stare.

"Lucky. If we meet in the competition. You will not walk out alive."

Seeing the two leave, Zhang Qiang let out a breath of relief. He was certain that he would go down fighting today, but that wasn't the case.

Zhang Qiang looked at where Xiao Chun stood. The fall only left some scratches.

"Let's go," Zhang Qiang put on a smile as if everything was fine.