Chapter 13

A message had appeared on the noticeboard a few days later informing us that our first year flying lessons were coming soon.

This notice, however, has also triggered a lot of boasting much to my displeasure from across the school.

Ron and Draco especially, they were such a pain in the ass, I mean I can fly too, your not that special!

Currently, right now we were in our lessons and Hermione was spouting off hints and bits randomly to anyone who would listen, it got so bad. I had to interfere.

Adam- "Hermione I think that's enough, you're not really helping anyone with this."

Hermione glared at me,

Hermione- "What do you mean, Malfoy?"

Yes, she seems convinced that I was a dark wizard lord based on my family name Malfoy, for some reason, probably because of the books she's been reading.

Adam- "You can't just learn how to fly based on reading a book, Hermione. the same as learning how to ride a bike you actually have to do the do"

Hermione glare deepened at me before she stuck her nose up in the air and walked off.

Blaise- "Adam, I really don't know why you even bother, you should leave her be she's a lost cause."

I shrugged

Adam- "Meh, give her time, she'll learn through experience that books aren't always right."

Blaise- "Alright if you say so"

Blaise then went back to the Slytherin side while I stayed waiting. before I noticed embrues moms huge black eagle soaring through the sky towards me and dropped off a box.

when I opened them I smiled as I saw the box was full of Caldron cakes. gave it bacon before giving them to rose, who had developed some form. of addiction towards them. Especially the chocolate ones.

I sighed when I saw Draco approaching from the corner of my eye, stood up and went towards his destination before he did anything stupid.

Adam- "Excuse me"

I intercepted Dracos's hand before he could steal the ball from Neville's hands by grabbing his wrist.

Draco snatched his hand from my grip and gave me a glare that probably must have thought was withering to him.

McGonagall-"What be the problem?

Adam- "Nothing mam, just sibling drama is all"

I Ignored Draco scoff as I smiled innocently to her. before turning my attention back to Draco, who marched had just marched off.

???- "Thank you, Malfoy" I turned to see Neville looking at me with a grateful look.

I smiled softly

Adam- "No problem, me Adam"

Neville smiled slightly back.

Neville- ok, then you can call me Neville too."

Then suddenly much to my displeasure Ron came storming in with his mouth full of eggs and bacon.

Ron- "What the bloody hell are you doing here, Malfoy!"

I rolled my eyes.

Adam- "Meh, just stopping my brother's idiotic actions, "

Ron scoffed

Ron-"yeah right, why don't you go back to your own table then."

I shrugged

Adam-"I was about to do that anyways"

I turned toward Neville and said.

Adam- "It was nice talking to you Neville I hope I will see you later"

The Longbottom heir nodded before I went back to my table only to see rose licking the cake residue from her fingers.

It was 3:30 Pm and we had joined the rest if the Ravenclaws and Gryffindors hurrying down to the first flying lesson.

By the time we had arrived the Slytherin and the Hufflepuffs had already arrived.

I had heard some of them complaining that their brooms were vibrating or moving slightly to the left.

We had already taken our places by the time madam hooch arrived.

Hootch- "Well?/what are you all waiting for! everyone stand by a broomstick, hurry up."

The broomsticks in question were lying down on the ground in neat lines.

Hootch- "Now stick your right hand towards your broom and say up!"

Everyone complied and did what was told.

Everyone- "Up!"

When the broom flew into my hand it cracked in 2

Hootch- "Oh dear, not another one still at least it snapped while you were on the ground instead of on the air, please stay back me Malfoy you'll have to share with some of your classmates"

I nodded and she moved on to lecturing the other classmates.

While she was doing that I pushed magic to my feet and started to float gently in the air.

Flight magic was a pain in the ass to learn at first but I managed to get it done after tons of humiliating failures.

Who needs brooms when you can do this? to me, this was much more superior.

I turned my attention back to the rest of the group.

Hootch- "Now as I blow my whistle kick off from the ground, hard."

Nevile is slightly jumpy and very nervous kicked from the ground hard.

He shot up like a rocket.

Hootch- "Come back, boy!"

In which he was a few seconds later only uncontrollably

Adam- "Let me see"

I narrowed my eyes Imagining a big oversized pillow.

I pushed magic into my wand before A bolt of blue light shot from my wand enveloping the ground that Neville was about to crash in changing into a big comfortable pillow.

Neville crashed into it a few seconds later he was shaken but was alright.

Hooth - "Thank you Malfoy"

She shot me a grateful look before giving the other firm glance.

Hootch- "None of you is to move while I take him to the hospital."

she then marched off with Neville on her back towards the hospital.

Just then I saw Hermione march towards me and ask demanded with a frown on her face.

Hermione- "Why did you do that?!

Adam- "Why did I do what? help out? I did It because I want to, despite what the books say I am not a bad person.

She looked skeptical about It I rolled my eyes and payed attention to my brother who was starting to act like a troublesome bully.

Draco-" Did you see his face that big lump!"

Pavarti- "Shut up Malfoy!

Pansy- " Ooh~ sticking up to Longbottom now are you? Never thought you'd like fat little crybabies Pavarti"

Just then Draco seemed to notice something glittering in the grass and picked it up.

Draco- "look!"

Draco held the member and ball in his hand

Draco- "It's the stupid thing Longbottom's gran sent him."

I decided to step in as everyone grew quiet to watch.

Adam- "That's enough malfoy give me the ball and let me return it to Nevile, you are acting like a child."

Draco sneered at me

Draco- "Why I think not "Brother", why don't I put it up to where Longbottom can't reach, the top of the highest tree shall do nicely."

And with that, he took off. I waited before he was at the top of the highest tree branch and said with a tired sigh.

Adam- "troublesome brats Accio Remberand ball" (Sorry typo I fixed it I think.)

Draco yelped as the ball shot from his hand and flew to mind

Adam- "Here"

I handed the ball to a surprised looking Hermione.

Adam- Next time you see Neville you can give this to him"

Before heading back to join Rose with the rest of the Ravenclaw.