Chapter 19

The rest of the holidays we're fairly quiet after that day. Although I and rose would find ourselves back in the mirror room occasionally, we would always get out of there as quickly as it entered, and students had returned to school.

I and Rose and were confronted with a massive book after Hermione had dragged us to the library.

I eyed the huge book curiously.

Ádam- "What is this for?"

Hermione- " Do you remember what you told me about Nicolas Flamel?"

I nodded and she sighed.

Hermione- "Well, he is the one responsible for the creation of the philosophers stone, you were right."

I nodded again

Adam- "very good, your double-checking the information."

Hermione shrugged.

Hermione- "It was pretty much as you said, so not really, at least we know what snapes after and who's guarding it."

I and Rose exchanged glances.

Adam- "Why do you and Neville think snapes trying to it anyway?"

Hermione- "We saw Snape with a bite wound right after he tried to kill you and rose in the Quidditch match after Halloween."

Adam sighed.

Adam- "What about fluffy? I already know that I won't convince you otherwise about snape as I had my doubts about him and I know I won't make even a dent in your mind about it."

Hermione blushed.

Hermione- "Well after the incident with the remerand ball Your brother had come over and started making a scene Ron lost his temper and challenged him to a duel, I had tried to convince him not too but he ignored me and ended up locked out of the tower. Neville had forgot to the password so we had decided stay with Ron instead.*

Adam- "I could only guess Draco didn't show up and sent either snape or Flitwick instead? thus having you run up the third floor on accident?"

Hermione nodded

Adam- " Then he is really lucky that duel wasn't official then, that troublesome brat, his the stupidity must be from father Draco is ao similar to him it's scary."

Rose looked on interested.

Rose- "Why?"

Adam- "Well think of it this way, if he didn't show that means that it was a huge loss and a stain to your honor. their rear à chance magic might demand to pay a price for not showing...To be honest I didn't think Draco would be this stupid"

Hermione-"That sounds a bit harsh."

I shrugged

Adam- "It's the truth, Magic normally is harsh. Balance is what Magic is all about, that's why seers and prophets exist, along with rituals and Alchemy. there is a certain humor to it as well."

Rose- "It kinda sounds like magics Alive"

Adam- "Meh, I wouldn't go that far."

Although I have stories where Magic is actually a sentinel being, along with Hogwarts. could magic be a person? After the stuff that I had experienced over the could be possible in this world especially since more mythology exist and I am a reincarnator? anything is possible right?

Later on, much to my displeasure, I had also gotten dragged to yet another Quidditch match by rose with the rest of my friends.

This time, however, it was the Gryffindors vs the Huffulepuffs.

Beçausc of what happened with Snape Hermione and Neville were very worried

I wasn't I was stronger than last time does to my mindscape training and I was prepared for anything that was thrown at me.

The Griffyndors seems to have something up their sleeve if their whispering's where anything to go by.

Draco, it seems like he's learning as he had also made its way towards us but turned when he had seen me. I wonder how long that'll last."

It was also interesting to see snape gove out as many penalties as he can for very silly reasons. He still has. a grudge against the Gryffindors unfortunately, so it looks like I had been wrong with my assessment.

at the end of the game the Hufflepuff we're declared victory against the Gryffindor.

mainly due to the fact that Diggory was a lot better ad the seeker job than ton or mclaggin.

And once again Ronald and my brother had landed in detention due fighting against each other.

They're starting to get very predictable, the they do the same thing again and again when they face each other.